table presents data on the number of international tourists who arrived in the top eight countries in 2009 and 2010, along with the percentage change over the period.
Overall, most countries experienced an increase in visitors, with Germany seeing the most significant proportional growth. In contrast, France recorded no change, while Hong Kong was the only country to undergo a decline.
In 2009, France received the highest number of international tourists, at 76 million, followed by the US with 66 million. By contrast, the lowest figures were recorded in Germany and Hong Kong, at 11 million, and 10 million, respectively.
By 2010, France remained the most visited country, with its tourist numbers unchanged. The US, Spain, the UK, and Italy saw slight increases, ranging from 1.5% to 3.6%. Conversely, Germany had the most dramatic change, with its visitor numbers more than doubling to 23 million (+109%). Lastly, tourist arrivals in Hong Kong fell, reaching a low of 9 million (-11%).