Rivojiddin's Blog

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Книги

- tips and strategies✍️
- interesting articles,📚 videos📽
- useful vocabulary, idioms, phrases🔥
- Speaking Samples🗣
@mindjournaal ( personal notes)

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Amallasa bo'ladi, qattiq mehnat bilan

Abituriyentlikda grammar o'qiganman, keyin adashmasam 11 oyda olgan edim.

Magistr o'qimoqchiman

Va alaykum

O'qish va boshida bo'lsak tarjimani yozib chiqsak ham bo'ladi.

Kattaroq levelda bo'lsak, o'qish va o'qigan narsa bo'yicha summary kk.

Readingi yaxshi kishi bn tahlil ham yordam beradi

1. Va alaykum deyarli imkoni yo'q

2. Nah

3. Hamshahar

Bu savolni bitta IELTS bo'yicha ekspert tanishim so'ragan aniq)


1. Teaching da ketayotgan bo'laman

2. Tanidim😁. Ish yo'q sizga
3. O'ylab ko'rish kerak ekan

1. Yoshim katta😅
2. Kosondan

Reading Part 1
Exam Questions

Answers in the comment

Join: @rivojiddinsblog


Darsda ustoz jon kuydirib tushuntiradi, ogohlantiradi, yo'l ko'rsatadi lekin eshitmaymiz.

Chunki ustoz siz eshitishingiz kerak bo'lgan gapni emas hammasini boricha aytadi.

Betobmiz. Doktorga bordik. U doim ham siz eshitishni xohlagan gapni aytmaydi. Borini aytadi.

Ustoz ham shunday. Lekin baribir eshitmaymiz.

Internetda palon joyda ko'rdim - 2 oyda qilsa bo'larkan deymiz.

seful idioms for #Speaking

1. Burn the midnight oil
- Meaning: Kechasi bilan qattiq ishlab chiqmoq.

- Example: I had to burn the midnight oil to finish my report on time.

2. Hit the books
- Meaning: Qattiq o'qimoq.

- Example: I need to hit the books tonight; I have a big exam tomorrow.

3. Costs an arm and a leg
- Meaning: Juda qimmat.

- Example: The new smartphone costs an arm and a leg.

4. Let the cat out of the bag
- Meaning: Sirni oshkor qilmoq.

- Example: She let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.

5. Over the moon
- Meaning: Juda xursand.

Example: She was over the moon when she heard she’d passed the IELTS exam.

6. Piece of cake
- Meaning: Juda oson.

Example: The math problem was a piece of cake.

7. A drop in the ocean
- Meaning: Hamir uchidan patir.

Example: The amount of money raised was just a drop in the ocean compared to what was needed.

8. The ball is in your court
- Meaning: Qaror qilish o'zingizga bog'liq.

Example: I've done all I can; now the ball is in your court.

9. Sit on the fence
- Meaning: Tanlov qilishdan qochish.

Example: When it comes to choosing a university, he’s still sitting on the fence.

Join: @rivojiddinsblog

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Репост из: 🅒🅛🅘🅕🅕🅢📈

❗️Aprel Mayda Multi-level topshirishdan avval General Englishni kuchaytirib olmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun📖

👉Vaqti: 16:00-18:00
👉Narxi: 280.000
👉Ochilish kuni: 05.02.2025(toq kunlari)
💡 Instructor: Rivojiddin To'xtayev

🔝 Kursga hoziroq ro'yxatdan o'ting! @rivojiddin_tr


Uni ichimdagi shayton derdim. Himoyasini o'zimning zimmamga olishdan qo'rqqan barcha harakatlarimni unga to'nkardim. Qanaqa shayton? U g'ururimizning, axloqimizning uydirmasi. Ichimizdagi shayton - unchalik ayyorona bo'lmagan ma'suliyatdan qochish yo'li...
Ichimizda shayton yo'q... Ichimizda ojizlik bor... Tanballik bor

Book: "Ichimizdagi shayton"

Репост из: Ozodbek's IELTS
Big Redflags in Students:

1) They always come late.
2) They attend the lessons on and off.
3) They don't take notes during lessons.
4) They ask for permission to leave early.
5) They want to get 7.0+ in two months.


  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not Given
26 голосов

Boats are the most obvious proof that ancient people used the sea, yet there is still much we don't know about how they were made and used.

We know nothing about how ancient boats were constructed.

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Congrats, Madina👏


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