IELTS Essays Band 9 | IELTS Writing 9.0 | Essays 📃

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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👨‍🏫 All the essays are correct in terms of grammar and word choice, as have been written or revised by professional native Tutors.

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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🤵🏻‍♀️WEDNESDAY 2-FASL🤵🏻‍♀️

🎬Nomi: Wednesday 2
🇬🇧Tili: Ingliz tilida
📀Sifati: 720p
📆Yili: 2024
🇺🇸 Davlat: AQSH
📉 Reyting: 9.8/10⭐️

Wednesday ni kinoni korish uchun botga kirib “Wednesday “ sozini yuboring

🔃 Writing Task 2 Tips for Higher Scores

To achieve a higher band score in IELTS Writing Task 2, providing evidence of advanced writing techniques is a must. In this section you can find out more about complex sentence structures, advanced vocabulary and the effective use of examples to improve your writing.

Using Complex Sentence Structures
The ability to use a range of grammar structures (simple, compound and complex sentences) accurately and appropriately can get you a higher score in IELTS Writing Task 2. Compared to simple and compound sentences, complex ones are harder to get right. A complex sentence combines an independent clause with one or more dependent clauses. Here are some examples:

Example: Although many people believe that zoos are beneficial for education, others argue that they are inhumane and should be banned.

Example: If the government implements strict policies, pollution levels will decrease significantly.

#IELTS #Writing #Tips

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

🎓TOP-300 universitetlarga grant yutish oson emas…
Lekin eng katta xatolik – tayyorgarliksiz urinish!

PREP 2025 – El-Yurt Umidi tanlovida g‘olib bo‘lishni istovchilar uchun eng ishonchli yo‘l!

🚨Haqiqat shuki:
Har yili minglab nomzodlar hujjat topshiradi, ammo aksariyati xatolar sabab imkoniyatini boy beradi. Biz esa 3 yillik tajriba va yuzga yaqin muvaffaqiyat hikoyalari bilan sizga bu yo‘lda aniq yo‘nalish beramiz!

🏆2024-yilda rekord natijalar!
PREP 2025 jamoasi yuzlab nomzodlarning chet el universitetlariga qabul qilinishi va òqishiga yordam berdi. Endi esa navbat sizniki!

Imkoniyatni boy bermang!

Tayyorgarlikni bugundan boshlang!

🔗Kanalga obuna bo‘ling va El-Yurt Umidi tanloviga doir kurslar hamda eng so‘nggi ma’lumotlardan xabardor bo‘ling:

PREP 2025

🔔 Useful Vocabulary & Expressions of #Essay316

〰️ The influx of smb/smth: the fact of a lot of people, money or things arriving somewhere
Example: a massive/sudden influx of visitors.

〰️ To be associated with smth: having a connection between people or things in your mind
— Example: I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood.

〰️ The odds of something: the degree to which something is likely to happen
— Example: The odds are that (= it is likely that) she'll win.

〰️ To halt something: to stop; to make somebody/something stop
— Example: We are failing to halt the destruction of the rainforest.

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#IELTSWriting #Writing9 #Vocabulary

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

Aid by Khan – Sizning bilim uyingiz!

Quyidagi fanlar bo‘yicha o‘quv kurslariga qabul ochiq:

🙂 Ingliz tili – bolalar va kattalar uchun erkin muloqot.
Matematika va mental arifmetika – mantiqiy fikrlashni rivojlantirish va masalalarni oson yechish.
🧠 “Pochemuchka” – eng qiziquvchan bolajonlar uchun bilim dunyosi.
🧪 Biologiya va Kimyo – fanlarni qiziqarli va tushunarli qilish.
💻 IT – texnologiyalar olamiga bugundan boshlang.
🇰🇷 Koreys tili – Koreya tili va madaniyatini o‘rganing.
🖋 Rus tili – har bir so‘zda savodxonlik.

