Nodirjon's IELTSmates

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

IELTS Instructor at Everest Amir Temur (@EverestOfficial)
Teaching since 2018
Owner: @InstructorNodir (Overall 8.5)

@UzIELTSbot - IELTS is easy with us!
(Almost all preparation materials)
📍 Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

This one is very special! He got this score after the Introduction level(Sharks🤓). All the good things we have are from Allah, and all our shortcomings are from ourselves.

I am really proud of you Ibrohim. This should be a new challenge for Elyor:)))

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Overall 7.5🔥 🔥
Exam date: Feb 22, 2025
Instructor: @InstructorNodir

📍Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40
📞 +99895 144 40 90 

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Overall 7.5🔥 🔥
Exam date: Feb 22, 2025
Instructor: @InstructorNodir

📍Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40
📞 +99895 144 40 90 

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Overall 7.0🔥
Exam date: Feb 22, 2025
Instructor: @InstructorNodir

📍Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40
📞 +99895 144 40 90 

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Overall 7.0🔥
Exam date: Feb 22, 2025
Instructor: @InstructorNodir

📍Everest Amir Temur
📞 +99895 144 90 40
📞 +99895 144 40 90 

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Boshqalar: Gul, pul, uyga vazifa
Bizda: Natijalar🤓

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#reading #morning #language
Real IELTS Passages - Day 2!
The Clipper Races: an era of competition between cargo ships

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#reading #morning #practice
Real IELTS Passages - Day 2!
The Clipper Races: an era of competition between cargo ships

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Day 2 - Test 2 (Clipper Races).docx
#reading #morning #authentic
Real IELTS Passages - Day 1!
The Clipper Races: an era of competition between cargo ships

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Day 2 - Test 2 (Clipper Races).pdf
#reading #morning #authentic
Real IELTS Passages - Day 2!
Clipper Races

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2k 0 22 115 19

Morning Sessions - Day 2!

More than 3 mins... Is this a problem? Nope, it is a challenge.
Problem - Something you can't fix!
Something you are defeated by!
Stops you dead in your tracks!

Challenge - something you rise to
Something you step up to and say alright this is tough but I am tougher.
Let's go!

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#useful #shadowing #Calmness
🎧 Day 1 - Why Calmness is your superpower?

©️Denzel Washington

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Why Calmness is your superpower.pdf
#useful #shadowing #Calmness
📝Why Calmness is your superpower?
1. Just Listen and try to identify Intonation Patterns( ups, downs, up-downs, down-ups, across ups...) until you get them all right.
2. Listen and read - Until you can have the same speed with the person in the audio.
3. Listen and repeat without the text.
🎧 Audio

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Who wants to see more shadowing activities? But this time, it is not gonna be easy, the activities will be longer and more difficult, more suitable for higher level candidates. I myself am up for the challenge right now and have already started practicing. Any companions here?

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Everyone can react, but not everyone can respond!

©️Denzel Washington

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📌CD IELTS rasmiy imtihonlarini Everestda topshiring!

🤔Oxirgi paytlarda CD IELTS imtihonlari ko'pchilik uchun qiziqish uyg'otmoqda:

Agar kompyuterda ishlash siz uchun qulay bo'lsa imtihon vaqtida o'zingizni ancha erkin his qilasiz;
• Javoblari ham tezroq chiqadi;
Va yana bir yaxshi tomoni uni Everestda ham topshirish mumkin :)

Biz imtihonlarga tayyormiz!

📹Instagram 📹YouTube 📍Manzillar

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#reading #morning #Language
Real IELTS Passages - Day 1!
The development of silk production.

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#reading #morning #Practice
Real IELTS Passages - Day 1!
The development of silk production.

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Eating too much > Obesity

Показано 20 последних публикаций.