IELTS with Soniya

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

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Overall: 8.0 | Writing: 7 | Speaking: 8

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

The number of tourists visiting New York declined dramatically.
A dramatic decline was seen in the number of tourists visiting New York.
There was a dramatic decline in the number of tourists visiting New York.
The number of tourists visiting New York witnessed a dramatic increase.

Sales of electric cars increased significantly.
A significant increase was observed in sales of electronic cars.
There was a significant increase in sales of electronic cars.
Sales of electronic cars showed a significant increase.

The city’s population rose steadily.
A steady rise was seen in the level of the city’s population.
There was a steady rise in the level of the city’s population.
The level of the city’s population exhibited a steady rise.

The percentage of people using public transport fluctuated frequently.
A constant fluctuation was observed in the percentages of people using public transport.
There was a constant fluctuation in the percentage of people using public transport.
The percentage of people who used public transport experienced a constant fluctuation.

The amount of waste produced by the factory dropped sharply.
A sharp drop was seen in the amount of waste produced by the factory.
There was a sharp drop in the amount of waste produced by the factory.
The amount of waste produced by the factory witnessed a sharp drop.

The unemployment rate remained stable.
A plateau was seen in the unemployment rate.
There was a period of stability in the unemployment rate.
The unemployment rate exhibited no changes.

The average temperature rose gradually.
A gradual rise was seen in the rate of the average temperature.
There was a gradual rise in the rate of the average temperature.
The rate of the average temperature saw a gradual rise.

The Internet usage among teenagers surged. (I think you cannot use the adverb “rapidly” with the verb “surge”, since “surge” itself means rapid growth)
A surge was observed in the rate of the Internet usage among teenagers.
There was a surge in the rate of the Internet usage among teenagers.
The rate of the Internet usage among teenagers showed a surge.

The number of coffee shops doubled quickly.
A two-fold increase was observed in the number of shops.
There was a doubling in the number of shops.
The number of shops witnessed a two-fold increase.

Fast-food consumption declined steadily.
A steady decline was seen in the amount of fast-food consumption.
There was a steady decline in the amount of fast-food consumption.
The amount of fast-food consumption exhibited a steady decline.

Guys, qanaqadir har kuni bahona qilayotgandek bo'lib qolyabman, hoz oilaviy sabablarga ko'ra dars o'tolmayabman, shunga to'g'ri javoblarni tashab qo'yaman, commentda bitta o'quvchimiz chiroyli qilib yozibdi )

#Writing_challenge ✍️

1. The number of tourists visiting New York declined dramatically.

2. Sales of electric cars increased significantly.

3. The city’s population rose steadily.

4. The percentage of people using public transport fluctuated frequently.

5. The amount of waste produced by the factory dropped sharply.

6. The unemployment rate remained stable.

7. The average temperature rose gradually.

8. Internet usage among teenagers surged rapidly.

9. The number of coffee shops doubled quickly.

10. Fast food consumption declined steadily.

Yuqoridagi gaplarni kanalda o'tilgan writing darsga ko'ra 3 xil har xil structuraga qo'ying, Commentda yozib qoldiring. Kechga soat 22:00 da Jonli Efirda tekshirib feedback beraman

Darsning audiosi mana 🎧



Sizga feed up dan qaysi ovqat yoqadi?

Collocations & phrasal verbs related to "Information"

🔵 Confidential information: Data that is private or sensitive and not to be shared publicly.

Example: Employees must sign a contract to protect confidential information.

🔵 Misinformation: False or inaccurate information that is spread unintentionally.

Example: The rumor turned out to be misinformation, causing unnecessary panic.

🔵 Verify information: To check the accuracy and validity of data.

Example: The journalist needed to verify the information before publishing the article.

🔵 Withhold information: To deliberately not share or reveal data.

Example: He decided to withhold information about the surprise party.

🔵 Dig up: To discover or find hidden or forgotten information.

Example: The journalist dug up some surprising information about the politician's past.

🔵 Take in: To fully understand or absorb information.

Example: She found it hard to take in all the information during the fast-paced lecture.

🔵 Disseminate information: To spread or distribute information widely.

Example: The government used social media to disseminate information about the new policy.

Prepared by Soniya Maratovna


⚜️ Prefixes Indicating Reverse Action

3️⃣ — "de"


Activate ➡️ Deactivate - o'chirish ✅

"Please deactivate the alarm. "

⚜️ Prefixes Indicating Opposite Meaning

2️⃣ "dis"


Approve ➡️ Disapprove - Qo'llab quvvatlamaslik ✅

" I disapprove of his rude behavior."

⚜️ Prefixes Indicating Opposite Meaning

1️⃣ "im"


Mobile ➡️ Immobile - Qimirlamasdan

"The broken car remained immobile on the side of the road."

Репост из: I hate
long nails💅

How many correct answers have you found?

🏆 - 5 ta
⚡️ - 4 ta
🔥 - 3 ta
🕊 - 2 ta
🐳 - 1 ta
💔 - 0 ta


2.3k 0 2 13 315

5. Maslahatni qabul qiluvchi shaxs
  •   Advisor
  •   advisee
  •   adviser
557 голосов

4. Ish yoki o'qishga nomzod ( ariza topshiruvchi)?
  •   Attendant
  •   applicant
  •   partaker
531 голосов

3. Sovg'a oluvchi
  •   gifter
  •   giftee
  •   sender
532 голосов

2. Murabbiy
  •   Trainers
  •   Trainer
  •   coach
  •   B & C are correct
537 голосов

1. Ish beruvchi, ish bilan ta'minlovchi
  •   employee
  •   employer
  •   assistant
535 голосов



Collocations & phrasal verbs related to "Goals"

To set goals: To establish objectives to be achieved.

Example: At the beginning of the year, she set goals for her personal and professional life.

To achieve goals: To successfully reach the objectives that were set.

Example: He worked hard to achieve his career goals.

Long-term goals: Objectives that are planned to be accomplished over an extended period.

Example: Her long-term goals include becoming a published author and opening her own business.

Short-term goals: Objectives that are planned to be achieved in the near future.

Example: One of his short-term goals is to complete the certification course.

Career goals: Objectives related to one's professional development and progression.

Example: Her career goals involve climbing the corporate ladder and leading a team.

Attain goals: To succeed in reaching objectives.

Example: Through dedication and hard work, he was able to attain his goals.

Realistic goals: Objectives that are practical and achievable given the current circumstances.

Example: It's important to set realistic goals to maintain motivation and avoid frustration.

Work towards: To make efforts to achieve a particular goal.

Example: She is working towards her goal of running a marathon.

Stick to: To continue doing something despite difficulties.

Example: He decided to stick to his goal of reading one book a month.

Prepared by Soniya Maratovna


Guys, bugungi writing darsini ertaga qoldirishimizga to'g'ri kelyapdi, hozir guruhimda dars o'tyotib birdan boshim o'g'rib boshladi, bu degani dori ichib dam olishim kerak ekan )

Hammaga sog'lik salomatlik tilayman!

Soat 22:00 da sizlar bilan ajoyib overview yozishni o'rganamiz, birgalikda mazza qilib dars qilamiz. 🔥

P/S: Kechroqqa qoyganim sababi undan oldin yopiq guruhda darsim borda ✅

Assalomu aleykum, hammaga

Bugun sizlarga writing Task 1 da (7+) overview yozishni o'rgatsam darsga kirarmidingiz ☺️

2.7k 0 2 30 131
Показано 20 последних публикаций.