Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Founded by Bekzod Mirahmedov, the 1st NINER in Uzbekistan
⚡️Ingliz tili & IELTS
🏆Natijalar: 8x Overall 9.0
📑 26x CELTA
📞 55-511-0909
✍🏻 Biz bilan bog’lanish: @ieltszone_community

📍 Manzillarimiz: @DirectionsIELTSZONE

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Speaking bo’yicha muammolarga ushbu darsda yechim topasiz! ✅

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
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🧩 Score: 7.0
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Sardor
🔖 Course: IELTS Intensive

🔥 We’re on fire! Another fantastic result—congratulations to Abzulaziz on achieving an impressive 7.0 overall after just 1 months of hard work with expert guidance from his instructor. Hats off! 🎉👏

📌 Don’t miss out—stay tuned for updates on our upcoming IELTS Intensive courses and start your journey to success!

👉 @ieltszone_uz


🧩 Score: 7.0
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Sardor
🔖 Course: IELTS Standard

Congratulations to Umid on his impressive achievement! After successfully completing our IELTS Standard course, he delivered an excellent performance with a 7.0 overall. Amazing result! 🎉👏

📌 Don’t miss your chance to join our upcoming IELTS courses and create your own success story!

👉 @ieltszone_uzh


🧩 Score: 7.0
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Sardor
🔖 Course: IELTS Standard

Another success story! 🎉 Congratulations to Mohinur on her achieving a solid 7.0 overall after successfully completing our IELTS Standard course.

📌 Stay tuned for our new IELTS Standard courses starting this March and take the next step toward your goals.


👉 @ieltszone_uz


Lesson 4:

📌 Speaking: How to develop your answers

👨‍🏫 Speaker: Mr. Sardor - IELTS 9.0

🗓️ Date: 10.03
⏰ Time: 06:00

Click the link to join the lesson

Venue: @ieltszone_uz

5.4k 0 13 12 68

IELTS masterclass - TIFT universitetida

⚡️ TIFT universitetida Bekzod Mirahmedov va IELTS ZONE instruktorlari tomonidan eksklyuziv masterklass bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ingliz tilining kasbiy va akademik rivojlanishdagi roli, xalqaro maydonda o‘z o‘rnini topish va yetakchi kompaniyalarda ishlash imkoniyatlari haqida maʼlumot berildi.

🌍 Masterclass davomida ishtirokchilar global miqyosda muloqot qilish, eng so‘nggi yangiliklardan xabardor boʻlish va turli ta’lim sohalarida muvaffaqiyat qozonish sirlarini bilib oldilar.

🚀 Ingliz tili xalqaro imkoniyatlar kaliti. Global miqyosda rivojlanish uchun ham bu tilni oʻrganish kerak.

Siz ham kelajakda muvaffaqiyatga erishmoqchi boʻlsangiz, ingliz tilini «IELTS ZONE»da boshlang!


8-mart Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni muborak!

✨ Bayram munosabati bilan «IELTS ZONE» jamoasi barcha ayol-qizlarimizni tabriklaydi. Aziz ayollar, goʻzal yuzingiz tabassumdan porlasin, xonadoningizda hamisha tinchlik, baxtiyorlik hukm sursin, doimo sogʻ-salomat boʻling!

💐 Ayol borki, mehr-muhabbat, goʻzallik, nafosat bor. Ayollar dunyoni toʻldiruvchi muqaddas siymodir.

Hurmat ila «IELTS ZONE» jamoasi


7.5k 0 39 35 175


🫴🏻 «2 oylik online IELTS» kursiga qabul ochiq.

💸 Kurs narxi: 590.000 so’m 1 oy uchun

📌 Agar birdaniga 2 oylik to’lov qilsangiz, quyidagi ustunliklarga ega bo'lasiz:

• 15%+ chegirma: 1 mln 180 ming so’m , 980.000 so'm ✅

• IELTSga biz bilan registratsiya qilsangiz, Bekzod Mirahmedovning Writing marafonlarini BEPUL qo’lga kiritish

• Ninerlarimizning biri tomonidan bir marta bo’ladigan Q&A yopiq ovozli chatda ishtirok

🛜 Darslar ZOOM ilovasida jonli bo’ladi
👨‍💻 Guruhda 20-25 ta o’quvchi

Instructor: IELTS 8.5 ball va xalqaro CELTA sohibi ko’p yillik tajribaga ega Miss Nilufar Azimova

🆘 Qatnashish uchun darajangiz B2 bo’lishi kerak, quyidagi testni yeching va darajangiz to'gri kelsa o'zimiz aloqaga chiqamiz.

