Репост из: IT Park Uzbekistan
✅ Oʻzbekiston yoshlari kuni arafasida IT Park Uzbekistan bosh direktori Farhod Ibragimov boshchiligidagi delegatsiya Koʻkdala tumani hokimi Xurram Joʻrayev bilan birgalikda IT Park rezidentlari va viloyat yoshlari bilan uchrashuv oʻtkazdi.
Bundan tashqari, IT Park rahbariyati yosh isteʼdodlar va IT Park rezidentlari bilan muloqot qilish, shuningdek, Sirdaryo, Toshkent va Fargʻona viloyatlaridagi ehtiyojlarni aniqlash uchun mamlakatning boshqa hududlariga ham tashrif buyurdi.
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✅ In anticipation of Uzbekistan's Youth Day, a delegation from IT Park Uzbekistan, led by CEO Farkhod Ibragimov and accompanied by Kokdaly District Governor Khurram Juraev, convened a series of strategic meetings with IT Park residents and the region's youth.
Moreover, IT Park executives extended their outreach to other regions to engage in dialogues with young talents and IT Park residents, identifying specific needs in the Syrdarya, Tashkent, and Fergana regions.
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✅ Oʻzbekiston yoshlari kuni arafasida IT Park Uzbekistan bosh direktori Farhod Ibragimov boshchiligidagi delegatsiya Koʻkdala tumani hokimi Xurram Joʻrayev bilan birgalikda IT Park rezidentlari va viloyat yoshlari bilan uchrashuv oʻtkazdi.
Bundan tashqari, IT Park rahbariyati yosh isteʼdodlar va IT Park rezidentlari bilan muloqot qilish, shuningdek, Sirdaryo, Toshkent va Fargʻona viloyatlaridagi ehtiyojlarni aniqlash uchun mamlakatning boshqa hududlariga ham tashrif buyurdi.
🕸 Batafsil ma'lumot veb-saytimizda.
✅ In anticipation of Uzbekistan's Youth Day, a delegation from IT Park Uzbekistan, led by CEO Farkhod Ibragimov and accompanied by Kokdaly District Governor Khurram Juraev, convened a series of strategic meetings with IT Park residents and the region's youth.
Moreover, IT Park executives extended their outreach to other regions to engage in dialogues with young talents and IT Park residents, identifying specific needs in the Syrdarya, Tashkent, and Fergana regions.
🕸 Read more on the website.
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