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Bizda (Najot Ta'lim o'quv markazida) Flutter Bootcamp guruhini bitirib chiqayotgan o'quvchilar bor.
Agarda kimdadir internship yoki Junior darajada Flutter dasturchi uchun ehtiyoj bo'lsa, murojaat qilsangiz xursand bo'lar edik.
Hello, how are you?
We (at "Najot Ta'lim" Learning Center) have students graduating from the Flutter Bootcamp group.
If anyone has an internship or a need for a Flutter developer at the Junior level, we would be happy to hear from you.
Bizda (Najot Ta'lim o'quv markazida) Flutter Bootcamp guruhini bitirib chiqayotgan o'quvchilar bor.
Agarda kimdadir internship yoki Junior darajada Flutter dasturchi uchun ehtiyoj bo'lsa, murojaat qilsangiz xursand bo'lar edik.
Hello, how are you?
We (at "Najot Ta'lim" Learning Center) have students graduating from the Flutter Bootcamp group.
If anyone has an internship or a need for a Flutter developer at the Junior level, we would be happy to hear from you.