📍 Manzilimiz: Sergeli, Green House
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Aid by Khan
bilan bilimingizni kengaytiring! 💡

🔔 Ideas about "Water"

➡️ Importance of Clean Water
🏷 Water is an essential natural resource.
🏷 Humans need access to clean, safe drinking water in order to live.
🏷 Poor water quality is a major cause of disease and death in some countries.
🏷 Water usually needs to be treated before we can drink it.
🏷 Developing countries often lack the means to treat and supply water to citizens.
🏷 Developed countries tend to have much better sanitation.
🏷 Citizens have access to clean tap water.
🏷 Drinking water is not contaminated by sewage or waste water.
🏷 The supply of clean water would improve public health in many developing countries.

➡️ Water Supply
🏷 Urban life would be impossible without water supply systems.
🏷 These systems are massive engineering projects.
🏷 Many professionals are involved in their planning, construction and maintenance.
🏷 The supply and distribution of water are major concerns.
🏷 Water is becoming scarce in some countries.
🏷 Areas that suffer droughts often need to import water.
🏷 As populations grow, there is more pressure on water supplies.
🏷 This could lead to a water crisis.

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#IELTS #Writing #Essay #Idea #part1

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

​​#Essay316 #Writing #Task2

☘️ Problem & Solution

✅ Q:
Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons? Solutions to change negative attitudes?

💡 Answer:

There are several reasons why many people have a negative attitude towards international tourism. However, this can be handled by adopting possible solutions, as will now be discussed.

Firstly, the influx of foreign travelers is often associated with an increase in the level of environmental pollution. Many tourists throw rubbish into the surroundings irresponsibly, which contributes to air, water and soil contamination. In addition, there might be a growing demand for transport, decreasing the air quality at the tourist destination.

Secondly, international tourism increases the odds of spreading infectious diseases into the local community. Viruses such as Ebola and H5N1 can become a threat to the locals if an infected traveler visits their country. In Vietnam, for example, many people died after a visitor from Hong Kong carried the H5N1 virus to the country in 2003. This example makes it clear why many people are still against the development of international tourism.

However, there are a range of options that can be taken to improve the situation. One measure would be that the government should continue campaigns to raise the awareness of tourists when they pay a visit to a new land. Travellers should be encouraged to put waste into the right place or to use public transport if possible. Another remedy is that there should be medical checks at airports and borders. This is to guarantee that infected visitors should be quarantined to halt the spread of the disease.

In conclusion, negative feelings about global tourism still are common in society. However, this can be resolved by taking the above suggestions.

✍️ Total words: 262

📍Band: 7.5+

👉@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

🔖 A Lesson in Love: A Son's Tender Care for his Father

A son took his father to a restaurant to enjoy a delicious dinner. His father was quite old and therefore a little weak too.
While eating, food occasionally fell on his shirt and pants. The other guests watched the old man with their faces contorted in disgust, but his son remained calm.

After they both finished eating, the son, quietly helped his father and took him to the toilet. Cleaned food scraps from his crumpled face, and attempted to wash food stains from his clothes; graciously combed his gray hair and finally put on his glasses.

As he left the bathroom, a deep silence reigned in the restaurant. The son was ready to foot the bill, but before leaving, a man, also old, got up and asked the old man's son: 'Don't you think you left something here ? '

The young man replied: 'No, I did not leave anything.' Then the stranger said to him: 'You left a lesson here for every son, and a hope for every father! ”The whole restaurant was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

One of the greatest honors that exists, is being able to take care of those who have taken care of us too. Our parents and all those elders who sacrificed their lives, with all their time, money and effort for us, deserve our utmost respect.

#IELTS #Reading #Story

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

🔃 How large a vocabulary is needed to get a Band 7 for Writing? Does vocabulary really matter in Writing?

To achieve a Band 7 in Writing, a large vocabulary matters a lot. If you look at the IELTS public band descriptors (see here), you’ll notice that the Band 7 category for vocabulary (“Lexical Resource”) says the following:

— Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision;
— Uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation;
— May produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation.

