My mentorship with my students was started in October,we are still in touch with them,as you can see we have more or less RESULTS,all of them are their hard work and patience to complete stressful application documents, Amazing work students!
There's a lot to say, actually the application process is just the little part of your study abroad journey, If you give up on this stage, you are not sure about your plans yet I guess, but if you're continuing your work, that's your patience and solid plans for your future!
My private group consists of 18 students some of them are not at the right age for application (only my previous subs know how I chose them). Today, I'm going to list all of them as motivation for the next generation.
Most people say that if I don't get at least IELTS 7,I can't get into American colleges, let me tell you something,our students IELTS scores are 6-6.5,they have been admitted to top colleges, it's on your hands!But understand that if you're dreaming of top100 uni's, it's required at least 7 or higher scores for real.I mean, if your time is limited, you have a little bit lower score, don't waste your time,give it a try!
⚡️ Arzigul
1) IOWA State University
2) The University of Arizona (jılına $12.500)
3) Xiamen University Malaysia (100% grant)
4) SUNY Oneonta University
5) Colorado State University
6) University of Masachusets Boston (jılına $3000)
7) University of Minnesota twin Cities
8) Arizona State University
9) The university of Alabama
10) IU Indianapolis (5000$ grant)
11)New York institute of technology (total 100 000$)
⚡️ Khurshida
1. California State University of Pensylvania($5000)
2. Colorado State University
3. Caldwell University
4. IOWA State University
5. University of Minnesota Crookston
6. Arizona State University($54 000 in total)
7.New York institute of technology (total $112 000)
⚡️ Nurjamal
1.Iowa State University
2. Minnesota Morris University
1.Colorado state university
1.Colorado State University
2.Cleveland State University
3.Arizona State University
4.University of Kentucky
⚡️ Nazayim
1.University of Nebraska
⚡️ Sardarbek
University of East London
Such a beautiful scenery above✨