Shady Verse

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Most normal Bad Meets Evil lyrics be like:

I'm agitated, aggravated
To the point you don't suck my d**k
Then you're gonna get decapitated
Other words, you don't f**kin' give me head
Then I'ma have to take it

There's a triple entendre, boys)

Try to figure them out, go ahead and talk dogshit about it, if you dare to doubt Em and Royce's skills)

Listen to Eminem and Royce 5'9"s duo - called "Bad Meets Evil". They released an EP - "Hell: The Sequel" in 2011, super underrated project, full of wordplay, double, triple and homophones. These two MCs murdered the rap game almost 15 years ago.

I suppose you've already heard this song somewhere. Let me tell you, this song and Em's "Till I Collapse" were soundtracks for the movie "Real Steel" - main character played by Hugh Jackman.


Song: Scentless Apprentice
Artist: Nirvana
Album: In Utero
Year: 1993

Kurt Cobain sevimli kitoblaridan biri - "Ifor" (Perfume) asariga asoslanib yozgan qo'shiq. Garah grunge tipidagi gitara riff bilan keluvchi barabanlar sadosiga ideal qorishgan naqorotdagi qichqirich miyani bosh chanog'idan uloqtirib yuboradi.

Nirvana dan 2-eshitgan albomim bo'ldi "In Utero" 🇺🇸 1991-yilgi "Nevermind" ni ham qayta tinglayman shekilli, chunki "In Utero" huddi doridek o'ziga qaram qilib olishga yaqin. Nirvana esa doimgidek olov, so'nmas olov. "In Utero" ni shubxasiz tavsiya qilaman, agar allaqachon eshitmagan bo'lsangiz.


Kurt Cobain odam emas. "Scentless Apprentice" ni sog' odam yozolmasdi.

The intro, man...
That lyrics, man... I'm speechless
Bass line and rhythm, just smth else.

I'm listening to this for the first time and "me" inside me just broke down to tears. Muse must've come from another world. Oh, by the way, the song is built on the book "1984", Matt Bellamy put the book's emotions to this song. Idk how to describe it but it's just another level, no Muse song has ever affected me this hard on the first listen. Already became my new favorite.

That outro is just out-of-world type shit.

I'll forever blame myself for not hearing this song and the album for half a year.



R-O-C, we runnin' this rap shit

Still can't believe the guy who made Graduation fell off like that. His songs are not giving the same vibe after "X crash out".

Kimdir Ye ga aytsin, manashu 12 soatlik qiliqlari ichida 80%+ fanatlarini yo'qotganini.

Don't save him, he don't wanna be saved
Don't save him, he don't wanna be saved



I don't know how to start this shit

Bir nechta do'stlarimiz bilan hip-hop kommuniti tuzayotgandik. Biroq hech vaqt va sharoit bo'lmayapti, umumiy e'lon qilishga, shu sabab eng odatiy usulda reklama qilishni tanladim. Oxirgi bir haftada ancha ishlar bo'lib ketti, bugun ham g'ayritabiiy ishlar davom etyapdi Ye bilan, 2-3 kundan keyin esa SuperBowl bo'ladi. Endi bemalol boshlasak bo'laversa kerak. Muhokama qilgani mavzular tugab qolmaydi, linkka kirib guruhga qo'shiling, o'zbekcha jamiyatimizni o'zimiz quraylik)

Hip-hop community -


Song: Pinocchio Story
Artist: Kanye West
Album: 808s & Heartbreak
Year: 2008

Kanye ning barchadan ajralish albomi, ajoyib eksperimental proyekti. Bugun shu albomni eshitib chiqdim, autotune ishlatilgan, ba'zilarida bu zo'r ish bersa, ba'zilarini umuman eshitib bo'lmaydi. Kanye West o'zi Maykl Jeksondan qo'shiq kuylashi yaxshi ekanligi haqida kompliment eshitgach, hayotining eng qora davrlaridan birida haqiqiy heartbreak albomini yaratdi. Onasining o'limi va bir vaqtda qallig'ining tashlab ketishidan qolgan og'riqlar haqida o'z davri uchun o'ta boshqacha albom yaratdi. Mega-xit "Heartless" va og'riqli "Coldest Winter" ni gapirmay qo'ya qolayda, yaxshisi albomning gultoji manabu "Pinocchio Story" ga to'xtalib o'tay.

Bu Kanye ning faoliyatidagi eng yaxshi qo'shiqlardan biri, bemalol top3 ga qo'shsa bo'ladi. U huddi yuragini sug'urib olib, uni ichidagi barcha qonni to'kkanicha, o'rniga ko'z yoshlari bilan to'ldirib, yurakni yana joyiga qaytib solib, keyin shu ko'z-yosh-qon miyasiga yetib borganida trekni yozgandek. Metafora va simvolistikalarning ustiga bunaqa dardli qo'shiq qurgani, qo'shiq esa huddi konsertda jonli aytilganlik ruhini berishi endi faqatgina uning kreativlik talantiga mos. Kanye avval boshqacha artist edi, tvitlar orqali oddiy gapirmasdi, qo'shiqlari orqali san'at yaratar edi.

What does it feel like? I ask you tonight
To live a real life

His most intimate song.


Kendrick Lamar ft. Jay-Z - Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe (Remix)


Up in the clouds
Me and my spouse
Rumors on the ground gettin' too loud
Please turn them shits down

Say what you say about him but Jay Hova is still a Top Dawg in rap game. Top5 rapper easily.


I am the bad, the good god, the last the hood got
The last that would try to pass a good job
If Shawn's a black Beatle then I need a ten-second drum solo
Bitch, see you at Woodstock, ah!

Yeah, Jay-Z (Shawn Carter) is a Black Beatle, so is Kenny. I can put them both in my Black Beatle/Mountain Rushmore.

One of those songs that remixed ones are better than the originals.


We gotta change the question.
Which show would you like to go to this year?

Song: Yes I'm Changing
Artist: Tame Impala
Album: Currents
Year: 2015

Vanihoyat bu albomni ham eshitvordim. Dominant xitlaridan tashqari manabu qo'shiq o'zgacha yoqdi. Ta'riflashga til ojiz 🤪


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