It is important to pay attention to the phrase “sufficient range”. This means that you need to use a wide range of simple AND less common vocabulary. For example, if the topic of the question relates to cars, don’t just keep writing “cars” for the whole essay; use less common synonyms for “car” like “vehicle”, “automobile”, etc. It would be unnatural to only use less common vocabulary, so remember to use a mixture of simple and more complex words.

It is also important that you show “some awareness of style and collocation” as you use less common vocabulary. This means that you shouldn’t just use a less common word because you memorized it; you should be able to use it in an appropriate context where native speakers would be likely to use it. To become skilled at this, you should:

— watch a wide range of English language videos (TED talks, TV shows, movies, etc.);
— read a wide range of English language texts (website and newspaper articles, books, etc.) so that you can develop a feel for the language.

#IELTS #Writing #Tips

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

🔔 Useful Vocabulary & Expressions of #Essay315

〰️ to retain smth: to keep something; to continue to have something
— Example: She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts.

〰️ To impair smth: to damage something or make something worse.
— Example: His age impaired his chances of finding a new job.

〰️ To be vulnerable to smth: weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally
— Example: Old people are particularly vulnerable to the flu.

〰️ chaos: a state of complete confusion and lack of order
— Example: The house was in chaos after the party.

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#IELTSWriting #Writing9 #Vocabulary

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

🔔 Ideas about "Transport"

➡️ Positives of Public Transport
🏷 We need to reduce our dependence on cars.
🏷 Parking a car can be extremely difficult in big cities.
🏷 Well-designed transport systems are comfortable and convenient.
🏷 Modern public transport can be fast and cheap.
🏷 Public transport can help to reduce pollution in cities.
🏷 Investment in buses and trains will ease traffic congestion.
🏷 Buses can be given special lanes to avoid traffic.

➡️ Negatives of Public Transport
🏷 Public transport is often slow and unreliable.
🏷 Metro systems and trains are often dirty and crowded.
🏷 People feel like “sardines in a can”.
🏷 Cars are much more comfortable.

➡️ Road Safety
🏷 Driving while tired or drunk is extremely dangerous.
🏷 Mobile phones can be a dangerous distraction for drivers.
🏷 They draw the driver’s attention away from the road.
🏷 The use of phones while driving has been banned in many countries.
🏷 Punishments are becoming stricter.
🏷 Television campaigns are used to remind people to drive safely.
🏷 Speed cameras have become more common.
🏷 Speed bumps are another form of traffic calming.
🏷 Many streets are designed with the aim of slowing traffic down.

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#IELTS #Writing #Essay #Idea #part2

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

​​#Essay315 #Writing #Task2

☘️ Discuss both views

✅ Q:
Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

💡 Answer:

Finding ways to improve educational quality is often one of the top priorities in every education system. In some cultures, high school students are encouraged to give their opinions about teachers, but I believe that this can also give rise to lack of respect and discipline in the classroom.

On the one hand, it is true that feedback from learners may contribute to an improvement in educational quality. In many cases, the level of comprehension of students relies very much not on the content of the lesson but on the way teachers conduct it. If, for example, the class is slow, it will be ineffective for teachers to teach too fast so that most students fail to retain the information. Without the comments of students, it would be difficult to know whether the speed of the lesson is appropriate for the class, which may eventually impair the quality of the lesson.

However, there are several drawbacks of allowing students to make comments and criticism on their teachers. Firstly, teachers can be vulnerable to the negative words of students. Many will feel that their efforts in delivering the lesson deserve praise rather than criticism or any form of feedback. This idea is commonly shared by teachers in the education systems of many Asian countries. Secondly, the classroom may be in chaos due to massive numbers of comments. Opinions vary from students to students, and it would be impractical for teachers to work out a way of teaching that can satisfy all students.

In conclusion, it seems to me that encouraging high school students to comment about their teachers does not necessarily mean an improvement in education quality.

✍️ Total words: 276

📍Band: 7.0+

👉@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

🔖 The Right Place to Shine

A father told his daughter, "Congrats on your graduation. I bought you a car a while back. I want you to have it now."

