Just me

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Telegram

Just me with my books and unbearable introversion

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Still soothing

“They don’t have roads, but they have Facebook.”

From ‘The social network’

Jesse Eisenberg
Andrew Garfield
Justin Timberlake…


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Cozy night with exchange teachers Emily, Mathew, Lily and o’zimizni qorako’zlar 💕

Btw, Indian food is not recommended for your own good

This news was lacking in my miserable life, now I’ve a purpose😅

Репост из: Allaev Uz
Yozuvchi Den Braun Robert Lengdon seriyasida yangi kitobini e'lon qildi.
Kitob premyerasi 9-sentyabr kuni yaʼni 09.09.2025ga koʻzlangan.


Best part of reading✨

"Don't leave anything for later.
Later, the coffee gets cold.
Later, you lose interest.
Later, the day turns into night.
Later, people grow up.
Later, people grow old.
Later, life goes by.
Later, you regret not doing something... when you had the chance."

-Toshikazu Kawaguchi

I got a Kindle to stop buying physical books. Now I just read on my Kindle while surrounded by the new books I keep buying. Progress? Sort of))


Accurately me:
Introvirtuous - “I'm here to help. But I'd rather not be”

My chemically imbalanced brain going from lonely to happy to anxious to depressed to sleepy within 5 minutes🥲

Sally Rooney
“Normal people”

I believe in holding grudges. I'll heal in hell.

Am I asking too much?

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Look what I’ve found 😅

‘I was entering a world of people just like me, people stumbling around in the debris of dreams they thought they were entitled to and plans they didn't realize they had made.’


‘Apparently, staying to yourself & not bothering people....bothers people’

Happened, happening and will happen

Bu hayot emas, bu umr o’tgani


Today I embraced the darkness


Показано 20 последних публикаций.