Scott's adventures...

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Bilimsizlik toʻssa kimni odobdan,
Ajablanib boqmang, ey aziz inson.
Koʻzi ojizlarga chiroq yoqmoqdan
Foyda boʻlmaydi-ku, axir, hech qachon.
©Abu Исҳоқ G'azziy
Owner: @scottjon14

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

O'zbek o'zi shunaqa bir yil topgan pulini 2 soatlik to'y&bayramga ishlatvoradi, faqat dasturxoni uchun...😅

Lekin, farzandlarini xursand qilish bo'yicha O'zbekka teng keladigani yo'q. 😊😌

Репост из: he is 10/10

Репост из: Her Bios
I want to see you achieve everything you've ever told me, even if I am not there.


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- are you okay?

Happy the last Jummah of 2023🥲

Репост из: Abdurazzoq’s notes
— Men only get flowers when they die.

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A lot, a lot than expected...

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Samarqandcha to'y...

Репост из: he is 10/10
because he isn't that "I'm your bf, i check your phone!"💀
he isn't controlling in brief.

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You alone are equal to them...

Motivation be like🥲...

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... gonna be in everywhere.
... the places you can't even pronounce.

Find someone who believes in you like Jay did to Drake...

Репост из: amoriya
A relationship should be 50/50, she exists and I buy her a pink Porsche.

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Like the coffee...
In the deliciousness,
the bitterness and
the addiction...

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I wanna recommend one of the coolest channels I find today. It's Music based run by one of my co-workers, who is "multi-lingual".
He shares really good songs and some photos.
If interested, follow his channel...

Thank you.

One of the things I really miss these days is my long hair... 🥲🥲🥲

Inson qachonki o'zini seva olsa, boshqani ham chin yurakdan seva oladi.
O'ziga ravo ko'rmagan muhabbatni boshqaga ham berolmaydi...

Morning with Navoiy and a cup of flat white...

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