⏺ Monotonous: Something that is dull and repetitive.
⏺ Tedious tasks: Activities that are boring because they take a lot of time and effort.
⏺ Kill time: Engage in activities to make time pass more quickly.
⏺ Browse aimlessly: Look through things without a specific purpose.
⏺ Escape into a book: Read to distract oneself from boredom.
⏺ Monotonous: Something that is dull and repetitive.
Example: I find my daily routine monotonous because I do the same tasks every day.
⏺ Tedious tasks: Activities that are boring because they take a lot of time and effort.
Example: Cleaning the attic was one of those tedious tasks that felt like it would never end.
⏺ Kill time: Engage in activities to make time pass more quickly.
Example: I usually watch YouTube videos to kill time when I'm waiting for someone.
⏺ Browse aimlessly: Look through things without a specific purpose.
Example: When I have nothing to do, I browse aimlessly on social media to pass the time.
⏺ Escape into a book: Read to distract oneself from boredom.
Example: Whenever I feel stressed, I escape into a good book and forget everything else.