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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

IELTS 8 W:7.5
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Узбекистан, Английский
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Not Pam😅

Silaniyam har 10 minuteda telegramda profile nomini o'zgartirib yuradigan tanishilar bormi😅

OK, but why?

Bir tanishim bor edi, ota onasi ajrashgan edi. Ikkita og'ildan kattasi dada bilan kichkinasi ona bilan qolgandi. Aka uka bir birini juda yaxshi korishar, qollab quvvatlashardi.

Men akasi bilan do'st edim, ismi Abdulaziz edi. Uyida qolardim, enasi va dadasi bilan yashardi.

Uyida ovqat qilish uchun yetarli pul va produkta bolmagan paytida, enam uzum terib yenglar, uzumda "gulkoz"(glyukoza) bor derdilar😅

Judayam begubor ena edilar, hozir tiriklarmi, yo'qmi bilmayman. Abdulazizda bazida oyogiga kiyish uchun oyoq kiyimi bolmasdi, lekin bor oyoq kiyimini tikib, yamab kiyardi. Otasi juda qattiq qolligidan pul sorashga qorqardi menimcha!

Lekin kongli toza, oq-qorani ajratadigan bola edi. Kam ovqat yesa ham juda baquvvat bola edi. Oqimasa ham bilimli edi, hayolimda. Chiroyli kiyinmasa ham, korkam bola edi.

Undan o'rgangan narsalarimdan biri, hech qachon nolimaslik. Hamma narsani yaxshirogini qidirgandan kora, ozingda bor narsalarni qadrini korabilish muhum.

If something is not moving forward, it is falling behind.

It is up to you whether or not it goes forward.


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I love the noise they make😘

Insights from my stories section.

Not bad, huh?

An old friend😊


My dating advice to girls😎

Girls, If you want to make your boyfriend hate you, talk to him about another guy😂

The graphs give information about students aiming at becoming researchers in universities in Australia between 2001 and 2010.

In 2001, the total number of students was 38.849, 33.657(87%) of which were local, while 5.192(13%) were international. The percentage of local male students stood at 44%, whereas their female counterparts made up 43% of the total. Similarly, on an international level, the figure for males was higher than that of females, 9% compared to 4%.

In 2011, a similar pattern could be observed. Made up of 39.488(73%) local students and 14.593(27%) international students, there were 54.081 research students in total. Local male students accounted for 38% and females 35% of the whole. However, non-local female students outnumbered non-local male ones, constituting 15% and 12% respectively.

In summary, although both of their proportions increased significantly over the period given, the number of local students was consistently higher than that of international ones. As for gender-based statistics, Australian male students always had a higher proportion than females of the same nationality. In contrast, albeit outclassed numerically by men in 2001, non-local female students exceeded men in quantity in 2010.

#mixedtype #classwork


Sleeping is for cowards 🗿

We are here to take over💯👑

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The legend

Where is my sleep gone?

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Gone are the days when I had my heart devoted to her!

Just a sentence 😂

Показано 20 последних публикаций.