
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

▫️ Personal views
▫️UWED 3/4 👩‍🎓

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

-En zoru nedir?
-İçiniz dağılırken dışarıdan gülüyorsunuz

The reason why I prefer the bus to the subway🔋

I’m learning smth new from Aziz Rakhimov in these days🫣 I will share it with you after I have learnt it completely🫠

Technology has solved old economic problems by giving us new psychological problems.The internet has not just open-sourced information;it has also open-sourced insecurity,self-doubt and shame


When you’re ready to start Aziz Rakhimov’s lesson🌚

Aziz Rakhimov tomonidan tavsiya etilgan kitoblar

•Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Fooled by Randomness, Black Swan etc.)
•Ray Dalio (Principles, New World Order)
•Richard Feynman (Six Easy Pieces)
•Max Planck (books about physics)
•Morgan Housle (Pyschology of Money)
•Andrew Grove (High Output Management)
•Ryan Holiday (Ego is Enemy, etc.)
•Ben Horowitz (The Hard Thing About Hard Things)
•Barbra Oakley (A Mind for Numbers)
•Daniel Daniel Kahneman (Thinking, Fast and Slow)
•Robert Cialdini (Influence)


Jamiyat uchun kambag’allikdan badavlatlikka erishish yo’lidagi eng zaruriy chora siyosiy rejimni o'zgartirishdir.
•Mamlakat tanazzuli sabablari

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Korean songpyeon

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The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience.

Mark Manson-“The subtle art of not giving a f*ck”

P.s it’s a 1st time I’m reading in english continuesly🫣

So guyz,how’s your life going on?nowadays I’m a super busy with my stydies. As I mentioned above I’m paying off my debt🫠 I should take an IELTS and Topik in this academic year for my master’s degree. I am still in dillemma about what I'm going to major for my master's degree (I'll tell you later) and I’m planning to make changes in my life that seemed impossible to me before(I’ll share these with you🫣)

Hi everyone! Starting today, the channel will change completely, I deleted most of the previous posts and changed name to “Metanoia” (which means the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life) In this channel I’ll post about my personal interests, lifestyle,my stydies(english and korean) and politics, books and personal development) From today, most posts are written in English.If you want to leave feel free

If you can eat alone every day, you can do everything else❤️‍🩹

Siyosatchining panzahari-zahrini kesuvchisi farosatdir.Farosat esa faqat mo’minlarga ato qilingan.Mo’min bo’lib qolishdan boshqa hech bir chora bizni o’z haqiqatimizdan yulib ololmaydi…

•Marziya Saydam

Sevimli o’zbek yozuvchilarim yana bittaga ko’paydi!O’tkir Hoshimov,Tohir Malik singari yaxshi yozuvchilardan keyin hozirgi davrdagi Akrom Malikni asarlari yoqardi endi esa Marziya Saydam ham qo’shildi:) Bu kitob kichkina hikoyachalardan iborat bunaqa hikoyachalar mening “type”im emas deb yurardim ammo bu kitobga “no comment” 🫠bu kitobdagi qisqagina hikoyachalardan butun boshli asarlardagi ma’nolarni anglaysiz..

Oxirgi paytlar, o’tgan 3yilimda kelajakdan qarz olib mezza qilib yashaganimni tushinib yetyapman💔
Endi esa shu paytgacha qilishim kerak bo’lgan 3ta ishni qilib qarzimni to’lashim kerak❤️‍🩹

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