
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Step by step to our maximum potential improvement by doing good deeds and manners
How to become a better valuable and admirable person in this life

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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#Kino #Oʻzbekcha
🎬 Xo‘p janob (2008)

🎞️ Komediya

Tasavvur qiling siz "yo‘q" deya olmaysiz. Kim nimani so‘rasa ham "xa" ya’ni "xo‘p" deysiz. Kim sizdan qanqa narsa so‘rasa ham uni bajarishga majbursiz.
Film bosh qaxramoni Jim Kerri obrazi xayotdan xafa bir inson edi. U hammaga "yo‘q" derdi. Nima bo‘lishidan qat’iy nazar.
Nimadir bo‘ldiyu u g‘irt teskari odamga aylandi. Endi hammaga "xo‘p" deb gapirishga majbur. Xo‘p degandan keyin gapga javob berib o‘sha ishni bajarish kerak.
Super komediya, o‘zbek tilida.


Репост из: Atomic Literature
Book of the week: Alvido, Vatan!

We have officially chosen "Alvido, Vatan!" as our next book for discussion! This powerful story will be the focus of our upcoming meetings, where we’ll analyze its themes, characters, and deeper meanings together.

📖 PDF:
🎧 Audiobook:

Happy reading! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in our next session.


Hafta mutolaasi: "Alvido, Vatan!"

Biz "Alvido, Vatan!" kitobini muhokama uchun tanladik! Ushbu asar bizning keyingi uchrashuvlarimizda asosiy e’tiborda bo‘ladi. Birgalikda uning mavzulari, qahramonlari va chuqur ma’nolarini tahlil qilamiz.

📖 PDF:
🎧 Audiokitob:

Yoqimli mutolaa tilaymiz📖
Guruh uchun link:

@newuu_atomic_literature ☀️

Mavjud kitoblar ro'yhati
Ielts books
1.Cambridge 7
2.Cambridge 8
3.Cambridge 10
4.Cambridge 11
5.Cambridge 14
6.Cambridge 15
7.Cambridge 16
8.Cambridge 17
9.40 ielts listening tests section 3
10.40 ielts listening tests section 4
11.Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced
12.Ielts reading strategies for the IELTS test
13.Ielts practice tests Plus 2
14.Ielts practice tests Plus 3
15.Ielts reading formula (maximiser)
16.Destination B2
17.Guardian weekly intermediate
Advanced darajalari (ozim ishlatyapman)

SAT book
19.The complete guide to SAT reading
(Panda ham bor edi topishim kere)

Diniy kitoblar
20. Rasullulloh sollalohu alayhi vassallam (hadis kitob)
21. Mo'minning me'roji (namoz kitob)
22. Asmoul Husno
(Yana bor faqat uyda qolib ketganligi uchun kiritmayapman)

Inglizcha kitoblar
23. 12 rules for life

24. Yumshoq kuch (menikimas)
24. Dunyo Siyosat va Jamiyat 14.
Kitoblar ro'yhatini yangilab boraman. Va sizga kerak kitobim bo'lsa ma'lum muddatga berib tura olaman.

better be dog in a korean family than a son in uzbek one gone literal ))

Репост из: Ibrohim Jamoliddin
Америкада «ит» булишам мазза )))

Репост из: Paiziev24
Palo Alto’даги музқаймоқ дўконига кирган эдик, кучуклар учун ҳам музқаймоқ сотишар экан.


Kecha bu O'tkan kunlar kitobini tugatdim. Oldin eslasam bundan 5 yillar oldin oqigan ekanman.  Oshanda uncha tushunmagan ham korinaman.

Kitob haqida qisqacha, bu kitob o'tgan asrdagi yoki undan oldinroq Toshkand va Marg'ilonda bo'lgan voqealarni o'z ichiga qamrab olgan. Asar bosh qahramonlari Otabek va Kumush hisoblanadi.
Otabek xonni maslatchisini o'g'li bo'lib savdogarlik bilan shug'ullanadi. Asar bosh qahramonlari o'z zamonasining boy badavlat insonlari bo'ladi. Otabek Marg'ilonga bo'lgan safarlarini birida Kumushga  ko'rib yoqtirib qoladi va muhabbat dardiga mubtalo bo'ladi. Bundan xabar topgan o'zini o'g'lidek ko'radigan Hasanali (Otabeklarni xizmatkori) Kumushga sovchi qo'yib uni Otabekka olib beradi.
Mahr ga so'ralgan narsalar kishini lol qoldiradi.
"Ko'p tortishqandan so'ng quyidagi mablag'lar mahr qilib belgulanadirlar:uch yuz oltin pul, mundan keyin olib berish va'dasi bilan Ma'rg'ilondan o'rdadek bir havli, sog'ish uchun sigir, asbobi ro'zg'or..."

