GAS | Great Ambitions Square

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

Hi all!👋
About me in general:
-Rahmonova Mahliyo
-From Khorezm, Uzbekistan📍
-17 y.o.
-11th grade student of KPS👩‍🎓
-Participant of International Summer School in Economics 2024
Bon voyage)

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций


Nothing ever makes you happier than finding money that you put in your pocket like a year ago🕺😂

I'm happy that most of my subscribers want me to continue this blog))

However, I need to have a break, until I think of some more beneficial content.

Stay tuned tho 😉

I want to close the channel. Like (👍) this post if you want the same or dislike (👎) if you want it to stay.

Grandma's recipe 🍚🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


It's been a year since I got this score and opened this channel 😇

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Reklama xizmati bor, если что 🌚😂

This is what I meant when I told I was cooking the last day)

Репост из: IELTS Imperia
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✅ IELTS band 8.0 owner shares her experience of learning in IELTS Imperia.

88 0 0 12 12

Has anybody heard of American University in Dubai?

Репост из: 🌱𝐄𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐔𝐑🌱
Tabiatni sevuvchi yoshlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

🌿 EKONUR eko volontyorlar harakati tomonidan oʻtkazilinib kelinayotgan "Eko marafon" onlayn loyihasining 7-mavsumiga taklif qilamiz!

☘️ Bu loyiha orqali siz:
➖ Tabiatga mehringizni namoyon qiling va u bilan hamohang bo‘ling;
➖ Yangi do‘stlar orttiring va birgalashib o‘z ustingizda ishlang!

Nima uchun bu marafon muhim?
➡️ Siz kabi tabiatni sevuvchi yoshlar bilan bir jamoada ishlaysiz.
➡️ Kunlik topshiriqlar orqali tabiatni himoya qilasiz va eko-ko‘nikmalaringizni rivojlantirasiz.
➡️ Tajribali mutaxassislar treninglarida ishtirok etasiz.
➡️ Eko marafon doirasidagi "Eko intellekt" , "Eko zakovat" va boshqa qiziqarli dasturlarda qatnashasiz.

📝 Faol ishtirokchilarni e
sa hamkorlar tomonidan tasdiqlangan xalqaro darajadagi QR kodli sertifikat kutmoqda!

❤️ Tabiatni sevasizmi? Unda safimizda bo‘lishga shoshiling!

💵 Ishtirok etish bepul, joylar soni cheklangan — 70 nafar ishtirokchi!

📝 Qabul uchun: @EkoQabul7
🗓 Bo‘lib o‘tadigan sana: 13-14-15-sentabr.
Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish muddati: 9-sentabrga qadar.

📌 Manzil: @ekonuruz

Cooking smth🍚

I have been doing my homework since 4 PM and still have approximately half of them in my to do list 🥲



Asked my mom about her favourite part of her life and "Childhood" was what I heard..✨

Yes, life is flowing like an unstoppable river. And now I'm remembering about the first day of my school life: just a little girl holding a bucket of flowers, who has no idea of what lies ahead. And now I'm in my last year of school, worried a bit, just like when I first stepped into the school..

Does life take only one blink...?😣

My younger sister has this beautiful talent 🥹❤️

And we tried our best)

"...summertime is over..."))

I realized what a real love bond is when I fought for my little brother for the first time in my life today. Yes, I felt powerful.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.