Assalomu aleykum hammaga!
Ba'zi proyektlar bilan band bo'lib qolganim sababli, orada maqola yozishni to'xatib turishga majbur bo'ldim.Lekin shu project da ishlatgan eng ko'p ishlatgan narsalarimdan biri Jsonlar haqida bugun maqola yozdim o'ylaymanki androidni o'rganayotganlar uchun foydali bo'ladi.(Agar imloviy uslubiy xatolar bo'lsa avvaldan uzr so'rayman)
Good afternoon everyone!
I cannot write articles about android because of some projects. But I just have written artice about Jsons and Type converters in android which I used so often in these projects. I think it may be such a benefitial source for ones who is learning android. (If there are any mistakes in typing, sorry for them)
#json_parsing #type_converters
Ba'zi proyektlar bilan band bo'lib qolganim sababli, orada maqola yozishni to'xatib turishga majbur bo'ldim.Lekin shu project da ishlatgan eng ko'p ishlatgan narsalarimdan biri Jsonlar haqida bugun maqola yozdim o'ylaymanki androidni o'rganayotganlar uchun foydali bo'ladi.(Agar imloviy uslubiy xatolar bo'lsa avvaldan uzr so'rayman)
Good afternoon everyone!
I cannot write articles about android because of some projects. But I just have written artice about Jsons and Type converters in android which I used so often in these projects. I think it may be such a benefitial source for ones who is learning android. (If there are any mistakes in typing, sorry for them)
#json_parsing #type_converters