SpeakUp by Edumo

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Курсы и гайды
Фильтр публикаций

What are some of the things that you can cook?

I am not a skilled cook, I only know the basics, like fried egg and boiled veggies. The sad thing is, I can’t even make these dishes very well. Most of the time, they would be either undercooked or burnt.

✅Do you like cooking?

I am not interested in cooking, nor do I have a gift for it. However, I do enjoy watching cooking shows on TV, Master Chef for example, since I love seeing footage of food being prepared.

✅How often do you cook?

I don’t cook on a daily basis; just when my mom, who is in charge of cooking, is on a business trip. To me, cooking is not a pleasure, but rather a chore, so I don’t do it very often.

✅What dishes are you best at cooking?

I can proudly say that instant noodles is my signature dish. I have cooked it so many times that I know all the necessary techniques to make a restaurant- quality bowl of noodles

Speaking Part 1
Who is your first teacher
Kun tartibingizni tasvirlang
Sizda biroz uy xayvonlari bormi

Speaking Part 2
Restaron va uyda ovqatlanish rasimni tasvirlash
Restaurantlarning afzalik tomonlari
Nega ko'pchilik uyda ovqatlanishni afzal ko'radi.

Speaking Part 2
Sizning hursand bo'lgan vaqtingizni tasvirlang.

Speaking Part 3
Kitoblar kinolardan ko'ra yaxshiroq

Speaking Part 1.
Tell me about your favourite teacher?
Where do live in a house or a flat?
What do you do on weekends?

Speaking Part 1.2:
1-People on bus, 2- A family in a car
Questions: 1,Advantages driving a car? 2. Why do people prefer public transport?

Speaking Part 2: 1,tell secret 2, reliable person 3, people who trust ... others too much get hurt (shunga oʻxshash)

Speaking Part 3: The death punishment is to reduce crime rate

✅️15.02.2025 | 1-smena


1. Archeological Dig Zone
2. Medieval Fortress
3. Gadden of Traditions
4. Cultural Marketplace
5. Ancient Library

- Rassomchilikka e'tibor bermeslar :)

✅️15.02.2025 | 1-smena


30. anyone
31. false
32. exposure
33. protests
34. balanced
35. accounts

✅️15.02.2025 | 1-smena


Extract 1

1. What do they disagree about?
- Music concert
2. What's the woman doing?
- Complaining

Extract 2

3. The man doesn't......
- know Marthe well
4. The woman is stopping him from....
- Taking smth

Extract 3

5. What is the relationship between speakers?
- a married couple
6. How does the woman feel about him?
- sympathetic about hid problems

✅️15.02.2025 | 1-smena


S1 - She is my best friend
S2 - Some people don't like my friend
S3 - I don't see her very often
S4 - We are not friends anymore


Q7. Tree planting Course → care about plants, build trees, growing
Q8. Power & Fitness Club → encourage children to stay healthy and exercise
Q9. SOS skills → basic helping others
Q10. Creative Skills → painting, drawing skills
Q11. Melodic Tools, tune → a variety of musical instruments to learn
Q12. Domestic animal care → want to teach about how to care for pet animals
Q13. Team challenge → teamwork on problem-solving situations
Q14. Cooking → Baking & Pastry Club → interested in cooking



Writing Task 1 - 15.02.2025: 1-smena

You are planning to have a family celebration at a hotel and need some information about the facilities and the services.
Write a letter to the hotel manager. In your letter:

- inform them about the date and type of celebration you are planning
- ask for details about the facilities and services available for such an event
- request a price list for the services provided

✅ Writing Task 2 - 15.02.2025: 1-smena

Some people believe that increasing the tax on unhealthy food is the best way to encourage people to eat healthier.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Fevral imtihon ruxsatnomalari e’lon qilindi

✅O’z ruxsatnomangizni yuklashni bilmasangiz yo’riqnomani ko’rish orqali my.gov.uz sayt kabinetingizdan yuklang

Xarita (map) vazifalari uchun ishlatiladigan foydali predloglar va lug'atlar. Bu so'zlar va ifodalar xarita tavsiflashda, joylashuvlarni ko'rsatishda va yo'nalishlarni berishda juda foydali bo'ladi.

