Fazilat writes

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

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Узбекистан, Английский
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#discussion #education

I have been interested in Noam Chomsky's contribution to science these days. Well, what particularly, caught my attention is his remarks about current educational system:

The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don't know how to be submissive, and so on – because they're dysfunctional to the institutions.

Yeah, we actually used to be trained to obey rules and accept everything given at schools. Whenever I brought new ideas as part of the Kamalak organization, school authorities disagreed because they just wanted "peace" for themselves. That's why I had to move to the district level, where I could organize more things for students.

Nowadays, I am teaching some school children and clearly see ignorance in their attitudes towards education – they had been programmed to prepare for tests instead of getting true knowledge.

I don't want to blame anyone, just observing the situation. Students aren't rewarded for their creative expressions at schools, but to the extent how well they "memorize" lessons. Usually, the independent ones are punished, since they seem to "pose threat" to the community. Doesn't it sound weird? But it's in most public schools.

One of my students, Zarina, a very smart girl, doesn't often communicate her ideas in the class because she is introverted. Teachers don't even try to let her show her full potential. But as far as I know her, she is very capable – only needs a chance to show herself with a bit of guidance and support. After my lessons, she feels energetic, motivated and unusually confident. As days pass, there is progress in her self-expression and one of her teachers at school thanked me for that. What the hell? It was their duty to help her grow in the first place.

She is just an example. What about other students? Who don't have access to exclusive books, events, projects? Who end up being in an environment where independence is not cultivated, but repressed? Where teachers are mediocre and can't do their jobs properly? Where system advocates unnecessary tests? Where subjects are shallow and programs are not designed well? Where students are forced to attend school and graduate it with empty brains?

School should teach students to think by themselves – it's also true for other educational institutions too. School should promote talents and give them opportunities. School should make free space for children, where they connect with others and exchange ideas. It should be a very interesting place, where kids can enjoy and get engaged in lots of different activities, so they will start assessing their strengths and weaknesses. For that psychologists must help. But I don't see any psychologist working hard in this sphere. Many bright minds are leaving schools without realizing what they are good at. Even worse, life after school is so hard that those kids have to ignore education, talents etc. and get to a job to make money right away. That's why I think during school years, what students do and learn can affect their future professional developments. Though, education system doesn't seem to care about these matters, unfortunately. The reason may be as Chomsky mentioned.


Women have always been symbols of life and beauty. They are pearls of this universe, spirit of this Earth and love of their families. Naturally, with their care and kindness they nurture all the goodness in children who make up this society around us. Dear girls, I wish you keep being more feminine and having a gentle soul.

Happy Women's Day. 🥂


To love someone till the end of your life, even after that person dies must hurt a lot. But I think it's also impossible to fall in love twice. Either you won't dare to love anyone strongly or you will accept all the struggles awaiting you. Refusing to love because of its pain is not a good choice – it's like hating rain that actually helps flowers bloom. Being in pain, you can reach the deepest corners of your heart and discover some truth. Every time when I lose my close people, I find something else in me. This thing then turns out to be important for my spiritual growth. Though, these periods are hard to bear, you should go through them at least once in your lifetime to feel what it's like to live in reality or what it's like to look at life from a different angle. You can't be happy all the time. For happiness doesn't cultivate beautiful things. It's not surprise that great art is born usually when an artist is in deep sorrow.


Everything is meaningless and everything is meaningful. It's depressing that nothing makes sense and encouraging that nothing is worth holding on to.


Bilasanmi? Quyosh botayotganida osmon qizg'ish, olovrang tusga kiradi. U tunni o'z quchog'iga olgan to'q binafsha va zangori bulutlar qurshovida qoladi. Quyosh ko'tarilganida-chi? Olamda sehrli yog'dular paydo bo'la boshlaydi. Ular ko'zni emas, qalbingni qamashtiradi. Sen seza olmaysan u kuchni, agar ko'ngil darvozalarin ochmasang...

Hech erta tong sahar ko'chaga - tabiat qo'yniga chiqqanmisan? Bahor faslida endi yer yuzini ko'rgan nafis yaproqchalar va maysalar ustida shudring donachalari yaltirab turadi. Barmoqlaring uzra tomchilari asta oqqanida muzdek harorat, ayni damda yoqimli hissiyot - ruhiy tetiklik butun tanangni qamrab oladi. Tuproq va suv birgalikda mutanosib, jisming va ruhing birlashadi.

Eng sof tuyg'u o'zing bilan yolg'iz qolganingdagina kelar ekan. Hayotning g'ala-g'ovurlari miyangni egallab ulgurmagan, mashinalar vizillagan qatnovi boshlanmagan va barcha uyquda paytda...

Shu lahzada sen ham uyquda bo'lsang, ko'p narsani boy bergan bo'lasan...


Winter has gone. Spring has come. Happy Ramadan. 💫

I couldn't find where the problem was while editing the video, but a friend of mine came to help and saved me.

