Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

Daily plans for a whole month! (August)
Aaaaallll materials are shared!
dont waste ur time - be productive - start ur day in the very morning!
Main channel: @LanguageLumanaries ✅️

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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☄️Siz uchun maxsus taklif

Haligacha Grammatika va general english dan

🔼Bu og‘riqlardan qutulishni va shu og‘riqqa davo bo‘ladigan 1 oylik marafon ga ishtahangiz qanday

📊Biz bilan bir safda bo‘lishni istashingiz kifoya.

🗓30 kunlik marafon haqida toʻliq ma'lumot olish uchun link

📌Marafonga qoʻshilish uchun

Репост из: 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓵𝓲𝓶𝓪'𝓼 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓰
⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️Bugun Real Examda shu score'ni olgan ESSAYimni taxlil qilamiz!

Darsga kiring ➡️ @muslima_sblog

Manashunaqa fayllarni va boshqa eng foydali qaymoqli Writingga taluqli infolarni Instagram sahifamdan topasiz!


Репост из: Speaking for IELTS
Vocabulary qanday o’rganiladi

— Vocabulary list qilib keyin she’r qilib yodlanmaydi❌
— Vocabulary ni shunchaki ma’nosini o’rganib qo’yilmaydi❌

Bitta narsani tushinishimiz kerak. There is a BIG difference between knowing and being able to use them in real time.

Birinchi: Vocabulary ma’nosi va talafuzini o’rganing!

Ikkinchi: O’zizdan so’rang aynan shu so’zni qayerda qo’llasam bo’ladi deb!

Uchinchi: Ularni har biriga hayotizga moslab gaplar tuzing!

To’rtinchisi: Daftar tutib, o’shanga yozib boring. 2 kunda yoki 1 xaftada bir takrorlab turish va uzoq muddatli xotirangizda qolishi uchun.

Simple as that.

Btw, CD hozir umuman boshqacha. Interfeys boshqa umuman. Oldindan tayyorlanib kirmagan odamga hammasi surpriz bolib qoladi.

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CDI LISTENING shaxsan òzim qoqilgan momentlar

— Notes
— Flow chart
— Matching

CDI barcha sectionlarni practice qilishingiz mumkin (ekan🥲)

— Paid ($50 turadi) yoki Unpaid (lekin faqat 2 taginadan har sectionning Fulli uchun)
— Link:

🔵 @LanguageLumanaries | Place where you can get valuable experience)

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Смотреть в Telegram

Ushbu recordingda:

— Process uchun Intro & Overview yozish 1 daqiqada.
— Quiz

SPEAKING aslida eng oson skill

— Bu faqat sizdan uchta narsani talab qiladi

Birinchisi, active learning. Har bitta o’rganayotgan so’z yoki grammar izni spoken language qo’llay oladigan darajada o’rganing.

Ikkinchisi, learning part and performing part ni o’rtasida balance qiling.
Learning part bu, siz bitta topic ni olib, unga maxsus tayyorlanishiz. Masalan, oldindan topic vocabulary va ideas yig’ib olib, keyin o’sha topic ga ko’p marotaba gapirishiz.
Performing part bu, siz 4 topics and 20 questions ni bir joyga qo’yasiz va ularni hammasiga bir o’tirishda spontaneously (tayyorlanmasdan) javob berasiz. Bu taxminan 20 daqiqa bo’lishi kerak. O’shanda sizda notanish savollarga ham gapirib keta olish ko’nikmasi shakillanadi va fluency iz ancha oshadi.

Uchunchisi bu albatta consistency. Muntazam ravishta intizom bilan speaking practice qilmasangiz, IELTS preparation time o’z o’zidan cho’zilib ketadi.

Репост из: Damirov | Writing 7.5
There are several steps you have to take to boost your current score by a whole band:

You should make a great plan before practicing. I mean, you should spend at least a quarter of your time on the IETLS.

Three hours a day are enough to make such a great improvement in general:

Approximately 40 minutes for analyzing a high-level task 1 report answer and 80 minutes for a task 2 essay – a total of two hours for the analysis part. 

I’m sure that
Sanokulov’s essays and reports are worth analyzing! 

You can allocate the remaining time – one hour – to do practice. In fact, you cannot improve your current score even if you DO analyze in such a way (I’ve explained how to analyze; click here), unless you put such new knowledge into practice!

The combination of this daily analysis and practice should definitely be helpful in boosting by a whole band score in a single month!

The more time you spend on this skill by heart, the higher score you would take!

Good luck! Have a productive day ahead!

