✅ Proverb time
1. Birds of a feather flock together- Ko'r ko'rni qorong'ida ham topadi.
2. There is no such thing as a free lunch - Mushuk tekinga oftobga chiqmaydi, yemagan somsaga pul to'lash
3. The early bird catches the warm- Erta uyg'onganning kuni barakali bo'ladi
4. Beggars can't be choosers- Boriga baraka
5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder- Kimga olma, kimga shaftoli
⚠️ Examples
1. Every evening many drinkers get together in a Bar near our home. You know Birds of a feather flock together - Har kuni kechki payt uyimizga yaqindagi barda ichkilikbozlar yig'ilishadi, ko'r ko'rni qorong'ida topindida?
2. I am very careful about making payments for my share of food when we go out because there is no such thing as a free lunch- ovqatlanishga borganimzda o'zim yeganimgagina to'layman, axir yemagan somsaga pul to'lamaymanku.
3. I had told you that only the early bird catches the worm in this organization. Why did you wait for the last minute to send your application out? The seat is already taken now- Bu yerda erta harakat qilish kerak degandimku, nega so'nggi daqiqalarni kutding, joylar allaqachon egallanib bo'lindi.
4. In this village you are only going to get these many options for furniture. Learn to live it because beggars can’t be choosers - Bu qishloqda mebelning shu turlarigina mavjud, boriga baraka qilib, birontasini tanla
5. I can’t believe he finally settled for that ugly little car. And he loves it too! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder- Ko'zlarimga ishonmayman, u o'sha bo'mag'ir mashinani oldiya? Yana nimamush, unga judayam yoqib qolipti, nima ham derdik kimgadir olma, kimgadir shaftoli yoqadi.
P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ✅
1. Birds of a feather flock together- Ko'r ko'rni qorong'ida ham topadi.
2. There is no such thing as a free lunch - Mushuk tekinga oftobga chiqmaydi, yemagan somsaga pul to'lash
3. The early bird catches the warm- Erta uyg'onganning kuni barakali bo'ladi
4. Beggars can't be choosers- Boriga baraka
5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder- Kimga olma, kimga shaftoli
⚠️ Examples
1. Every evening many drinkers get together in a Bar near our home. You know Birds of a feather flock together - Har kuni kechki payt uyimizga yaqindagi barda ichkilikbozlar yig'ilishadi, ko'r ko'rni qorong'ida topindida?
2. I am very careful about making payments for my share of food when we go out because there is no such thing as a free lunch- ovqatlanishga borganimzda o'zim yeganimgagina to'layman, axir yemagan somsaga pul to'lamaymanku.
3. I had told you that only the early bird catches the worm in this organization. Why did you wait for the last minute to send your application out? The seat is already taken now- Bu yerda erta harakat qilish kerak degandimku, nega so'nggi daqiqalarni kutding, joylar allaqachon egallanib bo'lindi.
4. In this village you are only going to get these many options for furniture. Learn to live it because beggars can’t be choosers - Bu qishloqda mebelning shu turlarigina mavjud, boriga baraka qilib, birontasini tanla
5. I can’t believe he finally settled for that ugly little car. And he loves it too! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder- Ko'zlarimga ishonmayman, u o'sha bo'mag'ir mashinani oldiya? Yana nimamush, unga judayam yoqib qolipti, nima ham derdik kimgadir olma, kimgadir shaftoli yoqadi.
P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ✅