This is the Any Desk program, you open it and someone else sends you a link. You accept the invitation and he/she can work in your laptop from a distance. Very convenient, but a bit risky, because this person will have access to your desktop as long as you don't close the tab. I liked it anyways.

#thought #tech

I am studying rigorously all the subjects important for my future, learning everything that I need and putting them into practice. At the same time, I am becoming the worst student at university. Since universities in Uzbekistan don't value knowledge, why should I worry if teachers like me or not 😁

They didn't check my translations I had done during the internship, yet they only looked at the "stamps" and signatures! I could have bought those stamps and signatures and lie down in bed doing nothing for a month, just chilling out. Now, they are telling me that my portfolio has a problem with a logo of the university, it can affect my grades. This is the beauty of our educational system. Why should I respect the people who don't respect my hard work and diligence?

I even wanted to build a collaborative environment between GSBE and our university. It seems, they aren't worth it. I don't want to apply for scholarships like Alisher Navoiy, where the number of scientific articles are more important than their quality. I don't need that sheet of paper.


Why did I mention this?

Have you ever noticed that whenever you go somewhere to take a rest, let's say a park, there are a few benches. Then, you go to a cafe and have to buy something just to sit there. Or another example. We can't use a printer more than a given period based on its program, although it still works. We can't use the same clothes more than two-three years because of low quality or trends. We are sold unhealthy food and are made to go to hospitals to treat illnesses.

We actually pay for things, or are forced to pay because of the tricks used by "businessmen", consumer hunters. Just think about it. If everything was quality, if there weren't trends, if there wasn't manipulation, if people were less consumers, if people were smarter in decision-making, if their will power was stronger, if they weren't impulsive, then many businesses wouldn't survive.

In one research, it was stated that bad air quality affects people's brain in a way that they find it hard to control their emotions. That means, climate change is useful for someone's pockets. We might think eco-related projects are being done, but in reality the official bodies themselves don't benefit much from creating good conditions for people. If there are no problems and everyone is happy, who will work on solving problems? Noone. Even psychologists make more money if there are more mentally ill people.

That's a very complicated topic, especially after learning some stuff about business, I realized that in any business there is always some dark side. I can print books and benefit students, but it comes with cutting trees. If you try to fix something, you can ruin another.

Everything is interconnected. Sometimes, it feels like knowledge and analysis are huge burden when people around you don't want to know or analyse. Because everyone thinks they can't do anything. They just live. It's just living. Life is short. I hear it million times. Maybe the problem is also here. That they don't believe in their capabilities, especially if the forces are joined. Collective efforts usually give fruits. But as I can see it, everyone is busy with themselves, no they are made to focus on themselves because of capitalism. I can't think of another society.

In the past, people who changed societal structures must have been very different. I can't describe how much influence they had on public, but it was very powerful. I don't ask anyone to go to meetings and hold posters like in European countries, it's not helpful.

Things change only from inside. When there will be more educated and conscious people.

#writing #social

– I hate capitalism. Ever since I saw its negative impact on human behaviour. It's leading us towards degradation, not progress. You always have to sell something to get money. You bargain everywhere, searching for potential benefits and never get satisfied. You can't sleep without a single thought about making profits. You don't stop making plans for future investments and will be ready to fiercely fight with your competitors for even little bucks. You spend those bucks on your material wellbeing instead of helping others. When your friend comes and asks for a little help, you instantly appear poor, as if giving little makes you less richer.
– Helping people to satisfy your own needs is not real help. You want attention, fame or a higher position? Maybe, you want to manipulate them? You say this is what everyone does.
– Are you everyone? Can you help others although they won't give you anything in return? Just out of love and respect?

#writing #deep

I was accepted to take part in a 2-day media training by Yuksalish and European Commission and I got ill exactly this period. Anyways, I am glad that I didn't go, somehow, doesn't look like it would meet my expectations.

It's still better to learn from books than attending workshops. Programs are good for network and soft skills, I don't think you can learn much.



it's your luck to have a good atmosphere in your workplace, especially where the employer puts his employees' health first, the tasks second. humans are the important factors in project's success.

to establish a good employer-employee relationship is hard because of diversity. however, it's necessary to make everyone strive towards one goal. the head, who is only result-oriented may not succeed in that case, since a decent salary is not the motivation all the time.

people start working more effectively if they are taken care of, if their voices are heard, if they are given independence, guidance and support, if they are let to show their potentials and take part in serious decision-making processes.

when Pinnacle brand faced crisis, they didn't save jobs, instead let people save their jobs by themselves – top ideas didn't come from top executives, but people working with company's operations, for example, custodians. their philosophy was this: treat all employees with dignity and respect.


initial and last information stay in the long-term memory

when you read a text, your eyes fixate on the left side first and then moves to the right side. you pay attention to visual elements or texts that appear first and keep them in mind without making any effort.

we don't usually remember details in the middle, but we do remember last words too. that's why many logos are located on the left bar of the websites. so web-designers and copywriters try to find proper locations of elements, which is connected to psychology..

in the presentations why do you think the title is mostly in the left side of the slide? because our eyes automatically read them quickly and after the meeting we will still be able to recall some information shared in the speech.

notable is that some flower shops leave their telephone numbers for services on the left side too.

just try:
strawberry, papaya, cherry, pineapple, lemon, grapes, apple, watermelon, melon, raspberry

what do you remember at a quick glance?


