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If you have rounded corners some popups my look like this:

This window rule fixes the issue:
windowrulev2 = rounding 0, class:jetbrains-.*, floating:1


JetBrains apps are flickering in Hyprland?

I've recently moved to #Hyprland. But IntelliJ IDEA was flickering constantly when it should show a popup and it was very annoying.

Apparently JetBrains shows popups using temporarily created floating windows. As creating a new popup window moved focus to it and after focus is moved IntelliJ closed the popup window.

This window rule prevents initial focus:
windowrulev2 = noinitialfocus, class:jetbrains-.*, floating:1


Репост из: Parallel Minder


Репост из: CodeWithKhamidov
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Bu darslik offline kursdan yozib olingan, unda javaga kirish va boshlang'ich malumotlar berilgan, video sal eskirok, inshaalloh yangilarini yozib sizlarga ulashishga harakat qilaman

Mistakes engineers make in large established codebases

- Large codebases are worth working in because they usually pay your salary
- By far the most important thing is consistency
- Never start a feature without first researching prior art in the codebase
- If you don’t follow existing patterns, you better have a very good reason for it
- Understand the production footprint of the codebase
- Don’t expect to be able to test every case - instead, rely on monitoring
- Remove code any chance you get, but be very careful about it
- Make it as easy as possible for domain experts to catch your mistakes


Good morning




Репост из: goollagin

I'm a teapot

There is coffee all over the world. Increasingly, in a world in which computing is ubiquitous, the computists want to make coffee. Coffee brewing is an art, but the distributed intelligence of the web- connected world transcends art. Thus, there is a strong, dark, rich requirement for a protocol designed espressoly for the brewing of coffee. Coffee is brewed using coffee pots. Networked coffee pots require a control protocol if they are to be controlled.

April Fools' joke that is used widely


Репост из: Photophile🐳
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An Unreasonable Amount of Time

Eventually, years in, this will culminate in overnight success. You’ll have achieved something that seems magical – impossible, even.

It just takes some time.


little bit of politics )


Репост из: programming for everyone
Daily standuplarga tayyorlanish kerak deyishsa negadir manashu hayolga kelaveradi.

Kim qilganiga bo’g’liq !!!
Legacy != trashcode

"Baxt nimada" — deb so'radilar

"Legacy kodda nima bo'layotganini tushunishda" — dedim

Репост из: bakhtiyarov_behzod

You can always find people who are more extroverted or introverted than you. Instead of hiding behind some sort of pride in a personality trait, you should recognize the necessary skills and learn them, especially at work. That being said, slow thinking and collaboration goes a long way.



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