Shokhrukh's diary

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Positive mind/vibe/life🍃
Here I share:
▫️my thoughts
▫️and many more...
Khiva PS '22🇺🇿
University of Birmingham '26 🇬🇧
BEng Materials science and engineering 🧬

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Hammasi hazil edi, hali ham Birminghamdaman)

Aslida esa eng yaqin o'rtoqlarimdan biri, uydoshim, chala britaniyalik do’stimiz Muhammadazizni kuzatgani chiqgan edik. Hamma yaxshi-yomon kunlarimizga rozi bo’lasiz. Kelgusi o’qish va ishlaringizda omad yor bo’lsin!

Welcome to America🇺🇸

149 0 3 14 11

Репост из: if
💥 SAT'dan mustaqil tayyorlanib, 1500+ olish uchun resurlar jamlanmasi.

Yo'qotib qo'ymaslik uchun saqlab oling, yoki SAT'ga tayyorlanib yurgan do'stingizga ulashib qo'ying )

1. Khan academy - Khan Academy platformasidagi bepul “Digital SAT” kursini to‘liq ko‘rib chiqing!

2. Crack SAT - 100dan oshiq bepul SAT testlar ombori.

3. Youtebe - SAT bo'yicha mashhur kanallarni kuzating.

4. Kitoblar - Erica Meltzer'ning SAT imtihoniga mo‘ljallangan kitoblarini o‘qib chiqing.

5. SAT panda - bepul SAT testlari.

👉 @iF_Platform
Dastur haqida batafsil:


“What Ivan knows that Johnny doesn’t”

1961-yilda Stenford universiteti olimi, akademik Arter Storri Treys tomonidan yozilgan ushbu kitobda AQSh va Sovet maktab tizimlari va darsliklari solishtirilgan. Bunda har qaysi tizimning o’ziga yarasha ustunlik va kamchiliklari yoritilgan.

Misol uchun Sovet tizimi individuallikni emas, balki kollektiv manfaat va milliy maqsadlar yo‘lida ishlashni targ‘ib qilgan. Bu yondashuv texnik jihatdan malakali ishchi kuchini tayyorlagan bo‘lsa-da, ijodiy fikrlash va erkin fikr bildirish imkoniyatini cheklagan, bu esa o‘quvchilarning mustaqil fikrlash qobiliyatini rivojlantirishda to‘siq bo‘lgan. Amerika ta’lim tizimi bilan solishtirilganda, Treysning fikriga ko‘ra, Amerika tizimi individuallik va ijodkorlikni rivojlantirishga ko‘proq urg‘u beradi, lekin texnik ko‘nikmalar bo‘yicha ancha qolishadi.

Boshqa misol keltiradigan bo’lsam, Sovet tizimida boshlang’ich sinfdanoq darsliklarda vatanparvarlik, oila va do’stlik mavzulariga juda katta e’tibor qaratilgan. Turli hikoyalarda sovet qahramonlari, tarixiy yutuqlari ulug’langanligi, oilaga bo’lgan sadoqat ba’zida davlatga bo’lgan sadoqatdan ikkinchi o’rinda turishi ko’rsatilgan bo’lib, bolalarda sotsialistik va kommunistik g’oyalar yoshlikdan shakllantirilgan. Amerikada ham bu mavzular darsliklarda bor edi, lekin unda ko’proq shaxsiy erkinlik va demokratiya kabi ideologiyalar o’rgatilgan deyiladi kitobda.


1960-yilda psixolog Robert Rozental va maktab direktori Lenore Jeykobson klassikaga aylangan va oʻsha paytdan beri hozirgacha koʻp marta takrorlangan ajoyib bir tadqiqot oʻtkazadilar.


Boshlangʻich sinf oʻquvchilariga standart IQ testi topshiriladi. Bolalar test savollariga javob berishadi va ularning natijalari oʻzlariga emas, oʻqituvchilarga keyinroq e'lon qilinadi. Tajriba maqsadida ekspertlar yolgʻon gapirishadi – ya'ni, ular oʻqituvchilarga test oddiy IQ testi emasligi, balki kelgusida  intellektual‌ yutuqlarga erishadigan oʻquvchilarni aniqlashga qaratilgani aytiladi.

Oʻqituvchilarga testdan yuqori natija bilan oʻtganlar roʻyxati beriladi. Buni iqtidorli, potensial daholar roʻyxati deb aytishadi. Aslida, potensial daholar tasodifiy tanlangan.


Oʻquv yili oxirida “alohida iqtidorli” deb topilgan oʻquvchilar haqiqatda boshqalardan yaxshi natijaga erishdilar. Ularning yutuqlari barcha sohalarda qolganlarga nisbatan sezilarli darajada ilgʻor boʻldi.

