Maqsadbek | Personal Blog

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

College admission, inson psixologiyasi va startup'lar haqida gaplashamiz💡
Contact me at @maqsadbekf

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: StudentHunter | Grants

📢 Grant nomi: Türkiye Bursları (Turkey Scholarships)

🏫 Taqdim etuvchi: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı

🌍 Kimlar ishtirok etishi mumkin: Yuqori akademik natijaga ega bo'lgan barcha xalqaro talabalar

💰 Grant qiymati: O‘qish uchun to‘liq moliyaviy qo‘llab-quvvatlash (o‘qish, turar joy, aylik stipendiya, va tibbiy sug‘urta)

📅 Ariza topshirish muddati: 2025-yil 31-mart

📝 Talablar va qo‘shimcha ma’lumotlar bilan tanishish uchun shu yerga bosing: StudentHunter


📢 Grant Name: Türkiye Bursları (Turkey Scholarships)

🏫 Offered By: Republic of Turkey Presidency

🌍 Eligibility: Undergraduate students from around the world with excellent academic records

💰 Grant Value: Full financial support for education (tuition, accommodation, monthly stipend, and health insurance)

📅 Application Deadline: March 31, 2025

📝 Click here to learn requirements and additional information: StudentHunter

Do not take yourself seriously; take your work seriously. You are a monkey with a plan!

Репост из: Toshkent shahridagi Prezident maktabi | Presidential School in Tashkent
⚡️Toshkent shahridagi Prezident maktabi bitiruvchisi Maqsadbek Fayzullayev 50 ming AQSh dollari miqdoridagi pul bilan taqdirlandi

✅Maqsadbek Fayzullayev o’zining “StudentHunter” loyihasi bilan “President Tech Award" tanlovida ishtirok etib 2-o’rinni qo’lga kiritdi hamda 50 ming AQSh dollarlik pul mukofoti bilan taqdirlandi.

🐍Ma’lumot uchun, Maqsadbek Fayzullayev hozirda “New York University Shanghai” da 100% lik grant asosida tahsil olmoqda.

🎓Oʻquvchimizga bundan-da katta muvaffaqiyatlar yor boʻlishini tilaymiz!

🏛Toshkent shahridagi Prezident maktabining rasmiy sahifalari:
🌐Telegram | 🌐Instagram | 🌐Facebook

Anyone going?

Репост из: Venture with Love
IT Park Mahalliy startuplar uchun yangi istiqbollar va imkoniyatlarni kengaytirib, Saudiya Arabistonida yangi filial ochmoqda!

Hurmatli Startap egalari! Mamnuniyat bilan ma'lum qilamizki, IT Park o‘z geografiya chegaralarini kengaytirib, Saudiya Arabistonida o‘zining yangi filialini ochmoqda! 🎉

Bu Sizga quyidagi imkoniyatlarni taqdim etadi:

🔥 Saudiya Arabistoni bozoriga chiqish – bu IT xizmatlar va mahsulotlarga katta talabga ega bo‘lgan bozor.
🔥 Hududning eng dinamik bozorlaridan birida o‘z xizmat va mahsulotlaringizni taklif qilish imkoniyati.
🔥 O‘zbekistonning IT kompaniyalari imiji va brendini xalqaro miqyosda mustahkamlash.

✉️ Sizlarni 2024 yilning 16 dekabrida Saudiya Arabistonida o‘tkaziladigan rasmiy ochilish marosimida ishtirok etishga taklif qilib qolamiz.

Rasmiy ochilish marosimi Raqamli texnologiyalar vaziri va IT Park Bosh direktori boshchiligida bo‘lib o‘tadi.

📞 Viza masalalari va boshqa savollar bo‘yicha quyidagi raqamga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin:
+998 99 859 13 80
Dildora Nasibullayeva

Hurmat bilan,
IT Park jamoasi

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun xavola


Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
Sharqiy turkistonimiz odamlari

At the end, you might have a chance to become a member of our family. It all depends on how much effort you put in.

Join our team as a data analyst intern, you will learn much more things from experienced international staffs.

Репост из: SAK | Personal Blog
📢 Internship Opportunity at StudentHunter

StudentHunter is offering an internship for those interested in gaining valuable experience and contributing to our platform.

🎯 Benefits:

- Gain practical experience in data management.
- Enhance your attention to detail and organizational skills.
- Build your resume with a meaningful internship.

📩 Interested?
Contact @AzizbekKarimjanov!

Take this opportunity to grow with StudentHunter!


Репост из: New Yorker
Where it all started:

In my high school senior year, when Maksadbek aka took a gap semester from NYU Shanghai, we started working on StudentHunter. Everything started when we had our first meeting about the project and we were all in.

Imagine a platform where every student from different places do not have to commute to the college they want to study to for just an application. They apply those colleges online and free of charge and no separate applications, just with one standard application for every college.

We were sold to the idea and grinded for days, weeks and months, often sleeping in the office to make the idea we were sold to, a reality.

But as they say, it is either academics or startup, me and other team members chose to go in our ways for academics and career while Maksadbek aka invested and committed into the future of StudentHunter.

Today StudentHunter stands in the line of the best startups in Uzbek Startup Ecosystem and one of the winners of Prestigious President Tech Award and I can proudly say that I have contributed to the development of Education system and its accessibility.

But what more did I achieve?

Great deal of experience in venture building and most importantly lifelong friendship that pushes me to be better everyday in whatever I pursue and the people who support me.

Rahmat bro🫡

Birga o'sdik jamoa sifatida, hamma jamoa a'zolariga rahmat, now we have to prove why the judges made a wrong decision.

Репост из: Ilyosjoniy ོ | Blog
Maqsadbek va StudenHunter jamoasini 1-investment bilan tabriklayman⚡️

President Tech Award’dan $50K yutishdi

Video 2023-yil Yanvar kechasi 19:00 larda olingan


Tried, could be better

Alamimi oldim😌

Updated scores

760 0 3 10 16

Репост из: President Tech Award
#event #DigitalStartupsWeek

👍 IT Park Uzbekistan launched the Digital Startups Week

🐦 The series of events began with the Demo Day President Tech Award, where 54 startup teams competed for a spot in the finals, presenting their innovative ideas, from which 15 finalists had already been selected.

The event was opened with a welcoming address by Olimjon Umarov, the First Deputy Minister of Digital Technologies and was supported by Plug and Play as the event’s partner.

🕸 Read more on our website

👍 IT Park Uzbekistan Digital Startups Week'ga start berdi

🐦 Tadbirlar ketma-ketligi “Demo Day President Tech Award” bilan ochildi, unda 54 ta startap jamoasi o‘zlarining innovatsion g‘oyalarini taqdim etib, finalga 15ta ishtiroqchi tanlab olindi.

Tadbirni Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirining birinchi o‘rinbosari Olimjon Umarov tabrik so‘zi bilan ochib berdi. Tadbir hamkori sifatida “Plug and Play” ishtirok etdi.

Batafsil veb-saytimizda

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