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Nimaga INTER NATION ? ☺️

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Academic Support darslarini o’tkazib yubormang, har doim bir qadam oldinda bo’ling 💯


Не пропускайте занятия с Academic Support, чтобы быть на шаг впереди 💯

3.8k 0 23 52 121

Вы учитесь в INTER NATION?
  •   – Да, я сейчас учусь
  •   – Раньше я учился(лась)
  •   – Я не являюсь студентом INTER NATION
1104 голосов

4k 0 2 2 240

09.02.2025 - RESULTS.pdf
📊 Sunday Paper-based Mock IELTS Test Results 🎓

Here are the results of the Paper-based mock IELTS test conducted on 09.02.2025. Check your scores and continue your preparation with Inter Nation! 📄

4k 0 17 5 63

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Mr Abdusalom - Maksim Gorkiy Branch

Who is your teacher ?

4.2k 0 37 60 165

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Gonzo G 😍


Начало ивента с GONZO G передвинуто на 12:00

4.8k 0 11 53 244

Speaking Slots IELTS Practicum 09.02.pdf
Теst format: In-person Speaking
Test Time: Find out in the list
Date: 09/02/2025
Venue: Oybek branch

Note that both the Main and Speaking parts of the examination will take place on the same day

You must arrive at the venue at least 15 minutes before the Speaking test start time and provide IDs (Copy/Scan of Passport, certificate of birth and etc). ❗️

Once you are late, you will not be allowed to take the speaking portion of IELTS PRACTICUM.

If you have any questions please contact us

List of Participants 09.02.pdf

Dear Students, this is the list of participants
Venue: Oybek branch
Mock exam start time: 10:00

Students must provide any identity document (e.g. ID card, passport, certificate of birth, including a copy or an e-version).❗️

You must arrive at the venue at least 15 minutes before the test start time and provide IDs.
Сandidates are not allowed to enter the exam after 10:00❗️
Once you are late, you will not be allowed to take the MOCK exam of IELTS PRACTICUM.

If you have any questions please contact us

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Ba’zi futbolchilarning ismlarini birinchi urinishda to‘g‘ri talaffuz qilish qiyin. Ularning familiyalari uzun, murakkab yoki ayrim tillar uchun noodatiy bo‘lishi mumkin.

There are football players whose names are difficult to pronounce at first. Their surnames may be long, complex, or unfamiliar in certain languages.

Есть футболисты, чьи имена сложно произнести с первого раза. Их фамилии могут быть длинными, сложными или непривычными для определенных языков.

4.5k 0 10 11 108

📢 New IELTS CD Mock Exam Slots!

We’re excited to announce that new slots for the IELTS CD Mock Exams are now open for the upcoming week!

Free registration is available via the STUDENT’s APP
💵 Paid registration is always open for everyone

👉 Click here to book your slot: https://inter-nation.uz/mock-register

📌 Both students and non-students of INTER-NATION can register!


4.8k 0 32 12 61

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Ingliz tilini bosamiza ✊

5.4k 0 32 3 171

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Ingliz tili kursiga ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun ushbu havolani bosing.


Venue: Oybek branch

Free IELTS registration is available via STUDENT's APP📲

💵Paid registration is always available

✅Click the link to buy 💵 a ticket

NOTE: Both students and non-students of Inter Nation can register.

Once you are late, you will not be allowed to take part in the exam. Students must provide IDs (Copy/Scan of passport, certificate of birth, etc.). ❗️

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INTER NATION - Tour at the Oybek Branch 😍

In Which branch are you studying at or have studied at?

5k 0 25 80 134

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Agar sen go‘zalliging bilan faxrlansang — yomon emas. Agar senda qora Jentra bo‘lsa — u ham bo‘laveradi Lekin afsuski, 2025-yilda bular bilan uzoqqa bora olmaysan. Dunyo o‘zgaryapti, endi faqat chiroyli yuzlar va zamonaviy yigitlar emas, IELTS’ga ega bo‘lganlar oldinda ketyapti 💯

If you take pride in your beauty — that’s fine. If you have a black Jentra — that’s good too. 👌 But unfortunately, in 2025, these alone won’t get you far. The world is changing, and now it’s not just good looks and stylish guys who are ahead, but those who have an IELTS certificate. 💯

Если ты гордишься своей красотой — это неплохо. Если у тебя есть чёрная Jentra — тоже хорошо. 👌 Но, к сожалению, в 2025 году этого уже недостаточно, чтобы далеко уйти. Мир меняется, и теперь вперед идут не только красивые лица и стильные парни, но и те, у кого есть сертификат IELTS. 💯

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Agar siz ingliz tilini chuqur va jiddiy o‘rganmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, INTER NATION SCHOOL siz uchun eng to‘g‘ri tanlov! 😉👌

Bu yerda sizga bir emas, balki ikki nafar tajribali ustoz dars beradi va faqat yuqori darajadagi tayyorgarlik kafolatlanadi. INTER NATION – haqiqiy maqsad qo‘yganlar uchun! 🦾

☎️ 78 777-77-07

If you want to master English seriously, then it’s time to study at INTER NATION SCHOOL! 😉👌

Here, you’ll learn not from one but two experienced teachers, ensuring top-level preparation. INTER NATION is for those who are truly committed! 🦾

☎️ 78 777-77-07

Если вы хотите глубоко и серьезно изучить английский язык, то INTER NATION SCHOOL — ваш лучший выбор! 😉👌

Здесь вас обучают не один, а сразу два опытных преподавателя, а подготовка проходит только на высоком уровне. INTER NATION — для тех, кто действительно настроен решительно! 🦾

☎️ 78 777-77-07

6.1k 0 14 2 101

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Ingliz tilini bilmaslik nimaga olib kelishi mumkin – shuncha muammo, shuncha qo‘ldan boy berilgan imkoniyatlar! 👊🥸

Boshqalarning bilimiga qarab qo‘lmaslik va noxush holatlarga tushib qolmaslik uchun ingliz tilini o‘zingiz uchun o‘rganing va yangi imkoniyatlar eshigini oching 😉

☎️ 78 777-77-07


Вот к чему может привести незнание английского языка – столько проблем, столько потерь, столько упущенных возможностей! 👊🥸

Чтобы не зависеть от чужих знаний и не попадать в неприятные ситуации, учи английский для себя и открой двери к новым возможностям 😉

☎️ 78 777-77-07

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Academic Support bo‘limi uchun BIG DAY 🎓💼

Big Day for the Academic Support Department.

Big Day для отдела Academic Support.

6k 0 24 4 130

Dear students of INTER-NATION!

The registration process for the FREE SUNDAY MOCK EXAM is now open for students who have completed the full IELTS course and are continuing their studies for an additional 3+ months.

To register, students must contact the administration of their branch of study.

Students must register between February 4th and 7th to receive a free place in the IELTS Practicum SUNDAY MOCK EXAM.

Registration will close on February 7th at 18:00.

⚠️ Please note: Students who fail to register within the given time-period will not be granted a place.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.