Sardor Sultonov | IT

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Технологии

IT Blog
ITga oid shaxsiy fikrlarim...
Va dasturlashni o'rganmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun maslahatlar va foydali manbalarni ulashib boraman...
Simple Developer😜

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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2025 - yilni samarali o'tqizishingizga yordam beradigan top 6ta chatgpt prompti.

1. Kundalik reja yaratish:
“Mening bugungi maqsadlarim: [maqsadlarni yozing]. Ularni maksimal samaradorlik bilan qanday amalga oshirishim mumkin?”

2. Qobiliyatni rivojlantirish:
“Men [soha nomi] bo‘yicha tajribamni oshirmoqchiman. Menga kunlik o‘rganish jadvali va zarur resurslarni tuzib bering.”

3. Murakkab muammoni yechish:
“[Muammo yoki vaziyatni tasvirlang]. Bu muammoni mantiqiy va ijodiy yondashuvda qanday hal qilishim mumkin?”

4. Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar uchun kontent:
“Men [Instagram yoki boshqa platforma] uchun [tema] bo‘yicha qiziqarli va foydali kontent yaratmoqchiman. Iltimos, o‘quvchilarni jalb qiluvchi yozuvlar va post rejalari taklif qiling.”

5. Motivatsiya olish:
“Men o‘z maqsadlarimga erishish uchun ko‘proq motivatsiyaga muhtojman. Menga qiziqarli va kuchli ilhomlantiruvchi gaplar bilan yordam bering.”

6. Daromadni oshirish g‘oyalari:
“Mening hozirgi malakalarim: [malakalarni sanang]. Ushbu bilimlar asosida qanday qilib qo‘shimcha daromad topishim mumkin?”


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Shunaqa ideal mijozlarni qayerdan topsa bo'lar ekan-a😅?


Репост из: Josh*Developer

Yakshanba kuni, 22-dekabr soat 14:00 da, "Pinterest" kompaniyasida Senior Software Engineer Diyorbek Sadullayev bilan intervyu uyushtiramiz.

Intervyuni o’zim(@JoshDeveloper) va Shahzod aka Tursunov olamiz.

Intervyu Umumiy Frontend’dan bo’lib o’tadi. Imkon qadar chuqurlashamiz 😉

Jonli efirga LINK.

O’tkazib yubormang, ulashishni esa unutmang ✔️



Репост из: Nuruddin Blogs
Be a software engineer.


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Bir savalanishga tayyor bo'selar,
Chat Gpt ga shu matnni jo'nating:

Roast me as hard as you can based on everything you know about me. Don’t hold back even a little bit. I can take it all.

O'zbekcha yozib berishini hohlaselar ohiriga "in uzbek" qo'shib qo'yila.



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Репост из: Sardor Sultonov
Hello everyone🖐

I’m a software engineer. Many people know me from my IT blog. For those who don’t, my name is Sardor, I’m 18 years old, and I’m a programmer.

Currently, I’ve started working as a solo startup founder. I enjoy developing IT startup projects, so I’ve taken it up as a hobby alongside my main job.

Previously, I had a bit of knowledge about AI programming. Now, I’ve started learning AI more seriously because I want to integrate AI into my startup projects.

That’s about it, and I just wanted to share this with you all...

Репост из: Mabrur - IT Blog 🇵🇸
Bugundan boshlab Gemini, ChatGPT, Claude bilan gaplashishdan oldin salom beramiz, har bir javobi uchun rahmat aytamiz, kechqurun bo'lar-bo'lmas savollar bilan bezovta qilmaymiz.

Ertaga nimadir isyon ko'tarsa ro'yxatni eng tepasida bo'lib qolmay deymanda

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Shunaqa "chill guy" do'stilarga yuborib qo'ying...


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POV: Qachonki o'tirib bir ishga fokus qilolmaganimdagi men..😅


📚 API Testing and Development with Postman: API creation, testing, debugging, and management made easy (2024)

©Dave Westerveld


Репост из: the Ayteshnik (c)
🚀 Simplify JavaScript Error Handling with the Safe Assignment Operator (?=)

JavaScript’s Safe Assignment Operator (?=) is redefines how we handle errors, with [error, result] tuples and custom logic through Symbol.result!

📖 Read more about it below!


Lessons learned after years in Software Development 💡

1️⃣ Master the basics first
Early on, I focused too much on shiny new frameworks. Over time, I realized that having strong core JavaScript skills makes everything else easier. Frameworks change, but the fundamentals don’t.

2️⃣ Talk to people, not just your computer
Tech is a team sport. Whether it’s brainstorming with teammates or explaining things to non-technical stakeholders, good communication can make or break a project.

3️⃣ Never stop learning
Technology moves FAST. I make it a habit to spend time each week learning something new—whether that’s improving my AWS skills or diving deeper into how AI can power apps.

4️⃣ Mistakes are okay
I used to worry about getting everything perfect. Now I know: mistakes are just part of the process. Every bug or failed deployment teaches you something new.

5️⃣ Automate the boring stuff
Whether it’s setting up CI/CD pipelines or writing scripts to handle repetitive tasks, automation has saved me tons of time—and headaches!

6️⃣ Write code for humans, not machines
Fancy, over-optimized code might seem impressive, but it’s no fun to debug later. Write code that your future self (or your team) will thank you for.

7️⃣ Celebrate the small wins
Whether it’s shipping a big feature, solving a tricky bug, or learning a new shortcut in your IDE—every step forward matters.

Source: LinkedIn


Репост из: Foydali Moliya

🛫 Telegramda "Falonchi sizga 1 yillik Telegram Premium sovgʻa qildi. Havola orqali sovgʻani faollashtiring" mazmunli virusli xabar keng tarqalmoqda.

👀 Agar sizga shunday "xushxabar" kelib qolsa, aslo havola ustiga bosa koʻrmang. Buzgʻunchilar sizning shaxsiy hududingizga kirib olishlari mumkin.

🔔 Ogoh boʻling va yaqinlaringizni ham xabardor qilishni unutmang!

🔝 @foydali_moliya

Репост из: dev girl 🎀
Agar sohangizda muvaffaqiyatga erishmoqchi bo’lsangiz, ustozingizni qahramon sifatida ko’ring va qadam tashlashda, ularning yo’llaridan yurishda davom eting.

Dasturlash bo’yicha bittayu bitta ustozim bor, ular men uchun qahramon.

Репост из: Sardor Sultonov
Birinchi qor bilan do'stlar❄️

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