Репост из: 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓵𝓲𝓶𝓪'𝓼 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓰
Yilning ikkinchi yarimida yuritilgan Loyihalarim ⤵️

❄️ 1. GET INSPIRED in #hayrliProject
| 21 kunlik | SEASON 1— Sizda muntazam dars qilish uchun Habit shakillantirish.
🖇 Yopiq Gruh va Muzey kanal:

❄️ 2. GENERAL READING | 30 kunlik — assistant appdagi mavzularga jamoam tomonidan yasalgan Article va Wordlistlar.
🖇 @GeneralSkillsReading_Muslimas

❄️ 3. GENERAL LISTENING | 50 kunlik — assistant appdagi mavzularda Podcast va Wordlistlar. (hozircha 32/50)
🖇 @GeneralListening

🍄 @LanguageLumanaries

Репост из: Damirov | Writing 7.5
How can YOU analyze essays in a more effective way?

The answer is simple but consists of several steps that you should take⤵️:

1. Find a topic that ex-examiners or IETLS instructors have written on. And DO NOT look at the essay❌.

2. Write an essay on that topic on your own. This is a must-do step! It isn't so important to write with a time limit or not. Just write and check your essay in detail✍🏻.

3. Noow it is time to read the high-level essay written by examiners (or IELTS instructors who got an 8.0 or higher from Writing)✅.

4. While reading, you should also learn new vocabs and grammar structures. But you shouldn't just learn. You should also put them into practice!⚡️

5. This is also one of the important parts. After 3–4 days, rewrite the essay on the same topic, but this time you can write with new vocabs, ideas, and grammar structures you've learned. But never look at the sample. Write what you have in your mind📝.

6. This is such an amazing step, believe me:) Having finished writing that essay, you should compare this essay with your previous "masterpiece." Your enhancement in terms of writing would be that difference! 🏌🏻

P.S: It would be better if you write and analyze essays on different topics! Good luck!

#sharingiscaring ❤️‍🔥

Репост из: 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓵𝓲𝓶𝓪'𝓼 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓰
❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ Listeningni 1 haftada 1-1.5 ballgacha oshirish!

Sizlarga bugun 20:30da Listening, ayniqsa MCQ uchun eng samarali yo'llarni o'rgataman, in sha Alloh.

Listening sizda ham muommo bo'lsa va 8.0+ olmoqchi bo'lsangiz, albatta darsga kiring!

🚀 @LanguageLumanaries

Part 4 16.12.2023

1) aim for finishing 40 questions in 45 minutes. That means if there are some questions that are challenging, skip them. You’ll come back to them once you have seen all the questions. Imagine you have 3 very difficult questions in passage 2 and if you spend a lot of time on these, you are likely to run out of time before you get to very easy questions in passage 3. So skip them.

2) deal with paragraphs separately not question types. In passage 2 and 3 and sometimes in passage 1 too, there will be answers to 2 or 3 or even more questions in one paragraph. For example, one answer to T/F/Ng, another to matching headings and another to summary completion all of them may be in the same paragraph. So find answers to all of them at the same time. Dont think you finish TFN first then headings, then summary. This will take forever. You dont have that. So, do questions in a parallel way.

3. I recommend copying your answers to the answer sheet one passage at a time. Dont write your answers directly on the answer sheet because this is confusing and sometimes you change your mind several times before deciding. YOU DONT HAVE TO USE CAPITAL LETTERS AS LONG AS YOUR WRITING IS LEGIBLE(READABLE ENOUGH) writing in capital letters is time consuming. Use your normal writing.

Here’s some tips before your exam tomorrow.

1) read ahead. At the end of each section you will be given time to check your answers. Dont. Instead, Move to the next section and you will have more time to analyze the questions.

2) dont be stuck in the past. If you miss a question, dont panic. You dont have to remember it on the spot. Forget about that question and keep doing the rest of the task.

3) make smart guesses. If you hear the some of the words exactly like they appear in the options (in multiple choice or matching tasks), 90% of the time these options are not the correct one. For example, if the option C has the word ‘expensive’ in it and you hear the word expensive(not the paraphrase) in the recording, it’s not the correct answer. This can help you eliminate the options.

4) try to predict in part 1 and 4. Use your logic and expect at least the type of word you need to write.

Репост из: IELTS SECRETS | Muslima
Here I have uploaded all materials I have and been using for a while]

Since my exam prep times]

Here is the navigator↙️

⚠️ Invaluable Writing related posts (70+ shares)
⚠️Old lessons collection
⚠️One day study plan
⚠️Speaking Part 2 for a range of topics
⚠️Speaking Part 3 for a range of topics
⚠️Instruction for CDI takers
⚠️Walkthrough for my Task 2 sample

⚠️To see all articles/reading passages/Listening test/etc go to the Media section of the channel✅

Main channel: @LanguageLumanaries

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