IT Park Uzbekistan

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Категория: Технологии

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🎙️ Oʻzbekiston IT sohasi #ProPerspective ruknidagi ekspert nuqtai nazaridan

🤔 Bugungi sonimiz qahramoni — “Go4th Research” kompaniyasi asoschisi Sean Goforth.

“Go4th Research” – BPO xizmatlari hamda texnologiya provayderlari, sanoat uyushmalari va offshor loyihalarni ishlab chiquvchi agentliklarga bozor tadqiqotlari va konsalting xizmatlarini taqdim etuvchi kompaniya.

🟥 Ruknimizning navbatdagi sonini quyidagi havola orqali YouTube kanalimizda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin:

🎙️ The IT sector of Uzbekistan is represented by an expert in the #ProPerspective column

🤔 The hero of today’s issue is Sean Goforth, the CEO of "Go4th Research".

"Go4th Research" provides market research and consultative services to stakeholders across the front office BPO CX space, including outsourcers, technology providers, industry associations and offshore development agencies.

🟥 Watch the next issue on our YouTube channel at the link:

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🌏 IT Park vakillari Malayziyaning mashhur UpStream BPO autsorsing kompaniyasi asoschisi Ahmad Qayum bilan uchrashuv o‘tkazdi

Uchrashuv davomida bosh direktor Ahmad Qayum O‘zbekistonning Sirdaryo viloyatida yangi ofis ochish va uning Markaziy Osiyodagi faoliyatini kengaytirish rejasini aytib o‘tdi.

UpStream’ning Sirdaryodagi yangi BPO bo‘limi asosiy e’tiborni inson resurslari, moliyaviy texnologiyalar, kiberxavfsizlik va umumiy biznes jarayonlarini autsorsing kabi bir qancha muhim biznes funksiyalarga qaratishni rejalashtirmoqda.

🕸 Batafsil veb-saytimizda.

Representatives of IT Park convened a meeting with Ahmed Qayyum, the founder of the renowned Malaysian outsourcing company, UpStream BPO

During the meeting, Ahmed Qayyum affirmed plans to establish a new office in the Syrdarya Region of Uzbekistan, thereby expanding its presence within Central Asia.

The new division of UpStream BPO in Syrdarya will focus on several critical business functions, including personnel management, financial technologies, cybersecurity, and general business process outsourcing.

🕸 Read more on the website.

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🤩 Toshkent shahrida IT Park ko‘magida “AWS Community Day Central Asia 2024” konferensiyasi bo‘lib o‘tadi

🔘 “Amazon Web Services”, “EPAM”, “Bank of Georgia”, “Alif Bank” va “TBC” kompaniyalari mutaxassislari AI/ML, Data Engineering, FinOps, DevOps, Serverless, Security mavzulari boʻyicha maʼruzalar, shuningdek biznes keyslarni taqdim etadilar.

🗓 26-may, 10:00
🗺 Inha universiteti
👥 Bepul

🟡 Barcha tafsilotlar va roʻyxatdan oʻtish havolasi veb-saytimizda.

🤩 Tashkent hosts “AWS Community Day Central Asia 2024” conference with the support of IT Park

🔘 Experts from “Amazon Web Services,” “EPAM,” “Bank of Georgia,” “Alif Bank,” and “TBC” will deliver lectures and business cases on topics including AI/ML, Data Engineering, FinOps, DevOps, Serverless, and Security.

🗓 May 26th, 10:00 AM
🗺 Inha University
👥 Free of charge

🟡 All details and registration link are available on our website.

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🎙️ O‘zbekiston IT sohasi #ProPerspective ruknidagi ekspert nuqtayi nazaridan

🤔 Bugungi sonimiz qahramoni – O‘zbekistonda kompaniya ochib, IT Park rezidenti bo‘lishni rejalashtirayotgan “INSERES” kompaniyasi bosh direktori Ahmet Anil Mungen.

“INSERES” kompaniyasi akademik sohada keng qo‘llaniladigan va Turkiya xorijiy manbalarga bog‘liq bo‘lgan dasturiy ta’minot va texnologiyalarni ishlab chiqadi va ularni akademiklarga taqdim etadi.

🟥 Ruknimizning navbatdagi sonini quyidagi havola orqali YouTube kanalimizda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin:

🎙️ The IT sector of Uzbekistan is represented by an expert in the #ProPerspective column

🤔 The hero of today’s issue is Ahmet Anil Mungen, the CEO of "INSERES", how plans to open a company in Uzbekistan and become resident of IT Park.

"INSERES" develops software and technologies that are widely used in academic life and that Turkey is dependent on foreign sources, and presents them to academics.

🟥 Watch the next issue on our YouTube channel at the link:

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🌏 IT Park AQShda boʻlib oʻtgan “Asia Business Conference” tadbirida Oʻzbekistonning xorijiy kompaniyalar uchun afzalliklarini taqdim etdi

Asia Business Conference — bu Osiyoda ishbilarmonlik muhitini rivojlantirayotgan tadbirkorlar va mutaxassislarni birlashtiruvchi muhim tadbir.

