Shodiyev Ozodbek | IELTS 7.0

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

💼 Teacher at @HardWorkELC
🎓 Student of WIUT
You can contact me at @khurshidovicc

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Don’t translate directly from your native language

Many students tend to translate directly from their native language, especially with prepositions, leading to common errors like:

❌ Affect to → ✅ Affect (no preposition)

❌ Cause to → ✅ Cause (no preposition) or Cause [something] to [verb]

❌ Ask from → ✅ Ask [someone] for [something]

❌ Come across with → ✅ Come across (no extra preposition)

Prepositions don’t always translate directly, so it’s important to check their use

Happy Ramadan, everyone 🌙

May this blessed month help us purify our body and soul from all the impurities. May Allah help us to get the most out of this month, get closer to Him and please Him in the best of manners.

Juma Mubarak my dears ❤️

Репост из: Xushnudbek - o‘ta shaxsiy
(Toshkent vaqti bilan)

📕 «Ey, iymon keltirganlar! Sizlardan avvalgilarga farz qilinganidek, sizlarga ham ro‘za farz qilindi. Shoyadki, taqvodor bo‘lsangiz.» (Baqara surasi, 183-oyat).


Navaytu an asuma sovma shahri ramazona minal fajri ilal mag‘ribi, xolisan lillahi ta’ala. Allohu akbar.

Ramazon oyining ro‘zasini xolis Alloh uchun subhdan to kun botguncha tutmoqni niyat qildim. Alloh buyukdir.


Allohumma laka sumtu va bika amantu va a’layka tavakkaltu va a’la rizqika aftortu, fag‘firliy ya G‘offaru ma qoddamtu va ma axxortu.

Allohim, ushbu ro‘zamni Sen uchun tutdim va Senga iymon keltirdim va Senga tavakkal qildim va bergan rizqing bilan iftor qildim. Yo gunohlarni kechiruvchi Zot, mening avvalgi va keyingi gunohlarimni mag‘firat qilgin.

Manba: O’zbekiston musulmonlari idorasi

🔘 @xushnudbekuz


🇺🇸 What goes around, comes around
🇺🇿 Nima eksang shuni o'rasan


Winter is wintering 😁 ❄️

Why does the weather have to be so romantic?☔️🌌

Репост из: otabekakramoff
🌙 Ramadan Vocabulary

As Ramadan is around the corner, I would like to share some words and phrases that are commonly used in this holy month.

☪️ Fast(v)/ keep fast - ro’za tutmoq
☪️ Abstain from … - biror narsadan o’zini tiymoq
☪️ Sunrise - quyosh chiqishi
☪️ Sunset - quyosh botishi
☪️ Dawn - sahar payti
☪️ Dusk - shom payti
☪️ Pre-dawn meal - saharlik taomi
☪️ Break a fast - og’izni ochmoq, iftorlik qilmoq
☪️ Donate - ehson qilmoq
☪️ Contribute/ make contribution - ehson qilmoq, jamiyatga yordam bermoq
☪️ Charity - hayriya
☪️ Suhoor - saharlik
☪️ Iftar - iftorlik
☪️ Pray - ibodat qilmoq
☪️ Taraweeh/congregational prayer - taroveh ibodati

Please, share this post with others!


Doʻstlarim yaxshi ish boshlashibdi. BarakAllahu Feek

Репост из: Shodiyev Ozodbek | IELTS 7.0
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date: 13.02.2025.
examiner: a bold young indian guy, i can't remember his name
type: zoom

part 1

– do you work or are you a student?
– what do you like about your studies?
– do you have a talent or something you are good at?
– why do you think you are good at it?
– do you prefer living in an old building or modern house?
– are there any old building you want to see in the future?
– should old buildings be preserved?

part 2

describe an important thing you do in order to keep fit and healthy

you should describe:
– what is it
– how often do you do it
– why is it important

+ question: do you think you will continue doing it?

part 3

– how can people maintain a healthy lifestyle?
– who should take the responsibility of society's health?
– how can government encourage people to keep fit?

and other questions related to part 2 topic

P.S. he was really supportive and asked some follow-up questions related to my answer in part 3 to help me explain my idea further. he was also smiling and nodding the whole time and didn't interrupt me while i was speaking

Репост из: HardWork ELC
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Movie club

🇺🇸 Barcha ingliz tili o’rganuvchilar uchun juda ham foydali tadbir

P. S. Tadbirda qatnashish mutlaqo tekin va “HardWork” da tahsil olmaydigan o’quvchilar ham bemalol qatnashishlari mumkin

Yuqorida trailer bilan tanishishingiz mumkin!

Sana: 23-fevral, yakshanba
Vaqt: 16:00

Manzil: chilonzor metro, “Integro” binosi 8-qavat, 804-xona

Tadbirda qatnashish uchun shunchaki izohlarda “+” belgisini qoldiring

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The creatures that disappeared in the extinction were the dominantly the 15 foot-long rauisuchians and large crocodiles.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
7 голосов

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Yakshanba kuni Multilevel speaking haqida bomba dars oʻtamiz 🤩

Multilevelga tayyorlanayotganlar bormi?

Xaa 🔥

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Yagona qolgan yashil maydonlardan biri boʻlgan Anhor bogʻining oʻrniga koʻp qavatli turar joy qurilayotgan ekan. Bu kabi yashil maydonlarning kamayib ketishi nafaqat atrof muhitga, balki oʻzimizga ham ziyon. Bu kabi yashil maydonlarni saqlab qolishimiz kerak. Aynan shular shahar koʻrki hisoblanadi. Shuning uchun bu loyihada faol boʻlishingizni soʻrab qolar edim. Oʻzim ham xudo xohlasa borib turar joy qurilishiga qarshi ekanligimni bildirib kelaman❗️

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