Zarnigor's | limitless 🌻

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

Welcome to Limitless creativity knows no bounds, without a single direction.
Facts about me:
9 mln minutes old
Potato-couch 💅
English: fluent enough to confuse grammar purists.
*Weak points: can never say no to food

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Physics be like:
Yorug'lik tezligini yorug'lik tezligida quvib yetsak ham u bizdan yorug'lik tezligida o'tib ketadi.


Article about money: what is it and how it works

Note: i’ve finally understood the fact that I was born to eat, not to cook :)


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Early birds season 2 unlocked 🔓🖇

This article is about how books help us to shape our perspective. 🎀

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1/12 January 🎀

Never stop. Energy grows with action, not hesitation.

🖇📌 Ok, now it's February (literally, time's flying).
Not sure what I did in half a month, but somehow, I managed to read 3 books, walk 135300+ steps, and pick up a new habit - reading articles (qogani academic stuff💅). Guess this month was pretty productive after all.

Article ✅

Interestingly, we can have a maximum of 150 friends.

Love it 🎀

Let's read 🗞

Репост из: ARTICLES 365 📰 | Muratovich

What is STEALING your ENERGY⚡️

Sleep,diet or lack of exercise can sap our reserves, but did you know that our personality can affect vitality, too?




Everything's changed and it hurts

Geometry essential formulas.

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Let's learn math

I’m utterly tired, like i could sleep through a whole century..

I've finished reading this article, and recommend it (easy to read, interesting and useful)

Показано 20 последних публикаций.