⏩ 17-darsPresent Simple( 1 ) Use ( Yasalishi) Hozirgi zamon quyidagi hollarda ishlatiladi:
1.Har doim takrorlanuvchi ish- harakatlarda: I go to school every day.
I swim in the river in summer every year.
2. Faqat hozirgi zamonda emas , odatda , doimo bo’ladigan ish harakatlada: My father usually smokes after lunch.
British people drink a lot of tea.
I don'tlike gangster films.
I wash my hands and faces in the morning.
3.Hamma uchun umumiy haqiqat bo’lgan faoliyatlar, tabiat qonunlari, qoidalar, faktlarda: The Earth goes round the sun.
It takes me five minutes to get to school.
Liz plays the violin brilliantly.
Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.
Cats don’t like water.
Where do you work?
Nurses looks after patients in hospital.
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
IdiomRaining cats and dogs-(qattiq yomg'ir yog'ishi)
Example: I wanted to go to play outside, but it was raining cats and dogs yesterday.
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