
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Познавательное

The channel based on subjective Thoughts 💭

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Think about; maybe we need to break free from constant connectivity, or at least reduce dependency on our phones…


Репост из: Muallim Said
Why Me? | Dr. Omar Suleiman's Ramadan Series on Qadar

P.S. These series are mind-blowing. You cannot not watch them.

As you watch the cherry blossoms sway gently in the breeze, their soft pink and white petals create a beautiful scene against the blue sky. You feel peaceful and calm, lost in the moment, finding comfort in the fleeting beauty of the sakura blooms.

p.s; photos will be posted later

Репост из: TOPIK PRO | O'ktambek 쌤
인생은 순간이다
읽고 싶은 책
보고 싶은 영화
듣고 싶은 음악
가보고싶은 장소
만나고 싶은 사람들
배우고 싶은 예술
만들어 보고싶은 수제품
배우고 싶은 언어들
일생을 잠을 안자고 100년 넘게 살아도 부족할거야
방법은 오늘 나에게 온것들
또는 내가 선택한 것을
마지막처럼 온전히 만나고 누리는 것이다.
널 사랑하는 것도
오늘하루만 할 수 있다

Hayot- bu lahzadir
O'qishni xohlagan kitob
Ko'rmoqchi bo'lgan kino
Eshitmoqchi bo'lgan musiqa
Bormoqchi bo'lgan joy
Uchrashmoqchi bo'lgan odamlar
O'rganmoqchi bo'lgan san'at
Qo'lda yasamoqchi bo'lgan buyum O'rganmoqchi bo'lgan tillar..
Bularning barchasini bajarishga butun umr uxlamasdan 100 yildan ortiq yashasak ham kamlik qiladi.
Lekin yagona usuli bor.
Bugun menga berilgan yoki men tanlagan narsalarni huddi so'ngi imkoniyatdek ularga yuzlanish va zavqlanishdir.
Seni ham aynan bugun sevaman.


Don’t keep company with anyone whose state doesn’t inspire you, and whose speech doesn’t lead you to Allah

📖 Al-Hikam al-Ataa’iyyah {Hikmah 43}

Allah never takes anything away except that He replaces something better

Reflect on the fetus in the womb. Its nourishment comes from the umbilical cord as a single pathway. Once the child is born, he is cut off from that pathway, but 2 pathways of milk are opened to him. Once the child weaned and these 2 pathways of milk are closed off, four paths are opened that are even better for him the meat of animals, the crops that grow from the earth, fresh water from all of its bodies and pure milk and dairy. And once that person dies those 4 paths are closed off and Allah subhanhu wa ta’ala opens the 8 gate of Jannah instead.

🪶Ibn al-Qayyim Rahimahullah


-Payg’ambar 🤲 oltmish uch yil yashagan zamin ustida boshqa yashay olmayman. U zotdan ko’p yashashdan hayo qilaman…

🪶Xoja Ahmad Yassaviy



⚪️”Ne qilsang qil, nima bo’lsang bo’l, xohlasang bu yurtlarga sulton bo’l, xohlasang har eshigda tilanchi bo’l, yoki ilm yo’lida yo’lboshchi bo’l, yoki obidlarni ilg’ori bo’l, ammo eng avvalo Robbingga qul bo’l.”

🟠”Ba’zan o’lim vaqtning qadrini ko’rsatib beradi. Odamzot sevgan insonlarini yo’qotgach, yillar o’tib ketganini anglaydi. Aslida dunyo o’zgarmagan, hech kim, hech narsa o’zgarmagan bo’ladi. O’lim borligi uchun ham bu dunyoda yashashning ma’nosi bor. Hayot bor ekan, mamot ham bo’lishi kerak. Shuning uchun, odamzot anglab yetsin, bilsinki, “bu olamga egalik qilish uchun emas, musofir bo’lish uchun kelganmiz”. Hayot qisqa, yaxshiyam o’lim bor…

O’limni yaratgan Zotga hamdlar bo’lsin… “

I don’t even worry about the response to my du’as, I just worry about to ability to make du’a, because I know that Allah will do His part.

🪶 عُمَر بْن ٱلْخَطَّاب

Qalbim tanamdan uyaladi.


Love is not blameworthy in our religion, nor is it forbidden, because every heart in Allah’s hands. So love itself is a test, and it isn’t fully in your control especially the falling in love part. It’s something that, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’Ala decrees in your heart and as long as you don’t transgress the boundaries and you pursue it in a wholesome and halal way, then you can enjoy the blessing of this decree within the sanctity of marriage.

🪶Dr. Omar Suleiman


Jism uchun uzoq degan tushuncha bor, lekin qalb uchun uzoq degan narsa yo’q.


Репост из: Mubaşşir Ahmad
G'azzada har kuni terakt va kamida 50tadan oshiq odam öldirilmoqda

Abdulaziz Shermuhammad саҳифаларидан


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Be humble my friend

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