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Узбекистан, Английский
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😇OPINIONS -fikrimizni quyidagicha ifodalashimiz mumkin SPEAKING uchun writing uchun emas
✅I think I tend to think ✅Personally I think
✅To my mind From my point of view I (firmly) believe
✅In my view In my experience I would say ...
✅To the best of my knowledge In my opinion
✅It seems to me! the way I see it. ..
✅As far as l 'm concerned yoki As far as I can see ✅For my money (norasmiy)
✅What I think is this ... ✅ I'd like to point

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Жуда оз бўлса ҳам, кунига эхсон қилишни одат қил.
Чунки эхсон:
• Аллоҳнинг ғазабини ўчиради;
• касалликка даво бўлади;
• мол-мулкингни поклайди;
• Қиёмат куни сенга соя бўлади;
• вафотингдан кейин ҳам ажр-савобингни кўпайтириб туради.

Репост из: Ingliz tili | IELTS
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How to Learn Faster: The Feynman Technique

Репост из: Ingliz tili | IELTS
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The Score - Unstoppable (Lyric Video)

What score does that deserve?
  •   5.5
  •   6
  •   6.5
  •   7
1233 голосов

◽️◾️ TASK 2: Some people say that art (e.g. painting, music, poetry) can be made by everyone whereas others believe that it can be only made by those with special abilities.
Discuss both views and give your opinion

Many assume that artworks are frequently fabricated by whoever with some actions, however, others argue that notably those who were born with particular inborn capacities are inclined to make numerous artworks. From my perspective, everyone is able to invent a number of high quality works in order to accomplish whatever related to competetions or so on.

To begin with, amongst a plethora of citizens the number of artworks such as painting, music, poetry pursue to increase, according to some people, those are being fabricated by most individuals who dedicated most of their time for creating works. In other words, whoever is able to obtain that by expending a great deal of hours and as well as hard-working even rather than inhabitants who acquire special abilities. Furthermore, numerous humans opine that those who attained many achievements particularly in making artworks were edified about all skills referred to art in specialized educational institutions, as a consequence, that is likely to lead to positive outcome to everything related to that.

On the other hand, according to most denizens, people whose capability of creativity is higher as contrasted with others have a tendency to create a huge number of high quality artworks rather than other people without their abilities. For instance, in many circumstances, those residents would not rather pay more attention to their knowledge about art, namely person who acquires an innate talent for art do not have to practise at that. Moreover, their capabilities of doing that are often descended from their parents, because perhaps their parents had tent to create more artworks as well.

In the final analysis, from my point of view, everybody is able to fabricate a great deal of artworks that acquire high quality and as well as that definetely ought to be taken into consideration as a valuable.

✅Vocabulary time

Relationship 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

🔸 get on with somebody - have a good relationship

🔸 look up to somebody - respect somebody

🔸 be in touch with somebody - be in communication with somebody

🔸 fall out with somebody - argue and stop being friendly with somebody

🔸 grow apart from somebody - gradually have a less close relationship with somebody

🔸 take after somebody - resemble somebody in your family [in appearance or personality]

🔸 grow up together/with somebody - have many childhood and adolescent experiences in common with somebody

🔸 be close to somebody - know somebody well and see or talk to them often


🚀 Do'stlarga ulashishni unutmang!

🔝🇬🇧 @EssayIELTS 🇬🇧🔝

Working and earning - Ishlash va pul topish (Unit 27)

Topic vocabulary

ambition - orzu-istak
application - ariza
bank account - bankhisobi
boss - boshliq
career - karyera
colleague - hamkasb
company - kompaniya
contract - shartnoma
department - vazirlik
deserve - xohlamoq
earn - ishlab pul topmoq
fame - shuhrat
goal - maqsad
impress - hayron qoldirmoq
income - daromad
industry - sanoat
interview - intervyu
leader - lider
manager - menejer
pension - pensiya, nafaqa
poverty - kuch
pressure - bosim
previous - oldingi
profession - kasb
retire - nafaqaga chiqmoq
salary - maosh
staff - xodim
strike - ishtashlamoq
tax - soliq
wealthy - boy

© Destination B1

📖Dars #83 Ham gerundiy, ham infinitiv bilan ishlatiladigan fe'llar (2-qism)

✳️ Quyidagi ro'yxatda bir necha fe'llarning ham gerundiy, ham infitiniv bilan qoʻllanish holatlarini koʻrib chiqamiz:

1️⃣ to forget - esdan chiqarmoq, yoddan koʻtarilmoq degan ma'nolarda to infinitive bilan qoʻllaniladi. Ish-harakat bajarilmay qoladi.
🔸I forgot to lock the door, it was left open. (Eshikni kalitga yopish yodimdan koʻtarilibdi, u ochiq qoldi.)
▫️to forget - unutmoq, esdan chiqarmoq degan ma'nolarda avval sodir boʻlgan ish-harakatni eslay olmaslikni bildiradi va gerundiy bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸I forgot lending you any money. (Sizga qarzga pul berganimni eslay olmayapman)