🔘 “Markaziy Yevroosiyoda rivojlanayotgan texnologiyalar va tadbirkorlik” panel sessiyasida IT Park Uzbekistanʼning Shimoliy Amerika mintaqasi boʻlimi rahbari Sultonmurod Rasulov, Oʻzbekiston yangi IT-autsorsing markaziga aylangani va mamlakatda BPO sohasini rivojlantirish uchun barcha zarur sharoitlar yaratilganini taʼkidladi.

🕸 Batafsil veb-saytimizda.

🌏 IT Park presented the advantages of Uzbekistan for foreign companies at the Asia Business Conference in the USA

The Asia Business Conference stands as a significant event, gathering together entrepreneurs and professionals developing the business environment in Asia.

🔘 During the panel session titled “Emerging Technologies and Entrepreneurship in Central Eurasia,” Sultonmurod Rasulov, Head of the North American Region Department at IT Park Uzbekistan, underscored that Uzbekistan has ascended as a new IT outsourcing hub, highlighting that the country has established all necessary conditions for the development of BPO.

🕸 Read more on the website.

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🤩 Barchangizni muborak Ramazon hayiti bayrami bilan tabriklaymiz!

Bayram har bir xonadonga iliqlik va quvonch, ahillik, farovonlik, tinchlik va totuvlik olib kelsin! Mustahkam sog'liq, hayrli amallar va niyatlaringiz ro'yobini tilaymiz! Siz va yaqinlaringizga tinchlik va omonlik yor bo'lsin!

✨ Eng yaxshi tilaklar bilan, IT Park jamoasi!

🤩 Congratulations to everyone on the occasion of Eid!

May this celebration bring warmth and delight into every home, along with harmony, and joy! Wishing you robust health, virtuous deeds, and the fulfillment of your aspirations! Peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

✨ Best regards, IT Park Team!

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🌏 Joriy yilning mart oyida IT Park 37 ta yangi eksportga yoʻnaltirilgan rezidentlarni, jumladan, 19 tasi xorijiy kapital ishtirokidagi kompaniyani jalb qildi

Mart oyining yangi rezidentlari xorijiy mamlakatlarga 10 million dollardan ortiq mahsulot va xizmatlarni eksport qilishni rejalashtirmoqda. Faoliyat yo'nalishlari orasida: IT va BPO xizmatlari, dasturiy ta'minot va o'yinlarni ishlab chiqish, dizayn hamda multimedia bor. Taqdim etilgan biznes-rejaga ko‘ra, 19 ta yangi xorijiy korxona 1150 dan ortiq yangi ish o‘rinlari yaratishni rejalashtirgan.

🕸 Batafsil veb-saytimizda.

🌏 In March of the current year, IT Park attracted 37 new export-oriented residents, among which 19 companies had foreign capital involvement

The new March residents plan to export their products and services to foreign countries for an amount exceeding $10 million. Among the areas of activity are IT and BPO services, software development, game development, design, and multimedia. According to the submitted business plan, 19 new foreign companies plan to create more than 1150 new jobs.

🕸 Read more on the website.

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🗺 Joriy yilning 4-aprel kuni Riga shahrida Latviya Investisiyalar va taraqqiyot agentligi, O‘zbekistonning Latviyadagi elchixonasi, ISSV va IT Park Uzbekistan ko‘magida O‘zbekistonning Latviya kompaniyalari uchun investisiya salohiyatiga bag‘ishlangan “Invest in Uzbekistan” konferensiyasi bo‘lib o‘tdi

🇺🇿 So‘zga chiqqan IT Park Uzbekistan ijrochi direktori Abdulahad Qo‘chqorov mamlakatimizda innovatsion rivojlanishning asosiy yo‘nalishlari haqida gapirdi. Shuningdek, O‘zbekiston bozoriga hech qanday xavf-xatarsiz kirishni xohlovchi xorijiy IT va BPO kompaniyalari uchun korporativ soliqlar va QQSning barcha turlaridan ozod qilinadigan IT Park rezidentligi, “Zero Risk” va “Hududiy shtab-kvartira” dasturlari haqida ham ma’lumotlar berildi.

🇱🇻 So‘ngra, Latviya kompaniyalari O‘zbekistonda biznes yuritish bo‘yicha o‘z tajribalarini taqdim etdilar.

➡️ Batafsil veb-saytimizda.

🗺 On April 4th, in Riga, with the support of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Latvia, Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan and IT Park Uzbekistan, the “Invest in Uzbekistan conference” took place, dedicated to exploring Uzbekistan’s investment potential for Latvian companies

🇺🇿 Abdulakhad Kuchkarov, Executive Director of IT Park Uzbekistan, elaborated on the key directions of innovative development within the country. Furthermore, detailed insights were provided regarding residency in IT Park, which grants exemption from all corporate taxes and VAT, alongside initiatives such as the Zero Risk and Regional Headquarters programs tailored for foreign IT and BPO companies seeking market entry into Uzbekistan devoid of any risks.

🇱🇻 Latvian companies presented their experiences regarding business operations in Uzbekistan.

➡️ Read more on the website.

