🇵🇸Raimov typing...

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

Future programmer 👨‍💻
• Andijan Presidential School '24
• Westminster International University in Tashkent '27
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☪️ Islamic content
🏋️‍♂️ Some workout and more
☎️ @CoderRay
✍️"And Allah is the best of planners"

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Репост из: Dasturlash hayoti️️ ️
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🎥Freelancerlar hayotiga bag’ishlangan ajoyib qisqa film😅

💻 @dasturlash_hayoti dasturchilar va dasturlash hayotini yoritib boradigan loyiha!

"Qanchalik ko'p o'rgansam, shuncha kam bilishimni tushundim" - vizual ko'rinishi.


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📎“When you find yourself free, exhaust yourself…”


📍“School 21”

Shu yangi uyim bo’ladiyov… 😊


162 1 0 16 16

Репост из: Datagaze LLC
📣 Datagaze kompaniyasida amaliyot o'rinlari ochiq!

🎯 Agar siz kelajagingizni IT sohasi bilan bog‘lashni xohlasangiz va haqiqiy tajriba orttirishni istasangiz, bu imkoniyat aynan siz uchun!

🔍 Yo'nalishlar:
Backend dasturchi
✅ Frontend dasturchi
✅ QA tester

💡 Nima taklif qilamiz?

-Real loyihalarda ishlash tajribasi
-Malakali mutaxassislardan bilim olish imkoniyati
-Eng yaxshi natija ko‘rsatganlar uchun ishga qabul qilish imkoniyati!

❗️ Muhim:
Amaliyot davomida yaxshi natija ko‘rsatmaganlar dasturdan chetlatiladi. Lekin qattiq mehnat qiluvchilar uchun bu — o‘z kelajagingizni qurish imkoniyati!

🌐 Biz haqimizda:
Datagaze – kiberxavfsizlik va dasturiy ta'minot ishlab chiqarish bo‘yicha yetakchi kompaniya. Biz ma'lumotlar xavfsizligini ta'minlash va innovatsion texnologiyalarni rivojlantirish ustida ishlaymiz.

📥 Ariza topshirish:
👉 https://forms.gle/eeunURwYqKkXN6HM9

⏳ Arizalar qabul qilish muddati:

📍 Manzil:
Niyozbek yo‘li 3, 6A, Minor metrosi yonida

Sayt | Instagram | Linkedin | Instagram

#savol Eksklyuziv kontentga boshqa kanal ochib, bu kanalga faqat sifatli kontent tashlayinmi yoki hammasi shu yerga tashlangani ma’qulmi?
  •   Alohida kanal oching.
  •   Hammasi shu yerga tashlansin.
16 голосов

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah…

Alloh birodarlarimizni va bizni tinchligimizni davomiy qilsin. Musulmon ahli bu bir tanadek gap. Tananing bir qismi og’risa butun tana o’sha og’riq to’xtamaguncha hotirjam bo’lmaydi.

Bugun 15 oy davom etgan ushbu qaqshatqich og’rig’imizdan vanihoyat halos bo’lyapmiz, alhamdulillah… 😩

Bu davr ichida shahid bo’lgan qator dindoshlarimizni oxiratlari obod bo’lsin, amiyn.

'https://t.me/raimovTypes/694?comment=4457' rel='nofollow'>That’s right!

Discipline bu meni eng og’riqli taraflarimdan biri. Buni atrofimdagilar juda yaxshi bilishadi.

Men esa buni o’zgartirmoqchiman va bir oydan keyin Xudo xohlasa, yaqinlarimdan menda bu borada o’sish bo’ldimi yo’qmi so’rab ko’ramiz.

Nima demadilar?

Demak, 15-yanvardan to 15-fevralgacha “Self-discipline” ustida ishlaymiz, ya’ni “O’zimizni intizom qilish”ga harakat qilamiz.

Sizlarga, #discipline heshtegi bilan internetdan foydali bo’lgan resurslarni ulashishga harakat qilaman. Siz ham shunga taalluqli biror foydali kontent topsangiz kommentlarda bemalol biz bilan bo’lishsangiz bo’ladi.


Intizomlilik, o'ziga bo'lgan ishonch, muloqot qilish qobiliyati, sabrlilik, moslashuvchanlik...

