
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Telegram

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Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

ketorish kerak.

kill them, kill them all.

tinchlik bo’lorsin-a.

The first team that I built has become known in Silicon Valley as the “PayPal
Mafia” because so many of my former colleagues have gone on to help each other
start and invest in successful tech companies. We sold PayPal to eBay for $1.5 billion
in 2002. Since then, Elon Musk has founded SpaceX and co-founded Tesla Motors;
Reid Hoffman co-founded LinkedIn; Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim
together founded YouTube; Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons founded Yelp;
David Sacks co-founded Yammer; and I co-founded Palantir. Today all seven of
those companies are worth more than $1 billion each. PayPal’s office amenities
never got much press, but the team has done extraordinarily well, both together and
individually: the culture was strong enough to transcend the original company.

In the boardroom, less is more. The smaller the board, the easier it is for the
directors to communicate, to reach consensus, and to exercise effective oversight.

As Faust tells
The few who knew what might be learned,
Foolish enough to put their whole heart on show, And reveal their feelings to the crowd
below, Mankind has always crucified and burned.

shu yerdan ko'p narsa oshkor bo'lyabdi.

If this [binding social order] dissolves, if we no longer feel it in
existence and action about and above us, whatever is social in us is
deprived of all objective foundation. All that remains is an artificial
combination of illusory images, a phantasmagoria vanishing at the
least reflection; that is, nothing which can be a goal for our action.

Online hardcore pornography offers a good example of the way companies
can hijack deep evolutionary drives. Evolution makes things alluring and
rewarding (with a little pulse of dopamine) only when—over thousands of
generations—striving for those things caused individuals to leave more
surviving offspring than individuals who felt no such desire or made no
such effort. Sexual attraction and mating are areas of life where evolution
has left us lures and strong strivings


Boys are not just changing how they talk or think about risk; they are
truly taking fewer risks. Figure 7.4 plots the rate of hospitalizations for
unintentional injuries for four age bands, with males in the left panel and
females on the right. If we look only at the years before 2010, we see that
rates of hospitalization are under 10,000 per 100,000, for males as well as
for females, for all age groups—with the exception of young men. Before
2010, males 10–19, along with males in their 20s, had much higher rates of
hospitalization than everyone else, partly because they engaged in more
risky activities and made poorer decisions.


These young people are called hikikomori, a Japanese term that means
“pulling inward.”[21] They live like hermits, emerging from their caves
mostly at odd hours when they are less likely to see anyone, including
family members. In some families, parents leave food for them by their
doors. They calm their anxieties by staying inside, but the longer they stay
in, the less competent they become in the outside world, fueling their
anxiety about the outside world. They are trapped

Reeves’s book helps us see the structural factors that have made it
harder for boys to succeed. He describes factors such as an economy that no
longer rewards physical strength, an educational system that prizes the
ability to sit still and listen, and a decline in the availability of positive male
role models, including fathers. After listing several such factors, Reeves
adds, “The male malaise is not the result of a mass psychological
breakdown, but of deep structural challenges.

Long live the king.

about today.

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