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#ProPerspective #interview

🎙️ Oʻzbekiston IT sohasi #ProPerspective ruknidagi ekspert nuqtai nazaridan

🔘 Bugungi sonimiz qahramoni — “Infinite Computer Solutions” kompaniyasining bosh vitse-prezidenti Shon Manchanda.

“Infinite Computer Solutions” xalqaro texnologik va konsalting kompaniyasi boʻlib, u turli sohalardagi korxonalarga innovatsion raqamli yechimlarni taqdim etadi.

🟥 Ruknimizning navbatdagi sonini quyidagi havola orqali YouTube kanalimizda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin:

🎙️ The IT sector of Uzbekistan is represented by an expert in the #ProPerspective column

🔘 The hero of today's issue is Sean Manchanda, the Senior Vice President of Infinite Computer Solutions.

Infinite Computer Solutions is an international technology and consulting company that provides innovative digital solutions for businesses across various industries.

🟥 Watch the next issue on our YouTube channel at the link:

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🇺🇿🇰🇷 Join Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference in Korea

🗓 Date & Time: 23rd of April, 13:30
🗺 Location: Seoul, South Korea, LOTTE World Tower SKY31 Convention

📝 Why attend? Discover the potential of Uzbekistan's IT and BPO landscape with compelling reasons to join us:

🟢 Tax Incentives: Learn more about 0% corporate, social, property, and land taxes, and other means of support for IT and BPO companies;
🟢 Skilled Talents: Tap into a youthful and dynamic workforce from a 20 million working-age population offering a diverse and multilingual talent pool, including more than 14,000 Korean-speaking people;
🟢 IT Visa: Get a multiple-entry visa valid for up to 3 years for investors, company founders, and IT professionals;
🟢 Ease of Doing Business: Start your company swiftly within 3-6 weeks with all the necessary support to hit the ground running;
🟢 Zero Risk Program: Take advantage of free office space for 12 months plus reimbursements on employee salaries and professional development costs;
🟢 Benefits for service-oriented non-IT companies: Entering the Central Asian market through the membership in IT Park. 

👥 Who Should Attend?

➡️ C-level representatives of companies looking to expand their outsourcing footprint;
➡️ Business development managers seeking new business expansion and outsourcing opportunities;

🌏 We anticipate your attendance at an event that offers not only valuable insights but also serves as a gateway to new opportunities within Uzbekistan's ITES sector.

📥 Register Now to Secure Your Invitation.

#Uzbekistan #IT #Outsourcing #BPO #ITConference #Event #ITOutsourcing

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🇺🇿🇰🇷 Koreyada oʻtkaziladigan “Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference” tadbirida ishtirok eting!

🗓 Vaqti: 23-aprel, 13:30
🗺 Manzili: Seul, Janubiy Koreya, “LOTTE World Tower” SKY31 Convention

📝 Tadbirda Oʻzbekistonning IT va BPO sohalaridagi salohiyatini kashf etasiz. Qolaversa:

🟢 Soliq imtiyozlari: 0% korporativ, ijtimoiy, mol-mulk va yer soligʻi hamda IT va BPO-kompaniyalarini qoʻllab-quvvatlashning boshqa vositalari haqida batafsil bilib olasiz;
🟢 Malakali isteʼdodlar: 20 million mehnatga layoqatli aholi orasidan turli va koʻp tillarni biladigan iqtidorlar zahirasi, jumladan, 14 000 dan ortiq koreys tilida soʻzlashuvchi mutaxassislarni taklif qiluvchi yosh va dinamik ishchi kuchi bilan tanishasiz;
🟢 IT viza: investorlar, kompaniya asoschilari va IT-mutaxassislar uchun 3 yilgacha amal qiluvchi koʻp martalik viza olishingiz mumkin;
🟢 Biznes yuritishning qulayligi: faoliyatni tezda yoʻlga qoʻyish uchun zarur barcha yordamni olgan holda 3-6 hafta ichida kompaniyangizni ishga tushirish imkoniyati;
🟢 “Zero Risk” dasturi: 12 oy davomida bepul ofis maydoni va xodimlarning ish haqi va malakasini oshirish xarajatlarini qoplash imkoniyatlaridan foydalaning.
🟢 Xizmat koʻrsatishga yoʻnaltirilgan IT boʻlmagan kompaniyalar uchun imtiyozlar: IT Park rezidentligi orqali Markaziy Osiyo bozoriga kirish.

👥 Kimlar qatnashishi mumkin?

➡️ O‘zlarining autsorsing faoliyatini kengaytirmoqchi bo‘lgan yuqori darajadagi kompaniya vakillari;
➡️ Biznesni kengaytirish va yangi autsorsing imkoniyatlarini izlayotgan biznesni rivojlantirish bo‘yicha menejerlar.

🌏 Sizni nafaqat qimmatli maʼlumotlar taklif qiladigan, balki Oʻzbekiston ITES-sohasida yangi imkoniyatlar eshigini ochib beradigan tadbirda kutib qolamiz.

📥 Taklifnoma olish uchun hoziroq roʻyxatdan oʻting.

#Uzbekistan #IT #Outsourcing #BPO #ITConference #Event #ITOutsourcing

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