I am breaking rules.

Rules are meant to be broken. Why? Because they had also been created by people like you. Maybe even more stupid ones. Whether you will follow their strategies in the game or create your own.

I was focusing too much on justice, and how did it end?

Adaptation is for survival, those who want to live truly should be able to make their own rules – change situations from bad to good.

Now, I clearly support the idea of having obstacles on your way, they teach you to be smarter, stronger and calmer.



Listening to working mothers, I feel how difficult it is for them to balance everything: jobs, household, children, husbands... The more they try to do good for their families and the more they try to work hard to earn money (in some families, men don't work), the less they care about their mental and physical health. It's saddening that women's actions are taken for granted in many uzbek communities, even some parents don't let their girls study, mentioning their duties as a future mother and a wife.

As a sister, daughter, aunt, student and simply a girl, I can't consume the fact how some of my peers are suffering because of stereotypes deeply rooted in our culture.

Professor Cheul Rhee from South Korea said in his tech company more than 55% of women work as IT specialists. Is it because women there are more motivated compared to Uzbekistan? No. According to Professor Min, in his lectures for marketing most of the girls are active and perform better than boys.

In GSBE 97% of the students in IT Business course comprised MEN, 80% of which have already decent jobs and don't want to study. The remaining 20% are willing to pursue their education in this area just because it seems a good investment for future.

I didn't hear anyone say: Oh, I love business! That's what confused professors. The motivation to study is quite low and no teaching method worked successfully.

However, I think there is another reason too. Women may be less smarter or less motivated than men, but they don't have a responsibility to earn money in some cases unlike men who are always pushed towards short-term gains by parents.

It's also interesting to see majority of girls in humanities, while men in finance or public sector. Recently, a training course specifically for "leader women" kicked off in GSBE, where they are taught more advanced approaches in leadership. I saw women taking part there were independent and quite rich owning at least their cars. I don't want to favor feminism, yet it's useful to find the root causes of the differences in women's lives.

Some women are just lucky to be born in families where they are supported psychologically and financially to build themselves, others are given freedom to find themselves, while the rest are deprived of many opportunities around. This is inequality. And it doesn't always mean poverty. It may also be a sign of lack of knowledge among older people. These days even common sense is getting rare.

I don't know how to describe the situation - if it was well stated beforehand, it could have been already solved. There are only assumptions in Uzbekistan, research work is just on paper. Nobody needs it, unfortunately.

They tell me women don't have rights here :(

Maybe, some women lack care?


Who says business is easy? When your printer breaks down because of "chewing" paper 🥸

I'd better play hockey and make another bet.

P.S. you need to be great problem solver or have a high level of stress management to win the game.

or at least you should be brave to get the paper out so carefully without crashing your printer entirely.


context matters

The 4MAT model can be used in business presentations and other fields. Being selective with words to allure potential customers or "making them learn about the idea you want to share so they will make decisions for your benefit".

Depending on the audience, you change the way you convey the message - their background knowledge, interests, plans, etc., are important factors during the presentation. Let's say, in teaching, the hardest thing is to choose the right words so students catch you easily. While working with official documents, I faced challenges. Why? Because I didn't know how to articulate ideas "in my mind" and put them on paper by adjusting them to the official style.

In applications for programs too, you should consider "who" will read them? The tone of writing is more formal in essays for master's degrees compared to bachelor's, since the readers expect you to be more professional, not just a child striving toward education.

#writing #communication

A new journey begins here

After finishing my internship in the Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship, I am starting another internship in the Arts and Culture Development Fund Under the Cabinet of Ministry of Uzbekistan.

Some events where I used to volunteer or take part were organized by this organization, including Zaamin ultra marathon and ACDF academy. They focus on the inclusive environment, equal access to education, the development of arts and culture in our country by supporting both local and international initiatives.

The scale of the work is large and it even scared me in the beginning, but I am taking this challenge for growth and feel this is going to be a new page in my career path. Perhaps, I would be able to realize my dream projects in this place (if I have a clear plan of course, otherwise as I said earlier, everything is so serious and professionalism is required).

I will do my best to keep up with all the projects I am working on and help others grow too.



Start working with official documents for applications/work as early as possible. Documents don't like procrastination. To get them signed is a hell if especially the organization takes every single word serious and the director is too much detail-oriented that a single mistake is not allowed.

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