Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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7 Kun Hamma ZARARLI Narsalardan Voz Kechdim | Dofamin Detoksi

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Inglischa tez aytish kim nechta ayti kamentga yozamiz 😁

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Work harder in the night ho shine in the light

❤️ Speaking Practice - Darajalar bo‘yicha

🔹 Savol: How do you usually spend your evenings?

🔻 B1 (Beginner-Intermediate) – Oddiy javob:
In the evening, I usually relax at home. I watch TV, read a book, or listen to music. Sometimes, I go for a walk or spend time with my family.

🔻 B2 (Upper-Intermediate) – Batafsil javob:
In the evenings, I like to unwind after a long day. I often read a book, watch a movie, or go for a short walk. If I have extra time, I enjoy cooking a nice dinner or catching up with friends online.

🔻 C1 (Advanced) – Murakkab va tabiiy javob:
Evenings are my time to recharge. I usually start by having a relaxing cup of tea while reading a book or journaling. Sometimes, I go for a walk to clear my mind. If I feel productive, I work on personal projects or learn something new. On weekends, I enjoy spending my evenings socializing or watching thought-provoking films.

🔺 Yuqoridagi savolga javob berishda ishlatishingiz mumkin bo'lgan lug‘atlar:

🟡 To unwind – dam olish, bo‘shashish
🟡 To recharge – energiya to‘plash
🟡 To catch up with someone – kim bilandir bog‘lanish, suhbatlashish
🟡 Journaling – kundalik yuritish
🟡 To clear one’s mind – fikrlarni tartibga solish
🟡 Thought-provoking – fikrlashga undovchi

Hello everyone

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📹 Million jamoasi - 2024 yil Kuzgi konsert dasturi

Yaqinlarga yuborib qo'ying👇

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Assalomu alaykum yaxshimisizlar mehri daryo dunyo goʻzallari aziz opa 💞😉 singillarim bugungi bayramingiz bilan tabriklayman 🥹💋 ilohim shu bahor fasli gullaridek ochilib yuring 🫠 sevib sevilib yashang 🫰 Ajoyib baxt🥰🥰🥰Abadiy yoshlik☺️☺️☺️Tugamas quvonch😁😁😁Mehr-oqibat🙃🙃🙃Koʻtarinki kayfiyat doimo hamrohingiz boʻlsin 🙃🙃🙃Nima niyyat qilgan boʻlsangiz barcha niyyatlaringizga oshigʻi bilan yetishing ,ilohim🤲❤️ ☺️☺️😌Hayotingiz baxtli lahzalarga🙂🙂🙂ajoyib va takrorlanmas daqiqalarga boy boʻlsin😊😊😊Sizni qoʻllab quvvatlab turuvchi yaqin insonlaringiz hech qachon tark etmasin .Bu hayotda shunday baxtli inson bo'lingki, baxtdan zerikib qochib, omadga qoqiling.Quvonchga tayanib turganingizda, shodlik so'qmoqlaridan asta-asta yuring.Charchaganda mehr chashmasidan suv ichib, hayot yo'lida xushnudga intilib, davom eting! Baxt, omad, saodat sizni aslo tark etmasin.😊😉

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ingliz tilida ✅
subtitr ❌

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Yana kimda bogan 😂

The.Green.Mile bu kinoni kim esledi kechga koramizmi inglis tilida

4 Wrestling was one of the sports in the ancient Olympics.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
7 голосов

3 Women were also allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
4 голосов

2 The Olympic Games were held every four years.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
6 голосов

1 The first Olympic Games were held in 776 AD.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
6 голосов

Reading (True/False/Not Given)
"The first recorded Olympic Games took place in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece. The games were held every four years and included events such as running, wrestling, and chariot racing. Only free Greek men were allowed to compete."

Good evening dears

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Oops 😠

⭐️ Speaking da xohlagan savolga ishlatsa bo‘ladigan 2 ta idioma:

⭐It’s a double-edged sword — Bu ikki tomonlama ta’sirga ega (yaxshi va yomon jihatlari bor).

◽️Example: Technology is a double-edged sword—it makes our lives easier, but it also reduces face-to-face interactions.
🇺🇿Translation: Texnologiya ikki tomonlama ta’sirga ega—u hayotimizni osonlashtiradi, lekin yuzma-yuz muloqotni kamaytiradi.
⭐At the end of the day — Oxir-oqibat, kun oxirida (muhim xulosa chiqarayotganda ishlatiladi).

◽️Example: At the end of the day, success is not just about money but also about happiness and personal growth.
🇺🇿Translation: Oxir-oqibat, muvaffaqiyat faqat pul bilan bog‘liq emas, balki baxt va shaxsiy o‘sishga ham taalluqli.

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