Peony notes🪴

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

•INFJ •lifelong learner
•Future polyglot

Verbalizing emotions🌻
Romanticizing studying ✨

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Osmondan tushgandek konsentratsiya haqida bekorga gapirib ketmadim. ^-^

Ustoz deb bilganim inson tomonidan yozilgan maqolani ulashmoqchiman va siz yuqorida aytilganidek ‘odd’ bo’lib o’(/u)qishingizga imkoniyatni.

To’liq o’qish ehtimolini oshirish uchun aytib o’taman, bepul bo’lmagan content o’qiysiz.

Manfaatli bo’lsin. :)

Attentoion span 🚩

O’quvchilarga ham ko’p takrorlayman. Attention span — diqqatni jamlab tura olish davomiyligi.

Ayni shu davomiylik, so’nggi yillarga kelib keskin tushib ketgan. Digital world asosiy sabab etib ko’rsatiladi.

Afsuski, ushbu omil ilm olishimizda o’z ta’sirini ko’rsatmasdan qolmaydi; kitob o’qiy olmay qolganmiz, dars qilishga o’tirmasimizdan avval yeg’ishtirib qo’ygimiz keladi. Bu tasklarni muvafaqqiyatli bajarganda keladigan huzurdan ko’ra foydasiz-yengil huzurni ustun qo’yishlik bor ichimizda.

Miyamizni ayblalamasdan uni ham to’g’ri anglash eng munosib yo’l nazarimda. Aslida, miyani yengil dofamin — qisqa videolar, tweetlar, uzun bo’lmagan postlarni iste’moliga ko’niktirgan o’zimiz.

In short, hamma qisqasi tomon talpinyaptimi, siz ‘odd one out’ bo’ling.

Follow your intellectual curiosity more than whatever is “hot” right now. If your curiosity ever leads you to a place where society eventually wants to go, you’ll get paid extremely well.


If it entertains you now but will bore you someday, it’s distraction. Keep looking.


Bugundan biroz) 🤍

Hamma yangi yilni bayram qilib kutib olish kerak/kerak emas deb tortishayotganda, men uchun bu kunni “special” qilishdan boshqa iloj yo’q:) 🤍 (but still I don’t care about the celebration, like this)

Ko’ngli o’zimnikidan ham nozik bo’lgan anneciğim’ni tavallud kunlari chunki 🤍 (o’z b-dayini ham tan olmaydigan men, bu kunni onamga boshqacha qilib o’tkazish bir ma’suliyatdek)

Muhimi baxt ulasha olganim🤍

Bullet points^_^
••Onamni yoqtirgan gullari
•••Biroz kreativlik
••••Baxtli kunlarimizdagi doimiy hamroh “Safia”dan shirinlik
•••••Oshxonaga yilda bir kiradigan mendan masterpiece 🕶️
•••• ovqatga ♾️ maqtovlar
••••••Injiqlik bilan gul, helium’li shar qidirgandagi 6.000 qadam


Yil uchun qo’yilgan maqsadlarning uchdan biriga erishibman, hamd. Ozdek eshitilayotandir, ammo, unday emas. Ko’rilgan natija qolgan 65%ga afsus chektirmaydigan darajada ^^ (they were high-impact goals and outshine the remaining — two of third)

Va bir jumlaga duch keldim (it hit me different, for real):

Yanvar orzularni, Dekabr esa haqiqatni ko’rsatadi

Sizda nima gaplar? How was this part of your life?↘️

Work-Life Boundaries 🎡

(boundaries, not balance this time)

Since I started my career, one astonishing thing about me is… I used to think I cannot keep my work and personal life separate, like not being able to handle being in emotional pain and it affects my efficiency while working.

It turned out that there is an inner strength to smile forcibly and forget for a while. There were times when I was weeping right before the class and came into the room like everything is fine.

Who cares actually? My role is teaching and spreading knowledge there, so should perform it as much as I can. :)

What do they say “yashayversang, ko’raverar ekansan” )
Keep exploring yourself, trying new things and gaining experience.

Uzbekistan 7:47pm 🛋️

Waking up without the worries of
exams is such a blessing ^-^

The magic you are looking for lies in the work you are not doing. So start doing it.

School yourself

School is one thing. Education is another. The two don't always overlap. Whether you're in school or not, it's always your job to get yourself an education.

If you are a student, you already know that, university doesn’t teach.. if it’s better one, it might guide but still… you need school yourself.

You have to be curious about the world in which you live. Look things up. Chase down every reference. Go deeper than anybody else — that's how you'll get ahead.

Explore everything. I mean everything. Explore about your
dreams, find solution to your problems. Don't ask a question
before you Google it. You'll either find the answer or you'll come up with a better question.

Always be reading. Go to the library. There's magic in being surrounded by books. Get lost in the stacks. Read bibliographies. It's not the book you start with, it’s the book that leads you to start evolving✨


The good news is that I stepped closer to my wish for this year. It took so long and required patience and
perseverance.. ..courage.

#december11 #yesyoucan

وَإِذَا مَرِضْتُ فَهُوَ يَشْفِينِ

Бемор бўлганимда менга шифо берадиган ҳам Унинг Ўзи.


Hey there, my precious diary and supportive people here

😊, So many things are happening these days, goin’ through some rocky road which has been shaping my identity for a while.

Coffee, reflecting thoughts, listening to recitation, some time spent alone. That’s the things, preventing me from being drawn into the ocean of anxiety.

Thankfully Allah created something special that we can get the comfort we need)) it’d be tiny things which don’t mean much for others but not for us..

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Be kind, always.

-not everything in the heart can be said, so God created signs, tears, long sleep, cold smiles and shivering hands


A truly beautiful soul can find beauty in everything.

Al-Musawwir blows my mind with this tiniest yet enchanting radiance.

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