Before I give it to you, take it to a car dealer in the city and sell it. See how much they offer.”

The girl came back to her father & said: "They offered me $10,000 dollars because it looks very old"

Father said: "Ok, now take it to the pawn shop".

The girl returns to her father & said: "The pawn shop offered $1,000 dollars because it's a very old car & a lot of work done".

The father told her to join a passionate car club with experts & show them the car.

The girl drove to the passionate car club.

She returned to her father after a few hours & told him, “Some people in the club offered me $100k because its a rare car that's in good condition.”

Then the father said, "I wanted to let you know that you are not worth anything if you are not in the right place. If you are not appreciated, do not be angry, that means you are in the wrong place. Don't stay in a place where no one sees your value ."

The moral of the story : Know your worth and know where you are valued. A diamond doesn't shine on the bottom of a cave.

#IELTS #Reading #Story

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

ℹ️ Tips and tricks on how to stay on topic

To make sure you stay on track in your IELTS Writing Task 2 essays, here are some helpful tips for you to keep in mind to score high in your IELTS test:

〰️ Understand the question: Before you start writing, fully understand the question. Identify the main points and what it's asking for. This will guide your essay and prevent you from going off-topic.

〰️ Plan your essay: Create a clear outline with the main ideas, supporting arguments, and examples you will use. This keeps you organised and focused on the task.

〰️ Stick to your thesis: Make a span thesis statement that directly addresses the question. Use it as a reference point throughout your essay to stay on topic.

〰️ Avoid going off track: While it's good to show your knowledge, ensure every point you include supports your main argument and is relevant to the assigned topic.

〰️ Proofread and revise: Take time at the end to review your essay. Check if your arguments and examples align with the main question and make any necessary changes to ensure coherence and cohesion.

〰️ Stay focused during writing: While writing your essay, keep reminding yourself about the main question and your thesis statement. This will help you stay on track and avoid getting off into unrelated areas.

〰️ Be mindful of word limits: IELTS essays have a word limit, and going off-topic may cause you to run out of space without adequately addressing the main question. Keep track of your word count to ensure you allocate enough space to cover the essential points.

〰️ Practice time management: During the exam, allocate time wisely for planning, writing, and revising. When you manage your time effectively, you reduce the chances of rushing and going off-topic due to time constraints.

〰️ Seek feedback from others: Before the actual exam, have someone review your practice essays. Ask them if your response stays on topic and effectively addresses the question. Constructive feedback can help you improve and refine your approach.

〰️ Focus on the main idea in each paragraph: Each paragraph should contribute to your overall argument and be centred around the main topic of the essay. Avoid introducing unrelated ideas within the same paragraph.

〰️ Use topic sentences: Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that relates back to the main question. This will help you stay organised and on point throughout your essay.

〰️ Practice staying on topic: Regularly practice writing essays on various topics and ensure that you consistently adhere to the given prompts. The more you practice, the better you will become at staying focused and avoiding deviations.

#IELTS #Writing #Tips

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

🔔 Here is a list with some examples of the most common phrasal verbs with ‘put’.

〰️ Put out: Extinguish a light or something which has fire;
Example: Put out your cigarette please, this is a no-smoking area.

〰️ Put out: Release or publish;
Example: We need to put out an email explaining the situation.

〰️ Put (effort) into: To try;
Example: I put a lot of work into the presentation.

〰️ Put across: Explain or communicate something clearly and understandably;
Example: The way she put the message across was quite rude.

〰️ Put aside: Save (money);
Example: I try to put a few quid aside every day for our summer holiday. (Note: “quid” is slang for British pounds)

〰️ Put aside: Ignore or intentionally disregard (something), temporarily or permanently;
Example: We need to put our differences aside.

〰️ Put away: put something somewhere organised or out of sight;
Example: When I tidy my room I put all my clothes away.

〰️ Put away: Consume in large quantities (food and drink);
Example: He put away 12 chicken wings, 2 steaks and a whole roast chicken.. What a beast!

