Jahonabegim’s World

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Life at University of Missouri '26🇺🇸
Inspiration and study vibes only🪄
Personal blog
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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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I want this raw honey comb so baaadddd. Anyone who tried? Does it taste like regular honey?

764 0 2 12 39

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Hey everyone!

I recorded a daily vlog that didn’t turn out quite as aesthetic as I hoped. I overslept and was late to my first class, which totally threw off my morning routine. I’m that crazy person who sets the alarm for 6 PM instead of 6 AM!

But here it is anyway! I really hope you’ll enjoy it. By the way, this vlog turned out to be the luckiest one ever because I’m taking journalism classes this semester, and guess what? This vlog is part of my project for the week! Feeling truly blessed! 🙌

Can’t wait for you to check it out! 🎀🎥

1.7k 0 23 30 120

My feed these days…

3.2k 0 104 14 108

Importance of plain language

The average person in the United States reads at about an eighth grade reading level. However, many messages are written at a much higher grade level than that. One way to check the reading level of your messages is using the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test, which is actually part of Microsoft Word (it's in the settings in the same area as the spelling and grammar check).

The Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test was developed through a contract with the U.S. Navy in 1975 to assess the difficulty of technical manuals. When this test was put to a sample of some common periodicals, the results were surprising:

1. Time magazine: 9th grade reading level.
2. USA Today: 10th grade reading level
3. Better Homes & Gardens: 11th grade reading level.

We can also see the power of using plain language in society, both good and bad. One classic example of this can be seen in the final presidential debate between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter in 1980. Carter had just given an eloquent response on why the American people should vote for him and it was Reagan's turn. His answer, while not eloquent, resonated with everyone watching the debate because of the simplicity of his response.

Note that Reagan really just had one main message that was repeated over and over again with slight differences. It was easy for anyone watching to answer those questions that he posed to them and, do to the simplicity of the message, there were no gray areas - it was either yes or no. Although the debate didn't decide the election, Reagan's easy-to-understand messaging throughout his campaign was a reason he won in 1980 in a landslide.

Agar men bilan interview/podcast bòlganida qanday savol bergan bòlar edingiz?

Kommentariyda yozishingiz mumkin, agar noqulay bòlsa shu botga.

I found a cool page for: study tips, techniques, motivation, productivity, all that stuff✨

The posts are well-written, easy to read, such an aesthetic format to engage with!

Sharing the page for you, my study buddies: https://www.instagram.com/erik_romd?igsh=cmw5ajlydXczbHRu

Feed of the week - busy and always with 💻

Lesson of the day- Group study sessions are always better than studying alone.

1. Each member brings their strengths and understanding to the table. Maybe one of you is good at problem-solving, while another at theory. Together you’ll be a perfect duo.

2. Let’s face it- Staying motivated can be tough when you’re studying alone. In group setting, there’s a sense of accountability that keeps everyone on track.

3. More structured = cover more in less time. We literally spend 3 hours to fully go over everything we learned these 3 weeks.

4. A lot of FUN! - literally, we laughed non-stop. Created some funny associations with terms to remember better.

So next time you’re prepping for a big test, consider forming or joining a study group for more enjoyable experience!

Heartbroken after hearing that Adele will be taking the longest brake from music in her career💔

These are the last days of her concert in LA. If not this time I’ll make it to her concert probably with my kids, InshaAllah.

My all time favorite, Adele.

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