Lesson 30
Future Perfect Simple tense
Ingliz tilida kelajakda biror ishni tugatib qo'yishingizni bildirish imkonini beradigan zamonlar ham bor, bu zamon esa Future Perfect simple tense zamonidir. Masalan, siz ertaga kechqurun 7 gacha hamma ishlarimni bajarib bo'laman desangiz, aynan mazkur zamonni qo'llaysiz. Ushbu gap ingliz tilida quyidagicha yoziladi.
📌I will have finished all my works by 7 o'clock tomorrow evening.
Demak, mazkur zamon fe'li kelajakda biror-bir vaqtga borib tugallanadigan ish-harakatni bildiradi.
Ushbu zamon egadan so'ng will have+Past Participle (verb III) yoki -ed qoʻshimchasi qoʻshilgan asosiy fe'ldan yasaladi.
Darak gap:
📌 I will have eaten/ worked.
📌 He/she/it will have eaten/ worked.
📌 We/you/they will have eaten/worked.
Inkor gap:
📌 I will not have eaten/ worked.
📌 He/she/it will not have eaten/ worked
📌 We/you/they will not have eaten/worked.
So'roq gap:
📌 Will I have eaten/ worked?
📌 Will he/she/it have eaten/ worked?
📌 Will we/you/they have eaten/worked?
Qo'llanish holatlari:
1. by … + kelasi zamondagi payt ravishi bilan:
📌 I will have read this book by the end of this week. (Men bu kitobni shu hafta oxirigacha o'qib bo'laman.)
📌 I will have achieved all my dreams by the year 2021.
2. before/by the time + kelajakdagi ish-harakat bilan qo'llaniladi.
📌 Will you have done homeworks before your teacher comes? (O'qituvching kelgunicha uyga vazifalaringni bajarib bo'lgan bo'lasanmi?)
📌 By the time she finishes her essay she will have worked for two hours.
Lesson 30
Future Perfect Simple tense
Ingliz tilida kelajakda biror ishni tugatib qo'yishingizni bildirish imkonini beradigan zamonlar ham bor, bu zamon esa Future Perfect simple tense zamonidir. Masalan, siz ertaga kechqurun 7 gacha hamma ishlarimni bajarib bo'laman desangiz, aynan mazkur zamonni qo'llaysiz. Ushbu gap ingliz tilida quyidagicha yoziladi.
📌I will have finished all my works by 7 o'clock tomorrow evening.
Demak, mazkur zamon fe'li kelajakda biror-bir vaqtga borib tugallanadigan ish-harakatni bildiradi.
Ushbu zamon egadan so'ng will have+Past Participle (verb III) yoki -ed qoʻshimchasi qoʻshilgan asosiy fe'ldan yasaladi.
Darak gap:
📌 I will have eaten/ worked.
📌 He/she/it will have eaten/ worked.
📌 We/you/they will have eaten/worked.
Inkor gap:
📌 I will not have eaten/ worked.
📌 He/she/it will not have eaten/ worked
📌 We/you/they will not have eaten/worked.
So'roq gap:
📌 Will I have eaten/ worked?
📌 Will he/she/it have eaten/ worked?
📌 Will we/you/they have eaten/worked?
Qo'llanish holatlari:
1. by … + kelasi zamondagi payt ravishi bilan:
📌 I will have read this book by the end of this week. (Men bu kitobni shu hafta oxirigacha o'qib bo'laman.)
📌 I will have achieved all my dreams by the year 2021.
2. before/by the time + kelajakdagi ish-harakat bilan qo'llaniladi.
📌 Will you have done homeworks before your teacher comes? (O'qituvching kelgunicha uyga vazifalaringni bajarib bo'lgan bo'lasanmi?)
📌 By the time she finishes her essay she will have worked for two hours.