Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

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• Har kunlik 20:00 da bepul jonli darslar
• 10000+ o’quvchilarimiz kurslarimiz orqali
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• Teacher: @otabek_saidakhmadovich
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Xulosa qilib aytadigan bo’lsak bugungi exam qanday bo’ldi ?

Vapshe oson | O’rtacha | Murakkab …?

7.5k 0 0 1.2k 166

🍔16.02.2025 2-smena

Listening part 3 Answers

15.It is the most great time to start

16.It doesn’t need special time to start something

17.New year has a long history

18.New year is the best time to gather relatives

📶1-smena takrorlandi

🕊Join: @multilevel

11.7k 0 211 262 123

16-Fevral 2-smena.pdf

Aprel oyida topshiruvchilar bittalab ko’rib chiqing

Hamma savollar qayta tushib qolishi mumkin

🕊Join: @multilevel

14.1k 0 690 147 83

🍔16.02.2025 2-smena

Reading part 5 Answers

2. Sun
3. Water
4. Chemicals
5. B
6. B

O’quvchilar shunday belgilashgan

🕊Join: @multilevel

16.8k 0 351 465 128

Reading part 5 ga qanday javob oldingizlar tekshirib olamiz …

15.9k 0 10 127 107

🍔16.02.2025 2-smena

Listening part 2 Answers

1. Library
2. 3
3. Online
4. 9
5. Healthylife

🕊Join: @multilevel

17.1k 0 350 167 137

🍔16.02.2025 2-smena

Writing task 1

Your friend is planning to learn a new language and has asked for your advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, include the following points:

- Thank them for asking your opinion.
- Recommend a language you think would be useful for them to learn.
- Explain why you think this language would be beneficial.
- Offer to help them with their learning process if possible.

🕊Join: @multilevel

17.3k 0 345 120 69

🍔16.02.2025 2-smena

Reading part 1 Answers

1 coach
2 skills
3 training
4 game
5 goal

📶Kechagi qaytarildi

🕊Join: @multilevel

17.9k 0 371 113 134

🍔16.02.2025 2-smena

Writing task 2

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🕊Join: @multilevel

18.7k 0 585 285 116

16-fevral 1-smena.pdf

• Aprel oyida topshiruvchilar bittalab ko’rib chiqing

• Hamma savollar qayta tushib qolishi mumkin

• Sizlarni uchun maximal support

🕊Join: @multilevel

25.7k 0 1.6k 604 179

🖼Agar hozir exam hududida bo’lsangiz commentda video qilib yuboringchi

Boshqalarga exam atmosferasini ulashgan bo’lasiz

24.6k 0 18 874 237

🍔16.02.2025 1-smena

Listening part 6 Answers

1. Impact
2. Dialog
3. sentence
4. Resources
5. Borrowing
6. Terminology

🕊Join: @multilevel

26.1k 0 704 358 158

🍔16.02.2025 1-smena

Listening part 5 Answers

Extract 1

1. Why the woman to work abroad?

— To do meaningful things before work

2. What is most rewarding for woman?

— To see her students going confidence

Extract 2

3. The photograph is for man
- As a hobby

4. what is the challenging of photography?

— To settle perfect lighting

Extract 3

6. How choose the book?
— Their interests

🕊Join: @multilevel

25.4k 0 544 90 108

🍔16.02.2025 1-smena

Listening part 2 Answers

2. 5 days
3. Free
4. 11 a.m
5. Foodlovers

🕊Join: @multilevel

24.1k 0 636 364 141

🍔16.02.2025 1-smena

Listening part 3 Answers

15.It is the most great time to start

16.It doesn’t need special time to start something

17.New year has a long history

18.New year is the best time to gather relatives

🕊Join: @multilevel

22.5k 0 583 88 121

🍔16.02.2025 1-smena

Reading part 5 Answers

Deep- see
2. Vopor
3. Ocean

Yana nima oldingiz davom etamiz …

🕊Join: @multilevel

23.2k 0 645 137 132

🍔16.02.2025 1-smena

Listening part 2 Answers

2.5 days
4.11 a.m

🕊Join: @multilevel

23.4k 0 636 141 131

Kim qaysi partga qaysi javob oldi yozinglarchi tekshirib olamiz …?

21.8k 0 26 163 135

🍔16.02.2025 1-smena

Listening part 1 Answers

1. Did you enjoy the concert?
- Yes, it was amazing.

2. What do you think of when we should go?
- How about the cake?

3. Will you come to my birthday?
- I need to... check my schedule.

4. Can you live it?
- I am not very good at it.

5. What do you think about the new teacher?
- She seems very nice.

6. Would you like to join us for dinner?
- I'd love to, thank you.

7. Can you tell me the way to the nearest house?
- It's just down the road on the left.

8. Have you seen my classes anywhere?
- They might find on the table.

🕊Join: @multilevel

23.8k 0 615 75 184

🍔16.02.2025 1-smena

Writing task 1

You are interested in attending a course.

Write a letter to the course administrator. In your letter:

- Provide details about the course you are interested in.
-Explain why you want to attend this course.
-Ask for more information about the course (e.g., schedule, fees, requirements).

🕊Join: @multilevel

23.8k 0 813 126 161
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