〰️ Put away: Send to jail;
Example: They put her away for 2 years on weapons charges.

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#IELTSWriting #Writing9 #Vocabulary

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

🔔 Ideas about "Transport"

➡️ Traffic Problems
🏷 Traffic congestion is caused by commuters travelling to work.
🏷 Most people live in the suburbs outside city centres.
🏷 Commuters tend to travel at the same time of day.
🏷 They tend to travel alone.
🏷 Cars and road space are not used efficiently.
🏷 This causes traffic jams during the rush hour.

➡️ Traffic Solutions
🏷 In order to reduce traffic we should change our working habits.
🏷 The Internet can now be used to connect people.
🏷 More people could work from home.
🏷 Meetings can be held as video conferences.
🏷 Workers could be given flexible timetables.
🏷 Another solution would be to tax drivers.
🏷 Workers should share their cars and travel together.
🏷 In London, for example, there is a congestion charge.
🏷 This helps to raise money for better public transport.
🏷 Public transport needs to be reliable and efficient.

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#IELTS #Writing #Essay #Idea

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

​​#Essay314 #Writing #Task1

☘️ Bar chart

✅ Q:
The bar chart depicts the percentage of Gross Domestic
Product from the Automotive and Finance industries in
Australia between 2012 and 2020.

💡 Answer:

Overall, it can be seen that although both categories
increased as a percentage of GDP, Finance had much more
significant growth in ratio during the given time period.

To begin, in 2012, the Finance industry started at 6%,
whereas the Automotive Industry accounted for 4% of the
total GDP. During the next four years, the levels for both
categories remained relatively stable at around 6% and 8%,
with the Finance sector remaining slightly higher overall,
despite a small decrease between 2014 and 2016.

However, a considerable change can be seen between
the two categories in the next four years of the given period.
The income generated from the Finance sector increased
dramatically to 12% in 2018 and then nearly 15% in 2020,
while the Automotive Industry saw little change, increasing to
only 8 %. By the end of the period, the GDP percentage from
the Finance sector was nearly double that of the Automotive
industry at 15% and 8% respectively.

✍️ Total words: 159

📍Band: ♻️

👉@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

🔖 The Whisperer: A Tale of Experience and Expertise

A giant ship’s engine failed and was grounded ashore. Several weeks passed, and the ship's owners tried one expert after another. However, none of the experts could figure out how to fix the engine.

Then they brought in an old man who has been fixing ships since he was young. He carried with him a large bag of tools, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work.

He inspected the engine very carefully—top to bottom. Two of the ship's owners were present, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. Gently, he tapped something, and instantly, the engine lurched into life. It was fixed!

He put his hammer in his bag and after some pleasantaries, went away without asking for anything.
A week later, the owners of the ship received a letter from the old man demanding ten thousand dollars.

"What?! He barely did anything!" The owners exclaimed.

So they replied the old man: "Please, can you send us an itemized bill?"

Few days later, the old man sent this bill:

Tapping with a hammer =$2
Knowing where to tap = $9,998

Moral: Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort is the most important thing.

#IELTS #Reading #Story

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣


The number one problem for learners is using commas. Here is a list of how and when to use them:

〰️ Use commas to separate items in a series:
• I saw a cat, a mouse, and a bird when I was walking.

〰️ Use a comma after introductory adverbs:
• Surprisingly, I saw a cat when I was walking.

〰️ Use a comma before all coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet) which links two independent clauses:
• I went walking, and I saw a cat.

〰️ Use a comma after a dependent clause starts a sentence:
• When I was walking, I saw a cat.

〰️ Use commas to offset appositives from the rest of the sentence:
• While I was walking, I saw a calico, a type of cat.

〰️ Use a comma for attributing quotes:
• The walker said, “I saw a cat.”

〰️ Use a comma between two adjectives that modify the same noun:
• I saw a small, cute cat when I was walking.

P.S: There are more rules for commas, but these rules rarely apply to IELTS task 2.

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#IELTS #Writing #Tips

@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣

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