Фильтр публикаций

Hi dears Assalomu ALaykum,

Due to the health and personal reasons of our teacher, we are postponing our course until the exam in May.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to give you the best


We have 330+ aswers🫠

I can take at most 150 students🌾

964 0 0 20 20

Weʼll tell answers till 1st february

Guys stop😎

У тебя новый анонимный ответ:

so waiting for february lessons?
will also be live chats


У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

which I am better off studying: math in depth or meticulous focused reading? I mean which one is the best way to start learning SAT.


У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Ugl bolamisz qz bolami


У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

can i increase my sat up (about +300) until 8 march?

For sure

У тебя новый анонимный ответ:

i am talking abt those previous answers😂
i would love to know what all of them are saying

Those who r not from uzb and dunno uzb language
I have a surprise for u in February and iʼll tell abt it within a week stay tuned

У тебя новый анонимный ответ:

omg is it free?😭😭 i prayed today for free lessons , Allah heard me 😭😭

Yess ouuu🌾🌾

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Fevralda yangi guruh ochasizmi


Thatʼs it guys?

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Assalamu alaykum
Can I use College panda math workbook to increase my score to 700+? Thanks for answer.

I think it is not enough
Use sqb too

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

without prep i got 600 on verbal, is it better to self study or take a course?

Depends on u
But it is ok to do selfstudy

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Assalomu aleykum!

Schedule tuzayapman, discipline bilan qilish yetishmayapdida. Yana tuzayapman va yana yangi narsa bo
lib ketadi. Va hech planlarimga intizom bilan bajara olmayapman. Qandeydir narsa yordam beradimi hech nimaga chalgimasdan dars qilishga?
Social media (telegram) bor ozi faqat, tayyorlanish mobaynini yani 3-4 oyni telegramsiz otkazish kerakmi? Yani chatlarsiz, hechkimsiz?

Biror section uchun preparing qilishga ham juda vaqtim uzun ketib qoladi ham. Juda chuqur yondashib ketib vaqtim kop ketib qolgandek bolaveradi va 1 ta mavzuni 2 kunlab o`qib yuboraman.

Oldindan rahmat javob uchun!

Assalomu alekum
Qaren agar sat da yengiro boʻsez bita mavzu ucun 2 3 kunlab ketqzsh i chuqur krb ketish odatiy xol keyn boʻtta vaxt qancha ketkani emas qay darajada oʻrganolvotkanz agar profit ovotka boʻsez qoʻrqmen everything gonna be ok. February qoʻshlsez dicipline bn qlamz nasb keyn tutor bn babr boshqacha boʻladi selfstudy qp qidirgan narsalarizzi tutor oʻqtib beradi sizga osonro boʻladi

Believe hammas yaxshi boʻladi🫀

Those who r asking sat math

Wait 10 days there is a surprise for u 🩷

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Can we start challenge in the channel ? Every day learn words solve pracrice questions or reading articles . What is your opinion

Yes planning to do it
Wait for February fire fire is comin

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Math ni qanday oshirsam boladi 450 chiqyapti bilganlarim bilan qogani omitted . Reading sec yaxshi

Fevraldigi surprizimga qoʻshilin😊

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

How old are you?


Показано 20 последних публикаций.