Фильтр публикаций

You work 8 hours for 4 hours rest.
You work 6 days for just 1 day off.
You work 8 hours for 15 minutes of lunch.
You work a whole year for 1 week of vacation.

If you have realized, I think, now, it is time to take action to change. Otherwise, you keep following this boring lifestyle.

Assalomu Alaykum everyone! 👋👋👋

I'm excited to announce a new project - BID - aimed at sharing my knowledge with anyone interested in the field of business, not just the youth. This project will primarily be conducted in English, but it can also be available in Uzbek if needed.

Project Highlights:

Business Case Studies: We will delve into real-world examples to understand why some businesses succeed and others fail. Some marketing strategies and everything.

Concepts and Terms: Simplified explanations of business concepts and terminology.

Answering Questions: We will explore various questions and provide insightful answers.

It's challenging to describe everything this project entails in a few sentences, so I invite you to join us and stay tuned for all the exciting developments. (It is going to be beyond what you want to know)

Looking forward to having you with us on this journey!

Here is the link to the project link:


Don't forget to join and share 😉

Senga yozilgan narsa xato ketmas, xato ketdimi demak u senga emas.

Hamma ham deyarli barcha xohlagan narsasiga erisha oladi, faqatgina kuchli xohish bo'lsa bas. Ustozim Erkin Qosimov aytadilar: Hamma o'sha maqsadiga erisha oladi, lekin kimdir sekinroq boshqasi tezroq harakatiga va nasibasiga qarab. Lekin, aksatiyatimiz yarim yo'lda tashlab ketamiz bir ishni oxiriga yetqizmasdan. O'xshamadimi tushkunlikka tushmasdan davom etaverish kerak, zeroki bunda ham bir hikmat bor.

The article starts with a great hook. I love the way they grab our attention.

Khusanovning Man Citydagi ilk goli bilan tabriklaymiz

Birorta o'yinni oxirigacha borganimni eslay olmayman. Lekin, bu o'yinni bugun successfully tugatdim.

It is not what you know; it is who you know.

Then tell me the score. Btw, do it in 15-20 minutes.

If we have IELTS enthusiasts, I recommend doing this passage.

Guys, this is a good opportunity to learn nuts and bolts of university application

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Degan gapni bir kanalda o'qib qoldim. Na kulging keladi, na yig'laging.
Hozir 19ga qarab ketayotgan bo'lsam, haligacha 19 yil davomida bunday fikrni o'ylab ko'rmagan ekanman. 😂

Farzandlarga o'tmaydigan yagona kasalik bu - Bepushtlik.

Johny IELTS imtixonini topshirib 6 natija ko'rsatganda, "6 chiqib qoldi/ 6 qo'yib berishibdi" deb aytar ekan. Keyingi safar qayta topshirib 8 balllik natija ko'rsatganda "8 oldim" der ekan.

Tommy maktabda 2 yoki 3 olsa, ota onasiga "Ustozim 2/ 3 qo'ydi der ekan. Lekin 5 baho olgan kun "5 oldim" deb kelar ekan.

Robert sport musobaqalarida mag‘lub bo‘lsa, "Hakam adolat qilmay qo‘ydi" yoki "Jamoamiz bugun kuchsiz edi," deb bahona qiladi. Ammo g‘alaba qozonsa, "Bu mening kuchim va mashaqqatli mehnatimning natijasi!" deydi.

Bazida insonlar past natijalarni tashqi omillarga bog‘laydi, yuqori natijalarni esa o‘z mehnatining samarasidek ko‘radi.

Umid qilamanki Johny, Tommy, va Robertga aql kiradi; nafaqat erishgan yutuqlariga, va balki muvaffaqiyatsizliklarga ham o'zi sababchi ekanligini tushunib yetishadi va tan olishadi.

When I am writing assignments, I love mentioning something based on my interests. As you can see, I have mentioned one of my favourite UFC fighters, Conor McGregor.

My accent turns out to be British.
If you want to check your accent, check it out here:

Do not forget to share the results in comments

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