2️⃣ to stop - toʻxtamoq (biror ish qilish maqsadida) ma'nosida to infinitive bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸He stopped to smoke. (U chekish uchun toʻxtadi.)
🔸After 2 hours we stopped to have a snack. (Ikki soatdan keyin biz tamaddi qilib olish uchun toʻxtadik.)
▫️to stop - toʻxtatmoq, tugatmoq (biror ish-qilishni) degan ma'nolarida gerundiy bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸He stopped smoking. (U chekishni toʻxtatdi/tashladi)
🔸When she came in, we stopped talking. (U kirganida, biz gaplashishni toʻxtatdik)

3️⃣ to need - kerak, lozim boʻlmoq ma'nolarida gapning egasi shaxs (ish-harakat bajaruvchisi) boʻlganda aniq nisbatda to+infinitive bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸I need to get up early tomorrow. (Men ertaga erta turishim lozim)
▫️to need - kerak, lozim boʻlmoq majhul nisbat ma'nosida gerund bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸My car needs cleaning. (Mashinam tozalanishi kerak.)
🔸My grandmother is old. She needs looking after.

💡Yuqoridagi ma'noda to want/require fe'llari ham gerundiy bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸My car wants cleaning.

4️⃣ to go on - biror ish qilishda davom etish ma'nosida gerundiy bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸We must change our ways. We can't go on living like this any more.
▫️to go on - biror ish qilishdan ikkinchi ishga oʻtish ma'nosida to+infinitive bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Jack was busy writing letters. Then he went on to do his homework.

5️⃣ to mean - biror ish qilishni anglatadi, bildiradi degan ma'noda gerundiy bilan qo'llaniladi.
🔸 In those days, being a student meant spending long hours in the library. (O'sha paytlarda talaba bo'lish kutubxonada uzoq vaqtlab o'tirishni bildirar edi)
▫️to mean - niyatda bo'lmoq degan ma'noda to+infinitive bilan qo'llaniladi.
🔸Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. (Kechirasiz, Sizni ko'nglingizga tegish niyatim yo'q edi)

6️⃣ to learn/teach - biror fanni o'rganish/o'rgatish, dars berish ma'nosida gerundiy bilan qo'llaniladi.
🔸 She teaches painting at a local adult education centre.
▫️to learn/teach - biror ish qilishni o'rganish/o'rgatish, ko'nikmaga ega bo'lish ma'nosida to+infinitive bilan qo'llaniladi.
🔸 I'd love to learn to paint well.

7️⃣ to imagine/consider - o'ylamoq, tasavvur (hayol) qilmoq degan ma'nosida gerundiy bilan qo'llaniladi.
🔸 I'm considering going to evening classes.
🔸 Imagine being a graduate!
▫️to imagine/consider - (sifatida) bilmoq, (sifatida) tasavvur qilmoq degan ma'nosida to+infinitive bilan qo'llaniladi.
🔸 Everyone considers it to be the best grammar book on the market.
🔸I imagine him to be a good teacher.

Ⓜ️ Grammarnotes

Репост из: Ingliz tili | IELTS
Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (S)

show UP (ph.v) - yetib kelmoq, paydo boʻlmoq
shut DOWN (ph.v) - yopilmoq
sick OF sth -…dan toʻyib ketgan
sigh WITH relief – xotirjamlik bilan xoʻrsinish
sight (AT) - koʻrishda
sight OF sth -...ning koʻrinishi
silence (IN) - jim, indamasdan
similar TO sth - oʻxshash
sit ON a step - zinada oʻtirmoq
size OF sth -…ning kattaligi
slow AT sth -…da sekin
slow DOWN (ph.v) - sekinlashmoq (mashina)
smile (WITH a) - kulgich bilan
smile AT sb -…ga jilmayib qaramoq
solution TO sth -…ga yechim
sorry ABOUT sth -…uchun uzr soʻramoq
sorry FOR doing sth - …qilganlik uchun uzr soʻramoq
sort sth OUT (ph.v) - tartibga solmoq, hal qilmoq
speak TO sb - gaplashmoq
speak UP - balandroq gapirmoq
specialise IN sth -…da ixtisoslashmoq
speed (AT) - tezlikda
spend ON sth -…ga sarflamoq
spite OF (IN) -…ga qaramasdan
split INTO - boʻlmoq
split UP (ph.v) - ajrashmoq, aloqani tugatmoq
sponsored BY sb - homiyligida
sport (go IN FOR) - qatnashmoq
spy ON sb -…ni kuzatmoq
stage (ON the) - sahnada
stand FOR sth (ph.v) - qabul qilmoq
stand UP - turmoq
stare AT sb/sth -…ga tikilmoq
start FOR swh - yoʻlga chiqmoq
station (AT the) - stansiyada
stay AT (a place) -…da qolmoq