Shu sanab o'tganlarim ichida birortasi bilan sizning muammoyingiz bor va qaysidir birini "kuchaytirishim" kerak deb yurasizmi? Masalan, men uchun hammasi shunaqa. 😅

Agar javobingiz "Ha" bo'lsa, men har oy shu hislatlarni bittasini tanlab o'shani ustida ishlashni rejalashtiryapman.

Men bilanmisiz?


Alhamdulillah, hayotimni eng qorong’u baxtli 3 yilini qo’limda ushlab turibman. 🙂


Kulishini qarelar. Mazzami 🥹

Toshkentga ketyapman. Poyezddaman. Rus tilini bilmaganimga birinchi marta rostakamiga afsusdaman. Chunki, mendan oldingi o’rindiqda ketayotgan shirin rusiy-zabon bolachani nimalar deyotganini tushunmayapman, unga gapirolmayapman. 🥲

Qatnashmoqchilar diqqatiga:

Shohjahonni tanishlari borakan, anaqqisa.

⭐️The Wait is Over: Season 2 of ANDPS MUN is Here! ⭐️

The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived—Applications for ANDPS MUN Season 2 are officially OPEN!

😀 Participation Fee: 70,000 UZS
🔤 Discounts: Wondering if you qualify for a discount? Check now and see if you’re eligible for special offers!
🏠 Dormitory: Comfortable accommodations are available to all for free

Get ready to dive into a world of diplomacy, debate, and groundbreaking resolutions. This is your chance to take the stage, showcase your skills, and shape the future of global discussions. 💼✨

🔥 Will you be part of the legacy?
Secure your spot now before it’s too late—Season 2 promises to be bigger, bolder, and more unforgettable than ever.

🔗 Apply here

Репост из: Fazliddin insights

If you were the devil, how would you stop someone from achieving success?

1. Plant Self-Doubt:
I would whisper constant doubts about their abilities, making them question whether they’re good enough or deserving of success.

2. Encourage Procrastination:
I’d convince them that there’s always more time and that they can start tomorrow—then repeat this until their dreams fade.

3. Fuel Comparison and Envy:
I’d make them obsess over other people’s success, leading them to feel inferior and lose focus on their own progress.

4. Promote Fear of Failure:
I’d magnify their fear of making mistakes so they never take risks or step outside their comfort zone.

5. Distract with Short-Term Pleasures:
I’d tempt them with endless entertainment, social media, and meaningless distractions to keep them from focusing on their goals.

6. Highlight Past Failures:
I’d replay their past mistakes in their mind, making them feel incapable of growth or change.

7. Discourage Seeking Help:
I’d convince them that asking for advice or support is a sign of weakness, isolating them from valuable resources and guidance.

8. Promote Perfectionism:

I’d make them obsessed with doing everything perfectly, leading to paralysis and fear of taking action.

9. Undermine Discipline:

I’d tempt them with excuses to skip routines, break habits, and avoid consistency—slowly eroding their work ethic.

10. Make Success Seem Meaningless:
I’d make them question whether success is even worth the effort, leaving them unmotivated and apathetic.

By weaving these thoughts and habits into their daily lives, I’d make sure they never realize their full potential—without them ever noticing the trap.

Репост из: SHOHJAHON || realist
💕 Ko'pchilik so'rayapti, "Kitob sovg'a qiling)" deb... Yo'q deb bo'midi, hammaga ha desam bankrot bo'laman...

📚 "Kitobli o'yin"larni hamma sog'inganini ko'nglim sezdi.

🎁 300ta bo'lishimiz bilan, navbatdagi kitobli o'yin!

Homiyimiz — "👀"


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😁 “Jannatda sigaret ham bo’ladimi…?” - Rahmatli ustoz Yorqinjon domla rohimahulloh.


📝 Sizga maslahat berayotgan odam mukammal boʻlmasligi mumkin, lekin u sizga yetishmayotgan qismni berishi mumkin.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The one who guides to goodness (is entitled) to the same reward as the one who does it.” (Muslim 1893)

Secured. - Faqat qizlar uchun!

Sandalga oyoqni kirgazib, issiqinaa kitob o’qib o’tiradigan havo bo’lyapti, lekin.

O’zi sandal nimaligini bilasizlarmi ?

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