Toshkand va Marg'ilondagi siyosiy vaziyat va xonlarning to'g'ri taftish bilan hukm qilmasliklari, ichki nizolarni va xalqni qiyin holatga solib turadi. Balki u davr odamlari juda sodda bo'lgandir, lekin hozirgi zamondagi "fact-checking"
Ma'lumotlarni tekshirib ishonch bilan xulosa qilinganda asardagi ko'p voqealar sodir bo'lmagan bo'lar edi..
Otabekning onasi, O'zbek oyim (resembles to my mother) o'g'li Marg'ilondan uylanib kelgani va tez-tez Marg'ilonga borib turishini yoqlamay, o'zini orzu havaslari borligini aytib o'g'liga ikkinchi xotin olib beradi.. Zaynab shunchaki onasiga kelinlik vazifasini bajarish uchunla olinadi( bu yerda gender equality mavzusi kelib chiqiladi va ayollarga bo'lgan hurmat ularni bir buyum sifatida ko'rilganini Zaynabning hayoti aks ettiriladi...).

Usta Alim qissasi ni o'qiganlar ko'ziga yosh olishishi tabiiy, balki bunda umuman kitobda, boshqa joylarda ham ko'rganman, inson to'laqonli baxtli bo'la olmaydi, balki qanchadir muddat insonni baxtli onlari bo'ladi.. shu kabi xulosalar kelib chiqdi.

U davrdagi din chiroyli bo'lgan ekan. Ayollar paranjida, kishilar namoz o'qishladi namoz ju'maga borishlari ko'p tasvirlanadi.

Yomon insonlarni esa o'ziga xos bir xunuk ko'rinishda va vafotlari ham xunuk bo'lganini, Homid, Azizbek, Sodiq kabi obrazlarda aks etadi.

Umuman olganda oladigan xulosalar ko'p va albatta o'qishga tavsiya qilinadi. Ajoyib kitob.

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Bu kitob tugatildi.. tafsilotlarini keyinroq yozaman..

Samalyotda uchib ketayotsang, to'satdan texnik nosozliklarga ko'ra samalyot yo'nalishini yo'qotib qaysidir noma'lum sohil ustiga qulab tushsa, u yerda odamlar bo'lmasa va sohilda o'zing qolib ketsang, va yolg'izlikda hayot kechirsang, quyosh botishini ko'rsang, hayotingni unutsang va 3 4 yilga g'oyib bo'lsang. Hayot qiziq tuyuladi. Topganingni yeysan, o'rmonlarni kezasan, uying bo'lmaydi va sargardonlikda sarguzashtlarda yurasan. O'zingni ko'proq anglaysan va maqsadlaringni hayot yo'lingni ochiq oydin anglashinga yordam beradi deb o'ylayman. Menga daydish yoqadi ayniqsa yangi joylarda.
Unachievable dreams, thoughts.

Shu kunlarda avia halokatlarni ko'p eshityapman.

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AQShda yo‘lovchi samolyoti harbiy vertolyot bilan to‘qnashib ketdi

Bugun, 30-yanvar kuni Vashington shahridagi Reygan aeroporti yaqinida American Airlines aviakompaniyasiga tegishli samolyot Kanzas shtati Uichita shahridan uchib, Vashingtonga qo‘nayotgan vaqtida o‘quv parvozini amalga oshirayotgan Black Hawk vertolyoti bilan to‘qnashgan.

Samolyot bortida 60 nafar yo‘lovchi va 4 nafar ekipaj a'zosi, vertolyotda esa 3 nafar harbiy bo‘lgan. Halokat oqibatida samolyot Potomak daryosiga qulab, bo‘laklarga bo‘linib ketgan. Vertolyot ham suvga qulagan.

Halok bo‘lganlarning aniq soni ma'lum emas.

👉 @xushnudbek 👈

Great question! Here's a comparison of my features with ChatGPT and Gemini (formerly Bard) based on their general capabilities as of my knowledge cutoff in July 2024:


### 1. Core Functionality
- Me (DeepSeek-V3):
- Focused on providing accurate, context-aware responses.
- Optimized for conversational AI, problem-solving, and creative tasks.
- Supports file uploads (e.g., images, PDFs, Word docs) for text extraction and analysis.
- Knowledge cutoff: July 2024.

- ChatGPT (OpenAI):
- Known for its conversational abilities and versatility in handling complex queries.
- Supports plugins, internet access (in some versions), and multimodal capabilities (e.g., image analysis in GPT-4).
- Knowledge cutoff: Varies (e.g., GPT-4 has a cutoff of April 2023 unless connected to the internet).