🇬🇧 @Learning_English_Freee Siz-u bizga kerakli va foydali kanal! 🔝

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🌴List of Prepositional Phrases "AT"

☘️ at (a) high speed
☘️ at (the) risk (of)
☘️ at / by one’s side
☘️ at / for a fraction of
☘️ at / from the outset
☘️ at / in the end
☘️ at / on sight
☘️ at / on the double
☘️ at a / one time
☘️ at a disadvantage
☘️ at a discount
☘️ at a distance
☘️ at a glance
☘️ at a guess
☘️ at a loose and
☘️ at a loss
☘️ at a low ebb
☘️ at a moment’s notice
☘️ at a price
☘️ at a rate of
☘️ at a speed of
☘️ at a standstill
☘️ at all costs
☘️ at all events
☘️ at an advantage
☘️ at any cost
☘️ at any rate
☘️ at breakfast
☘️ at ease (with)
☘️ at face value
☘️ at fault
☘️ at full strength
☘️ at hand
☘️ at heart
☘️ at home (with)
☘️ at issue
☘️ at large
☘️ at least
☘️ at length
☘️ at liberty
☘️ at most
☘️ at night
☘️ at noon
☘️ at odds with
☘️ at once
☘️ at one’s best
☘️ at one’s discretion
☘️ at one’s disposal
☘️ at one’s leisure
☘️ at one’s request
☘️ at peace / war (with)
☘️ at play
☘️ at present
☘️ at random
☘️ at sea
☘️ at the / in front of
☘️ at the age of
☘️ at the beginning
☘️ at the expense of
☘️ at the foot of
☘️ at the hands of
☘️ at the height of
☘️ at the latest
☘️ at the mercy of
☘️ at the peak of
☘️ at the same time
☘️ at the thought of
☘️ at the time of
☘️ at the top of
☘️ at this juncture
☘️ at times
☘️ at war with
☘️ at work


🚀 Do'stlarga ulashishni unutmang!

🔝🇬🇧 @EssayIELTS 🇬🇧🔝

✅ Useful

Eng ko'p ishlatiladigan iboralar! 1-qism

🇬🇧 Inglizcha/O'zbekcha 🇺🇿

📋 Salomlashish 🤝

🔸 Hello!/Goodbye! — Salom/Xayr
🔸 Good morning! — Hayrli tong!
🔸 Good afternoon! – Hayrli kun!
🔸 Good evening! – Hayrli kech!

📋 Tanishish

🔸 What is your name? – Ismingiz nima?
🔸 My name is… — Mening ismim…
🔸 Nice to meet you – Tanishganimdan hursandman.
🔸 How are you doing? – Qandaysiz?
🔸 Can you help me? – Menga yordam bera olasizmi?

📋 Ifodalar

🔸 Please/ Thank you – Iltimos/Rahmat
🔸 Sorry – Kechirasiz
🔸 I don't understand – Men tushunmadim.
🔸 Please speak more slowly – Iltimos, sekinroq gapirsangiz.
🔸 Could you repeat that? – Qaytara olasizmi?

📋 So'rash

🔸 Lets go to… — Keling boramiz
🔸 I'm looking for… — …ni qidirib yuribman
🔸 Where is …? — … qayerda?
🔸 How do I get to …? — …ga qanday yetib olsam bo'ladi?
🔸 How do you say that? – Mana buni sizlar nima deysizlar?
🔸 How much is this? – Mana bu nech pul turadi?
🔸 Can I ask you a question? – Savol so'rasam maylimi?

🔸 I am from … — Men …danman
🔸 Can you help me practice English? – Ingliz tili bilan shug'ullanishimga yordam berolmaysizmi?
🔸 Could you write it down on paper- Buni qog'ozga yozib bera olmaysizmi?
🔸 What does this word mean? – Bu so'z nimani anglatadi?
🔸 How do you use this word? – Bu so'zni qanday ishlatasizlar?
🔸 Did I say it correctly? – To'g'ri aytdimmi?

