Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

- ESL teacher
- IELTS 8.0
- eccentric
- jack-of-all-trades, master of none
"let the learning begin"

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Day 3 - Incentive Reading 1.pdf
Day 3


Another year of climate breakdown

2024 teaches us that we have no time to waste: the consequences of climate change are real, they are here today and they are affecting our lives right now

review of 2024

it's too late to be pessimistic



The Little Prince 👑

the book I keep coming back

Hozir ham darslikda bormi yo'qmi bilmadimu qaysi kalla bilan bu kitob 5-sinf adabiyot darsligida berilgan edi. Buni kattalar o'qishi kerak aslida. Man o'shanda o'qiganimda esimda qolgan narsa faqat ilonni ichidagi fil edi (yoxud shlyapa)

P.S. huu anavi tarjimani man yozmaganman


Day 2 - Incentive Reading.pdf
Day 2


Pandemic Lessons

Hindsight makes it even clearer how the battle against the disease wasn't just a fight against a virus, but also a struggle against the political
suppression of scientific evidence.

it's been about 5 years since Covid-19🥲🦠


Репост из: Life of Charos
Yaqinda O'zbekistonlik 20 yoshli futbolchi Abduqodir Husanov dunyodagi eng zo'r futbol terma jamoalaridan biri bo'lmish Manchester City tarkibiga qo'shilgani barchamizga ma'lum.

Bu nafaqat uning o'zi balki butun O'zbekiston uchun faxrlansa arziydigan yutuq aslida. Lekin tez orada kavlashni sevuvchi o'zbegim uning Ingiliz tilini bilmasligidan foydalanishga o'tdi.
Baraka topgurla uchun biznesini reklama qiilishga yangi mavzu topildi.

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi reklamar :
-xuddi Abduqodir Husanov kabi ingiliz tilini bilmay uyalib qolishni xohlamasangiz, unda kurslarimizga yoziling.

-o'gliz futbolchi bo'ladimi, bokschimi , ingiliz tilini o'qib IELTS topshirsa til bilganga ming tanga!
(Bu degani IELTS oling, testni IDP da topshiring degani! Ming tanga nima qiladi yiliga 40 million yevro olsa)

-Husanovga bepul dars berishga tayyormiz, biz bilan bog'laning..
(U darsda qatnashishga rozi bo'lishi uchun qancha berasiz deging keladi odam)

Manchester City kommentariyalarini o'qisam boshqa millat vakillari Abduqodirni tabriklab, maqtab, omad tilab yozib yotishgan bir paytda o'zimiznikilar u nima qilsa klubda qolishini o'rgatib aqillichilik qilishyabdi. Ayrim hayot faqat IELTS dan iborat deb o'ylaydiganlar esa uni ustidan kulishyabdi! Juda xunuk.

Hammasi sekin-sekin bo'ladida, Fransiyada o'ynagan payti Fransuz tilini o'rgangan ekan. Kelganiga 1 hafta bo'lmasidan Ingiliz tilisiga osilishni nima keragi bor?

Aslida bundan qanday xulosa qilishimiz kerak? Agar kuchli bo'lsang hammaga keraksan. Sportda til muhim ammo u asosiy rolda emas. Agar buni aksi bo'lganda Husanov na Fransiyada va na Angliyada top tepa olardi.

Farosatni yoqaylik.

Ko'p maqtanib yubordim, endi jiddiylashamiz)

Day 1 - Incentive Reading.pdf
Day 1


Antarctic ice is at a crisis point

"This is a major part of the Earth's system that is changing, and it's changing incredibly quickly. We don't fully understand why it's changed so quickly, and that worries me in terms of the sort of surprises that might be ahead."

It's too late to be pessimistic



Sabrning tagi - ultramarine iPhone)

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Elementary darajadaligimda Speakingdan "Siz yaxshi ko'rgan qo'shiq" mavzusiga Ed Sheeranni Shape of You qo'shigini gapirganimni eslagan men:


new hobby unlocked✅

collecting snow globes🌚

directly from Rome🌚

from my teacher✨



as Squid Game released its 2nd season, I am also going to start the 2nd season of my Reading Challenge🤓

the rule is the same, we will use extensive reading approach here:

Extensive reading (ER) is a reading approach that involves reading long, easy texts for pleasure and to improve reading skills. It's often used as a teaching strategy to help students develop their reading fluency and comprehension.

If you struggle in improving your reading, there's no option but to read articles, so join us🤓

invite your friends



Munira opa is one of my old but gold students. She studied in my General English classes back in 2024. She used to stand out from the class because of her intelligence beyond her years🕊

Congratulations, so happy for you💗



Barchinoy opa also took the same course.
(teachers: Nigora Omondullayeva and Madina Ravshanova)

The thing is that she had only less than a month left, but she managed to practice all skills patiently l, and got her desired score🪄

Congratulations 🥳



Xurshida opa also studied in the same group and got B2
(teachers: Nigora Omondullayeva and Madina Ravshanova)

Her consistency and diligence in learning is worth to mention✨

Congratulations 🔥


2025-yilda o'qilishi kerak bo'lgan kitoblar ro'yxati❌
Kanal uchun yillik content ro'yxati✅

hazil albatta



can you solve this?

change of colors 🎨


+ 


Bir sandiq kitob topdim podvaldan

P.S. occasionally, shunaqa kitoblar topilib turadi podvaldan; gap podval haqida emas😂


205 0 2 16 19

I've decided my 2025 will start on February 1st. January was a free trial month.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.