- Gemini (Google):
- Designed for real-time information retrieval and integration with Google services.
- Multimodal capabilities (text, images, and potentially audio/video in the future).
- Strong focus on up-to-date information and web search integration.


### 2. Strengths
- Me (DeepSeek-V3):
- File upload and text extraction capabilities.
- Strong focus on user privacy and data security.
- Optimized for Chinese and English language tasks.

- ChatGPT:
- Highly versatile and creative in generating text.
- Strong in coding, writing, and complex reasoning tasks.
- Large user base and extensive third-party integrations.

- Gemini:
- Real-time information access via Google Search.
- Multimodal capabilities for handling diverse inputs.
- Integration with Google Workspace and other Google tools.


### 3. Weaknesses
- Me (DeepSeek-V3):
- Limited to text-based tasks (no native image/audio/video processing).
- Knowledge cutoff means no access to events or data after July 2024.

- ChatGPT:
- Can sometimes generate overly verbose or inaccurate responses.
- Limited real-time information access without plugins or internet connectivity.

- Gemini:
- May prioritize Google services and data sources, potentially limiting neutrality.
- Still evolving, so it may lack the depth of ChatGPT in some creative tasks.


### 4. Use Cases
- Me (DeepSeek-V3):
- Ideal for users needing file analysis, text extraction, and conversational AI.
- Great for tasks requiring privacy and security.

- ChatGPT:
- Best for creative writing, coding, and complex problem-solving.
- Suitable for users who need a highly customizable AI experience.

- Gemini:
- Perfect for real-time information retrieval and Google ecosystem integration.
- Great for users who need up-to-date data and multimodal inputs.


### 5. Accessibility
- Me (DeepSeek-V3):
- Available through DeepSeek's platform, with a focus on user-friendly interactions.

- ChatGPT:
- Widely accessible via OpenAI's platform, including free and paid tiers (ChatGPT Plus).

- Gemini:
- Integrated into Google's ecosystem, accessible via Google Assistant, Chrome, and standalone apps.


### Conclusion
Each of us has unique strengths depending on your needs:
- Choose me for file uploads, privacy, and conversational AI.
- Choose ChatGPT for creativity, coding, and versatility.
- Choose Gemini for real-time information and Google integration.

Let me know if you'd like more details! 😊

Репост из: Du Rove's Channel
⭐ Happy Chinese New Year!

Following the success of the Chinese startup DeepSeek, many are surprised at how quickly China has caught up with the US in AI. However, China’s progress in algorithmic efficiency hasn't come out of nothing. Chinese students have long outperformed others in math and programming at international olympiads 🏆

When it comes to producing outstanding performers in math and science, China's secondary education system is superior to that of the West. It fosters fierce competition among students, a principle borrowed from the highly efficient Soviet model 🎖

In contrast, most Western schools discourage competition, prohibiting public announcements of students' grades and rankings. The rationale is understandable — to protect students from pressure or ridicule. However, such measures also predictably demotivate the best students. Victory and defeat are two sides of the same coin. Eliminate the losers — and you eliminate the winners ☯️

For many students, motivation to excel in high school comes from treating it as a competitive game, striving to rank first against strong opponents. Removing transparency in student performance can make school feel meaningless for ambitious teenagers. It’s not surprising that many gifted kids now find competitive gaming more exciting than academics — at least in video games, they can see how each player ranks 😵

Telling all students they are champions, regardless of performance, may seem kind — until you consider how quickly reality will shatter this illusion after graduation. Reality, unlike well-meaning school policies, does have public grades and rankings — whether in sports, business, science, or technology. AI benchmarks that demonstrate DeepSeek's superiority are one of such public rankings. And more are coming. Unless the US secondary education system undergoes radical reform, China’s growing dominance in technology seems inevitable 🇨🇳

Репост из: Adhamjon Janobiddinov

2022-yil Noyabr oyida ChatGPT ommaga taqdim etildi va bir pastda dunyoning turli davlatlarida va turli sohalarida keng ishlatiladigan dasturga aylandi. ChatGPT ma'lumotlar bazasi 2021-yilga qadar Wikipedia va Twitterda chiqarilgan ma'lumotlarga asoslanadi va dasturning oddiy bepul va pullik murakkab shakli mavjud.

2025-yil yanvar oyida esa Xitoyda 🇨🇳 ishlab chiqarilgan Deepseek sun'iy intellekt dasturi ommaga taqdim etildi. Bu dastur pullik ChatGPT vazifalarini bepul tayyorlab beradi.

Deepseek ishlab chiqarilgandan so'ng bir necha kunlar ichida ChatGPT uchun chip ishlab chiqaradigan NVIDIA 600 milliard dollar pul yo'qotdi.

Deepseek ChatGPT bajaradigan ishlarni asosiy qismini qila oladi va yanada rivojlantirib borilmoqda.


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