📋 Hissiyotlar

🔸 I am hungry – Men och qoldim
🔸 I am thirsty – Chanqadim
🔸 I am cold – Men sovuqqotdim
🔸 I am feeling sick – Men o'zimni yomon his qilyapman

📋 Vaqt

🔸 What time is it? – Soat necha?
🔸 This food is amazing! – Taom juda ajoyib ekan!
🔸 I need to go now – Men endi ketishim kerak
🔸 Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow – Bugun/Kecha/ Ertaga
🔸 Can you give me an example? – Menga bir misol ayta olasizmi?
🔸 Please wait a moment – Bir daqiqa kuting iltimos

📋 E'tiborni Tortish

🔸 Excuse me! – Кechirasiz! (E'tiborni tortish uchun ishlatiladi)
🔸 I am sorry to bother you. – Bezovta qilayotganim uchun uzr so'rayman
🔸 Does anybody here speak Russian? – Bu yerda kimdir rus tilida gapirmadimi?
🔸 I don't speak English very well — Men ingliz tilida uncha yaxshi gapira olmayman
🔸 I speak English a little bit. – Men ingliz tilida biroz gaplasha olaman!


🚀 Do'stlarga ulashishni unutmang!

🔝🇬🇧 @EssayIELTS 🇬🇧🔝

⚠️IELTS-High band WORDS
Useful Verbs & Nouns ⚠️

✅to graduate from a university = complete a degree course / to finish university

✅to enroll on a degree course = put your name down for a degree course

✅to major in physics = to choose physics as your main subject at university

✅to attend a lecture = to go to listen to a speaker at university often with a large audience in a lecture theatre

✅to attend a tutorial = to go to a meeting with a professor usually in small group held in his/her office

✅To deliver a lecture = to give a talk or presentation

✅to lecture in media studies = to talk about media studies or to teach media studies at university

✅undergraduate (n) = someone currently doing their first degree

✅note-taking = being able to take notes in a lecture while the lecturer is talking

✅keeping up with the work load = being able to maintain the level of studying required


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🔝🇬🇧 @EssayIELTS 🇬🇧🔝

IELTS Essay Writing Task – Tips for a Better Score


🔸Map Out Your Ideas.

🔹Be Familiarized With The Common Topics.

🔸Ask Yourself Questions.

🔹Employ Your Personal Opinion.

🔸Manage Your Time.

🔹Take Care of Lexical Resources.

🔸Make Paragraphs.

🔹Complete Your Answer.

🔸Know Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation.

🔻Use Formal Language.

Read article👈


🚀 Do'stlarga ulashishni unutmang!

🔝🇬🇧 @EssayIELTS 🇬🇧🔝

✅Vocabulary time

Relationship 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

🔸 get on with somebody - have a good relationship

🔸 look up to somebody - respect somebody

🔸 be in touch with somebody - be in communication with somebody

🔸 fall out with somebody - argue and stop being friendly with somebody

🔸 grow apart from somebody - gradually have a less close relationship with somebody

🔸 take after somebody - resemble somebody in your family [in appearance or personality]

🔸 grow up together/with somebody - have many childhood and adolescent experiences in common with somebody

🔸 be close to somebody - know somebody well and see or talk to them often

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✅IELTS Speaking Examples - Cue Card 2

👤Describe an old person that you know.

🗣You should say:

☑️What your relationship is to this person
☑️How often you see them
☑️What people think about this person
☑️Explain why you like them

IELTS Speaking Examples - Model Answer

🔺Ok, I’d like to tell you about an old person that I know.

🔸His name is John, and he is the owner of a small convenience store at the end of my street.

🔹I would say that my relationship with him is as a friend. I know him because I regularly go to the shop in order to buy things when I don’t have time to go to a supermarket. He’s quite friendly and I always have a chat with him. I’ve known him now for about five years - since I’ve lived in the area in fact. That’s why I’d now call him a friend.

🔸I’d say that I see him fairly regularly. Like I said, I go to the big supermarket out of town sometimes to stock up, but you always need odd things during the week such as milk, or some snack or other. So when this happens I just have a walk down to his shop. So I’d say I see him every one or two days.

🔹I think John is pretty popular as he’s been there for years as far as I’m aware, so most of the locals around the area know him. There will always be someone in the shop having a chat with him. They like him because he’s not just the shopkeeper but he’s also very involved in activities in the community. For example, I know he helps out at the old people’s home some nights, and he runs the quizzes at the local pub. He also helps to organize the fete that is held each year in the town.

🔻The reason that I like him is that he’s great to have a chat with. For instance, a while back I was having problems with my work, and I was really feeling stressed. I didn’t really have anyone to talk to at the time as my family is abroad and a couple of my good friends were not around. I mentioned it to John and he was great. He listened and also gave me some really good advice. He didn’t need to do that so it was great that he made the time to anyway. Generally, though, he’s really welcoming when you go to his shop. He’ll always have a smile on his face.


🚀 Do'stlarga ulashishni unutmang!

🔝🇬🇧 @EssayIELTS 🇬🇧🔝


Complete the following task using one of the words given.

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