UDEA talabalari uchun Buyuk Britaniyadagi yozgi maktab: Koventri Universiteti sizni kutmoqda!
🤩Bu yoz sizni butunlay o‘zgartiradigan safarga tayyormisiz? Aynan barcha
UDEA talabalarimiz uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!
Skills for International Global Leaders yozgi maktabida ishtirok etib, yetakchilik va madaniyatlararo muloqot ko‘nikmalaringizni yangi bosqichga olib chiqing!
Asosiysi, yozgi maktab orqali dunyoga tanilgan Koventri Universiteti atmosferasini, qulayliklari va afzalliklarini o’z ko’zingiz bilan ko’rish imkoniyatiga ega bo’lasiz🔹20 soatlik interaktiv seminarlar
🔹Real hayotiy "Case study"lar, qizg‘in jamoaviy loyihalar!
🗣Bundan tashqari,
Warwick Castle, London va Oxfordga unutilmas ekskursiyalar sizni kutmoqda. Hammasi – 11 kecha joylashuv, The Hub’da nonushta va tushlik, shuningdek, muhim joylarga transport xizmati bilan birga taqdim etiladi.
✍️Bu imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang! Safarimizga qo‘shilish uchun
HAVOLA orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting. ‼️Eslatib o'tamiz, ushbu safar imkoniyati faqat UDEA talabalari uchun va bizda joylar soni cheklangan
🎓UDEA – Biz yorqin kelajakka yo'llanma beramiz!>>>
Summer school for UDEA students in the United Kingdom: Coventry University is waiting for you!🤩 Are you ready for a summer journey that will transform you? An incredible opportunity awaits—exclusively for all UDEA students!
⚡️ Join our
Skills for International Global Leaders Summer School and elevate your leadership and intercultural communication skills to new heights!
Through the summer school, you'll have the opportunity to experience the world-renowned atmosphere, facilities, and advantages of Coventry University firsthand🔹 20 hours of interactive seminars
🔹 Real-life case studies and dynamic team projects!
🗣Excursions to Warwick Castle, London, and Oxford. Enjoy
11 nights of accommodation, plus breakfast and lunch at The Hub, along with seamless transport to key destinations.
✍️ Don’t let this chance slip away! Click the
LINK to register and kickstart your journey.‼️ Remember, this opportunity is exclusively for UDEA students and spots are limited.
🎓 UDEA - We guide you to a brighter future!🌎
udea.uz 📞 78-888-08-00