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Yoqtirganingga erish! Aks holda erishganlaringni yoqtirishga togri keladi…

Ingliz tilida “sen” soʻzi bormi?

Maʼlumki, ingliz tilidagi “you” soʻzi “siz” deb tarjima qilinadi, yaʼni bu tilda soʻzlashuvchi barcha bir-birini sizlaydi.

Ammo Buyuk Britaniyaning baʼzi qishloqlarida “thou” soʻzi bor, u ancha eski, ammo hozirgacha qoʻllanadi. Taʼkidlanishicha, bu soʻz baʼzi odamlar tomonidan xudoga murojaat qilganda ham ishlatiladi.

Never hurt someone who is ready to do anything for you!

tahajjud and istighfar works like a miracle.

UzEx tavsifnoma.pdf
It will be needed sometime.😄

Hech qachon ajralib turish kerak emas. Jinnilar orasida yashagan taqdiringda ham, "telba" bo‘lishni o‘rganishing zarur.

©️Aleksandr Dyuma

Inson go’zal narsalarni buzg’uzchisidir !

There are many occasions when you are prepared to take action and can't. Sometimes it's because you're worried or excited too far in advance. Sometimes it's because you don't know what action to take. There are some things you cannot change no matter what you do.

Muhabbatni tahlil qilib bo'lmaydi. U hammada har xil. Buni shunday izohlash mumkin. Dunyodagi hech bir insonni barmoq izlari bir - birinikiga mos kelmaydi. Muhabbat ham - shu. Bunda hech qaysi dunyo qonuni ishlamaydi. Xullas hamma o'z prinsiplarini o'zi belgilaydi.

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🎬The pursuit of Happyness

Репост из: Iqtisod4i
Ривожланган мамлакатлар билан муҳим фарқимиз шуки, у ерда газ билан бошқа ресурслардан қайси бири қимматроқ эканини истеъмолчига бозор айтади, амалдорлар эмас. Албатта, бунинг учун авваламбор бозорнинг ўзи мавжуд бўлиши керак.

I started a challenge until Ramadan🌙.

✅ Daily Must-Do List
-Stay consistent in prayers – Perform daily prayers on time, read the Quran, and make duas.
-Learn 50 new English words every day – Use them in sentences for better retention.
-Attend English classes daily – No skipping without a valid reason.
-Read at least 2 hours a day – Expand knowledge and improve focus.
-Study Islamic finance – Dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to learning about it.
-Watch 1 YouTube podcast every day – Preferably in English for language improvement.
-Go to the gym daily – Stay fit and maintain discipline.

❌ Things to Avoid
-Stop wasting time – Use every minute wisely.
-Delete Instagram – Avoid distractions and save time.
-Don’t sit in the dorm room all day – Be more active and productive.
-Worry and stress less – Focus on solutions instead of problems.
-Reduce phone usage – Only use it for important tasks.

Inson tug’ma oliyjanob fazilatlarni saqlab qola oladi ammo yo’qchilikda ularni hechqachon va hechnarsa saqlab qola olmaydi…

©️F. Dostoyevskiy

She focused on Allah. He did the same. So Allah gave them to each other.

How long have you lived in this life? We’re gonna be asked…

Darhaqiqat, yolg'izlik saodatdir, uni tatib ko'rgan kishigina biladi.

📚The Muqaddimah

Показано 20 последних публикаций.