▎Foydali Predloglar va Lug'atlar

1. above - yuqorida

2. across - narigi tomonda

3. adjacent to - yaqinida

4. along - bo'ylab

5. among - orasida

6. around - atrofida

7. at the corner of - burchagida

8. at the intersection of - kesishmasida

9. behind - ortida

10. between - o'rtasida

11. beyond - narida

12. by - yaqinida

13. close to - yaqinida

14. down - pastga

15. east of - sharqida

16. facing - qarama-qarshi

17. in front of - oldida

18. in the middle of - o'rtasida

19. inside - ichkarida

20. into - ichiga

21. near - yaqinida

22. next to - yonida

23. north of - shimolida

24. opposite - qarama-qarshi

25. out of - dan tashqarida

26. outside - tashqarisida

27. over - ustidan

28. past - o‘tgan, oldidan

29. south of - janubida

30. through - orqali

31. to the left of - chap tomonida

32. to the right of - o'ng tomonida

33. toward(s) - tomon, tarafga

34. under - ostida

35. up - yuqoriga

36. within - ichida

▎Foydali Lug'atlar

1. landmark - diqqatga sazovor joy, mo'ljal

2. intersection - kesishma

3. road - yo'l

4. street - ko'cha

5. avenue - avenyu, keng ko'cha

6. square - maydon

7. park - park

8. river - daryo

9. lake - ko'l

10. building - bino

11. bridge - ko'prik

12. crossroad - kesishma joyi

13. traffic light - svetofor

14. roundabout - aylana yo'l

15. pathway - yo'l, poydevor

16. entrance - kirish joyi

17. exit - chiqish joyi

18. facility - inshoot, ob'ekt

19. area - hudud, zona

20. zone - zona

▎Qo'shimcha Ifodalar

1. located in the center of... - ...markazida joylashgan

2. to the north/south/east/west of... - ...shimol/janub/sharq/g'arb tomonida

3. surrounded by... - ...atrofida o'rab olingan

4. directly opposite to... - ...qarama-qarshi joylashgan

5. alongside... - ...yonida, birga


Репост из: Bilimni baholash agentligi
#natija_chet tili

⚡️ Chet tili imtihoni natijalari e’lon qilindi

✅ 2025-yil 19-yanvardan 31-yanvarga qadar bo‘lib o‘tgan chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovi natijalari e’lon qilindi.

👨🏻‍💻 Test natijalari my.gov.uz saytida e’lon qilingan bo‘lib, talabgorlar "Mening arizalarim" bo‘limidan o‘z natijalari bilan tanishishlari mumkin.

📱 Test sinovidan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgan talabgorlar o‘z sertifikatlarini my.gov.uz sayti orqali elektron tarzda yuklab oladilar.

❗️O‘z natijasidan norozi bo‘lgan talabgorlar 812-fevral kunlari my.gov.uz sayti orqali apellatsiya shikoyati berishlari mumkin. Apellatsiya shikoyati ikki hafta ichida ko‘rib chiqiladi.

✔️ Agentlikning rasmiy sahifalari:
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Part 3 Speaking sample

Super important collocations

➡️ Work in retail - savdoda ishlamoq (masalan: do’konda, marketda)

➡️ Work in construction - qurilishda ishlamoq

➡️ Work in hospitality - turizm va xizmat ko’rsatishda ishlamoq (asosan mehmoxona va restoranda)

➡️ Work in logistics - logistika sohasida ishlamoq

➡️ Work in real estate - ko’chmas mulk sohasida ishlamoq (asosan uy olib sotish)

➡️ Work in government - hukumatda ishlamoq (davlat sektorida ishlamoq)

150 most common IELTS spelling mistakes in Listening

Today's Speaking Questions

Exam date: 23.01.2025

Speaking Part 1.1:
1. Do you have a large family or small?
2. What do you do at home?

Speaking Part 1.2:
online va traditional education

Speaking Part 2:
Describe the period when you felt freedom

Speaking Part 3: Taxes between countries for/against

PART 3 Speaking Template

There is an ongoing debate whether (advertisements that advertise fast food should be banned) [question will be altered]. Now we will discuss pros and cons of this trend.

Advertising such products offers numerous advantages. One is that ______________________________ (idea 1). Another is that ______________ (idea 2).
Besides these, ___________ (idea 3)

On the other hand, this development had some downsides as well. Firstly, _________________ (idea 1). Secondly, ________ (idea 2). Lastly, _______ (idea 3)

Some people think that travelling is the best way to learn about different cultures, while other think we can about cultures through books, movies and the Internet.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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