Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

YOUTUBE: lison_uzb
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

✅ Explanation:

"Fewer / kamroq"
sanaladigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi.
- fewer books
- fewer houses

"Less / kamroq" sanalmaydigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi.
- less money
- less water

👍 @lison_uzb

She has _______ books than him.
  •   less
  •   fewer
28 голосов

sue the company
kompaniyani sudga bermoq

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Joseph Addison

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In recent years, Jakarta has invested in improving public transport system and its integration with 'normal' bus transport.

Talabaning ko'z quvonchi😅



📌 Nevertheless
📌 Nonetheless

- shunga qaramasdan, shunday bo'lsa-da

He was tired; nevertheless, he finished his work.
He was tired; nonetheless, he finished his work.

🤝 @lison_uzb

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

C.S. Lewis

I.😠😡😎 Xolerik
1. Shoshqaloq. 2. keskin va to‘g‘ri so‘z.
3. Tashabbuskor. 4. O‘jar. 5. Tavakkalchi. 6. Kishilarga kek saqlamaydi, xafa bo‘lmaydi.

II. 😃🤪🥳Sangvinik
1. Xushchaqchaq va quvnoq. 2. Sharoitga oson moslashadi. 3. Ishini oxiriga yetkazmaydi. 4. O‘ziga ortiqcha baho berishga moyil. 5. Yangilikni tez egallashga layoqatli. 6. Ko‘ngilsizlikni yengil o‘tkazadi.

III. 😒😏🙂Flegmatik
1. Sovuqqon va xotirjam. 2. Ishda batartib va sharoitni hisobga oladi. 3. Ehtiyotkor va andishali. 4. Kutishga, chidamga layoqatli.
5. Kamgap, behuda so‘zlamaydi. 6. Kek saqlamaydi, kechirimli.

IV. 😩😢☺️ Melanxolik
1. Tortinchoq va uyatchan. 2. Yangi sharoitda o‘zini yo‘qotib qo‘yadi. 3. Notanish kishi bilan tez til topisha olmaydi. 4. O‘z kuchi va imkoniyatlariga ishonmaydi. 5. Yolg‘izlikni yaxshi ko‘radi. 6. Indamas, o‘ta itoatkor.

Temperamentingiz qaysi turga mansub?

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Sere are some expressions and idioms involving "horse":

1. Hold your horses

– Be patient; slow down.

Hold your horses! We’ll leave in a few minutes.

2. Straight from the horse’s mouth

– Directly from the source or someone who has first-hand information.

I got the news straight from the horse’s mouth, so it’s reliable.

3. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

– Don’t criticize or question something given to you as a gift.

You should accept the offer. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

4. Get off your high horse

– Stop acting arrogant or superior.

You need to get off your high horse and listen to other people’s ideas.

5. Beat a dead horse

– To continue talking about something that is no longer relevant or important.

Let’s not beat a dead horse. We’ve already discussed this issue.

6. Back the wrong horse

– To support or invest in something that fails.

He backed the wrong horse when he invested in that failing company.

7. Put the cart before the horse

– To do things in the wrong order.

Planning the party before setting a date is putting the cart before the horse.

8. Horse around

– To play or fool around, often in a noisy or disruptive way.

The kids were horsing around in the backyard all afternoon.

9. Dark horse

– A person who surprises others by achieving success unexpectedly.

She was the dark horse in the competition and ended up winning.

10. Horse of a different color

– A completely different issue or situation.

We’re talking about marketing strategies now, but legal problems are a horse of a different color.


imtihondan o'tdimmi-yo'qmi, shuni bilmoqchi edim. Iltimos, javobingizni belgilab qo'yarsiz:
Ha, albatta.


I've had an accident. I am _______ the hospital now.
  •   at
  •   in
179 голосов

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Rasmiy o'rinlarda va ilmiy istilohda "maize" so'zidan foydalaniladi. Kundalik hayotda "corn" yoki "sweetcorn" ko'proq ishlatiladi.



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