Zero to One – yangi dunyo yaratish san’ati
Piter Tilning Zero to One kitobi muvaffaqiyatli biznes yaratishning eng muhim tamoyillaridan birini tushuntiradi: raqobat qilish emas, balki yangi bozor yaratish kerak. Google, Tesla va PayPal shunchaki mahsulotlarni yaxshilamadi, butun sanoatni tubdan o‘zgartirdi.
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Zero to One – the art of creating a new world
Peter Thiel’s Zero to One explains a fundamental principle of building a successful business: don’t compete, create an entirely new market. Google, Tesla, and PayPal didn’t just improve existing products, they completely changed their industries.
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Piter Tilning Zero to One kitobi muvaffaqiyatli biznes yaratishning eng muhim tamoyillaridan birini tushuntiradi: raqobat qilish emas, balki yangi bozor yaratish kerak. Google, Tesla va PayPal shunchaki mahsulotlarni yaxshilamadi, butun sanoatni tubdan o‘zgartirdi.
Tilning fikricha, haqiqiy innovatsiya faqat mahsulot kamida o‘n baravar yaxshiroq bo‘lgandagina sodir bo‘ladi. Agar siz kelajakni shakllantirishni istasangiz, bu kitobni o‘qish shart.
Bu kitob tadbirkorlar, startapchilar va innovatsion fikrlovchilar uchun muhim qo‘llanma.
👉 Batafsil
Zero to One – the art of creating a new world
Peter Thiel’s Zero to One explains a fundamental principle of building a successful business: don’t compete, create an entirely new market. Google, Tesla, and PayPal didn’t just improve existing products, they completely changed their industries.
According to Thiel, real innovation happens only when a product is at least ten times better than what already exists. If you want to shape the future, this book is a must-read.
A crucial guide for entrepreneurs, startup founders, and visionary thinkers.
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