Web dasturchi. (PEVN, PERN, MEVN, MERN) Bu kanalda mening ITga oid shaxsiy fikrlarim, foydali postlar va testlarim qoʻyib boriladi. Murojaat uchun: @khumoyunmirzo_web Kanal chati: https://t.me/+KMhiGu3B8ahiMmRi
03.05.2024 01:24
Web dasturchi. (PEVN, PERN, MEVN, MERN) Bu kanalda mening ITga oid shaxsiy fikrlarim, foydali postlar va testlarim qoʻyib boriladi. Murojaat uchun: @khumoyunmirzo_web
02.05.2024 01:28
Web developer. From Ferghana, Kokand. With 2 years of experience. In this channel you can see my portfolio projects and useful posts about IT. For communications: @khumoyunmirzo_web
26.04.2024 01:26
Web developer. From Ferghana, Kokand. With 2 years of experience. In this channel you can see my portfolio projects and useful posts about IT. For communicate: @khumoyunmirzo_web
24.04.2024 19:07
In this channel you can see my portfolio projects and useful posts about IT. For communicate: @khumoyunmirzo_web