🔗 Kursga ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun shu havola ustiga bosing!


7.2k 0 41 23 49


🧩 Score: 7.0
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Adxambek
🔖 Course: IELTS Intensive

Another success story! 🎉 Congratulations to Sevinch on her achieving a solid 7.0 overall after successfully completing our IELTS Intensive course.

📌 Stay tuned for our new IELTS courses starting this March and take the next step toward your goals.


👉 @ieltszone_uz


🧩 Score: 7.0
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Fayoziddin
🔖 Course: IELTS Standard

Congratulations to Muhammadi on his impressive achievement! After successfully completing our IELTS Standard course, he delivered an excellent performance with a 7.0 overall. Amazing result! 🎉👏

📌 Don’t miss your chance to join our upcoming IELTS courses and create your own success story!

👉 @ieltszone_uz


🧩 Score: 7.0
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Humoyun
🔖 Course: IELTS Novice

🎉 Another success story! Congratulations to Zikrillo on his achieving a solid 7.0 overall after successfully completing our IELTS Novice course.

📌 Stay tuned for our new IELTS courses starting this March and take the next step toward your goals —


👉 @ieltszone_uz


🧩 Score: 7.5
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Eldorjon
🔖 Course: IELTS Expert

Another outstanding achievement! 🎉 Congratulations to Mo’mina on her scoring an impressive 7.5 overall with a perfect 8.5 in Listening! 👏 A phenomenal performance after completing our IELTS Expert course.

📌 Don’t miss your chance to join our upcoming IELTS courses and turn your goals into reality!

👉 @ieltszone_uz


🧩 Score: 7.5
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Fayoziddin
🔖 Course: IELTS Standard

A huge shoutout to Ollaberdi on his outstanding performance —7.5 overall and an incredible 8.0 in both Listening and Speaking! Truly a remarkable achievement under the guidance of an exceptional instructor. 🎉👏

📌 Don’t miss out! More IELTS Standard courses are starting soon—be sure to sign up!

👉 @ieltszone_uz


🧩 Score: 7.0
🎓 Instructor: Jorabek Aliboev
🔖 Course: IELTS Standard

Another fantastic achievement! 🎉 Congratulations to Muhammadyusuf on his 7.0 overall band score after completing our 3-month IELTS Standard course. An exceptional performance by a dedicated student—hats off! 👏

📌 Don’t miss your chance to join our upcoming IELTS Standard courses and achieve your goals!

👉 @ieltszone_uz

Davom ettiramizmi?

Reaksiya - 🔥

5.3k 0 2 11 196


🧩 Score: 7.5
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Abbos
🔖 Course: IELTS Standard

Congratulations to Davlatbek on his impressive achievement!

After successfully completing our IELTS Standard course, he delivered an excellent performance with a 7.5 overall. Amazing result! 🎉👏

📌 Don’t miss your chance to join our upcoming IELTS courses and create your own success story!

👉 @ieltszone_uz


🧩 Score: 7.0
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Ilhom
🔖 Course: IELTS Practice

🎉 Another success story! Congratulations to Fotima on her achieving a solid 7.0 overall after successfully completing our IELTS Practice course.

📌 Stay tuned for our new IELTS courses starting this March and take the next step toward your goals — @ieltszone_community

👉 @ieltszone_uz


🧩 Score: 7.5
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Ilhom
🔖 Course: IELTS Practice

🎉 Congratulations to Diyorbek on his outstanding achievement— 7.5 overall with an impressive 9.0 in Listening! A fantastic result from a dedicated student! 👏

📌 Don’t miss your chance to join our upcoming IELTS courses and make your success story a reality!

👉 @ieltszone_uz


🧩 Score: 7.5
🎓 Instructor: Mr. Islombek
🔖 Course: IELTS Standard

A big shoutout to Ulugʻbek on his incredible 7.5 overall, including a remarkable 7.0 in Writing!

📌 Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming courses and take your IELTS preparation to the next level!

55-511-09-09 | @ieltszone_community

👉 @ieltszone_uz

Показано 20 последних публикаций.