LESSON 1 - INTRODUCTION TO IELTS AND TASK 1!* language (uzbek-95%&5%-english)
Uyga vazifa:1- Videoni ikki marta tomosha qiling, take notes, pdf kommentda.
2. ELS kitobi - 5 ta text, mashqlari, lug`ati bilan (8-17 betlar), pdf kommentda.
3. Literature - Monte Cristo - Chapter 1-2, active reading, lug`ati bilan (1-17), pdf kommentda.
4. Literature - Saodat asri qissalari 1, (1-20 betlar), pdf kommentda.
5. Pauline Cullen Task 1, Lesson 1, o`qib, take notes, pdf kommentda.
6. Pauline Cullen Task 2, Lesson 1,o`qib, take notes, pdf kommentda.
7. 6-vazifadagi mavzularni ingliz tilida gapirib, record qilish (5 minut+).
8. Chatgpt bilan 6-vazifadagi mavzular bo`yicha speaking - 20 minut.
9. IELTS Speaking Assistant appdan, part - 1/2/3 - 3 tadan mavzu, o`qib, take notes.
10. Chatgpt bilan 9-vazifadagi mavzular bo`yicha speaking - 20 minut.
11. Shayna, Lesson 1, quizi bilan, take notes, pdf kommentda.
12. Youtube - predential debate - (Lin
k) - 50 minut ko`rib, 50 minut qaramay eshiti
ng, take
13. Youtube - Zuckerberg and Senator Hawley - (Link) - 6 minut, qaramay eshiting, take notes.
. BBC BOX SET: 6 Minute English - 'Food and Drink' - (Link) - 1 soat, qaramay eshiting, take notes, lug`atlarini yodlang.
15. Intensive IELTS Listening - Chapter 1, Unit1-2, pdf kommentda, audio.
16. Chatgpt bila
n 11-vazifadagi mavzular bo`yicha speaking - 10 minut.
17. Destination-C1-C2-Unit 1, pdf kommentda.
18. WSJ - 2 ta maqola, lug`atlari bilan, pdf kommentda.
19. Ideoms - Lesson 1, take notes, pdf kommentda.
20. Health - Unit 1, take notes, lug`atlarini yodlang, link.
21. Shu joygach
a yetib kelgan bo`lsangiz demak tiriksiz, tabriklayman, kunni oxirgi vazifasi : 19- dagi ideomlarga speech va record qiling, gaplar tuzib, 10-15 minut.