Keyinchalik bu tadqiqot butun dunyo boʻylab qayta-qayta oʻtkazildi va har safar natija bir xil boʻldi: oʻqituvchilar va ota-onalar alohida ishonadigan bolalar ancha kuchliroq va aqlli boʻlishdi. 

Bundan tashqari, tadqiqot boshqa sohalarda ham amalga oshirildi: biznes va harbiy tadqiqotlarda. Barcha tadqiqotlardan bitta xulosa olindi: boshqa insonlarning biz haqimizdagi ishonganlari bizning natijamizga juda kuchli ta'sir qiladi.

Xulosa: farzandlaringizga ishoning! Agar siz ishonmasangiz, unda ularga kim ishonadi?



University is probably the period when one learns more about themselves rather than what they came to study for.

University is often seen as a place to gain expertise in a chosen field, be it science, arts, business, or engineering. However, ask any graduate what they truly took away from the experience, and you’ll likely find their answer goes far beyond the pages of textbooks. University is, in many ways, a transformative period where students not only acquire knowledge but also delve into self-discovery. It’s a time for students to explore their identities, values, and ambitions, learning lessons about life and themselves that shape who they become.

One of the most profound aspects of university life is the transition to independence. For many students, university is their first experience living away from home, taking on responsibilities that previously might have been shared or managed by family members. This newfound independence encourages students to learn crucial life skills, from budgeting to cooking, time management, and handling everyday stress. As they navigate these responsibilities, students begin to understand their strengths and weaknesses, develop a personal sense of discipline, and build resilience.

With independence also comes the realisation of one’s accountability. At university, students are responsible for their academic outcomes, lifestyle choices, and social interactions. This environment fosters self-reliance. In learning to handle these responsibilities, you often discover valuable aspects of your character, such as your capacity for self-motivation, adaptability, and problem-solving.

University is a rare period where students have access to a wealth of resources, clubs, organisations, and extracurricular activities that allow them to explore interests outside their main field of study. Whether it’s joining a sports team, a debate club, volunteering, or learning a musical instrument, these experiences provide insights into what students truly enjoy and value. Many students discover hidden talents or interests they may never have pursued otherwise.

University life is also marked by a diversity of people from various cultural, social, and economic backgrounds. Interacting with people who have different perspectives helps students expand their worldview and reflect on their beliefs and values. These experiences can teach empathy, tolerance, and open-mindedness.

Furthermore, friendships and relationships developed at university can become some of the most meaningful connections in life. As students experience academic pressures, personal struggles, and social challenges together, they form bonds that often offer emotional support, encouragement, and growth. Learning to navigate these relationships, managing conflicts, and finding mutual respect are invaluable life skills that contribute significantly to personal development.

University life brings a mix of successes and failures, both of which are essential for personal growth. While academic success can instill confidence, failure offers even more profound lessons.


When Vini said "I'll do 10 times more if I have to. They're not ready.", what did he actually mean? Diving and crying?

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At this point GoogleAI becomes the greatest hater😂

My therapy ❤️‍🩹


Фермер и кукуруза

Репортер как-то раз спросил у фермера, может ли тот поделиться секретом своей кукурузы, которая год за годом выигрывала все конкурсы по качеству. Фермер ответил, что весь секрет состоит в том, что он раздает лучшие початки для засева всем своим соседям.

— Зачем же раздавать лучшие зерна соседям, если они постоянно, наряду с вами, участвуют во всех конкурсах и являются конкурентами?

— Видите ли, —
улыбнулся фермер. — Ветер переносит пыльцу с моих полей на поля соседей, и наоборот. Если у соседей будут сорта хуже, чем у меня, то вскоре и мои посевы станут ухудшаться. Если я сею хорошую кукурузу, я должен позаботиться о соседях и помочь им посеять такую же. А как уж каждый из нас будет ухаживать за посевами — это другой вопрос.

Похожее происходит и в жизни людей. Тот, кто хочет быть успешным, должен заботиться о ближних и помогать им добиваться успеха. Кто хочет хорошо жить, должен помогать другим жить хорошо. Потому что чем лучше живется людям вокруг, тем лучше тебе самому. Мы все зависимы и связаны в этом мире.


No money, expensive gift, a fancy meal at a restaurant or a trip to a beautiful city can truly buy happiness. The most meaningful gift is the simple joy of being surrounded by the people who matter most. There's nothing more precious than quality time spent with loved ones. That is the true celebration of another year. My teenage era has come to an end…

O, ota makonim,
Onajon o‘lkam,
O’zbekiston, jonim to‘shay soyangga. Senday mehribon yo‘q,
Seningdek ko‘rkam.
Big Benni alishmasman simyog'ochingga.


No matter how many times you visit, you fall in love with this city again and again

📍 London, GB

Показано 18 последних публикаций.