National Erasmus+ Office Uzbekistan

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

Official channel of the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan. The latest news and announcements of the Erasmus+ Programme.
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📣 Open Public Consultations for the 2028-2034 Multiannual Financial Framework

The EU Commission is preparing for the next multiannual financial framework (MFF), which will start in 2028. Following President von der Leyen's Political Guidelines for the 2024-2029 European Commission, the Commission aims to create a simpler, more focused, and responsive budget that reflects European strategic priorities.

To achieve this, seven “Open Public Consultations” have been launched as a Europe-wide campaign with a range of stakeholders to gather views from interested parties on how to make the most of the EU budget. One of these consultations is specifically dedicated to the EU funding for cross-border education, training and solidarity, young people, media, culture, and creative sectors, values, and civil society.

The target audience for the consultations includes:
🔹EU institutions, national authorities and institutions, regional and local authorities,
🔹Recipients of EU funding incl. farmers, researchers, students etc.,
🔹Citizens, Businesses, SMEs and business associations,
🔹Other stakeholders (non-exhaustive list): relevant civil society organisations, research/scientific community, academia, think tank, media, etc,
🔹International stakeholders.

📌 The deadline to complete the questionnaire is 07 May 2025 (midnight Brussels time).

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Репост из: UzMedEn
UzMedEn va I2-PLEDGE loyihalari doirasida erishilgan natijalarga bag'ishlangan uchrashuv tashkil etildi

Joriy yilning 15 fevral kuni, Andijon mashinasozlik institutida UzMedEn va I2-Pledge loyihalari doirasida tibbiyot muassasalari raxbarlari va texnik xodimlari bilan uchrashuv tashkil etildi. Uchrashuvda Respublika shoshilinch tibbiy yordam ilmiy markazi Andijon filiali va Andijon davlat tibbiyot instituti klinikasi jamoasi va texnik xodimlari, xususiy tibbiyot klinikasi xodimlari, shifokorlar, ilmiy izlanuvchilar va talabalar ishtirok etishdi.

Uchrashuvda loyixa maqsad, vazifalari va hozirgi kunga qadar erishilgan natijalar haqida batafsil ma’lumot berildi. Shu birga, O‘zbekistonda biotibbiyot muhandisligi ta’lim dasturlari, Tibbiyot muassasalarida tibbiyot muhandislarining o‘rni, Tibbiyotda zamonaviy tibbiy texnologilarni qo‘llanilishi, Tibbiyot va muhandislikni o‘zaro bog‘liqligi kabi dolzarb masalalar muhokama qilindi.

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📢 Yevropa Ittifoqi tomonidan moliyalashtirilgan yangi xalqaro loyiha! 🌍

🔹 Erasmus+ dasturi doirasida "Barqaror o‘tish va ijtimoiy o‘zgarishlar orqali atrof-muhit muhandisligi magistrlik dasturini ishlab chiqish" loyihasi amalga oshirilmoqda.

🤝 Loyihada kimlar ishtirok etmoqda?

✅ Portugaliya va Ispaniyaning 4 ta nufuzli universiteti
✅ O‘zbekistonning 5 ta yetakchi oliy ta’lim muassasasi
✅ 2 ta vazirlik vakillari

🎯 Loyihaning asosiy maqsadi – atrof-muhit muhandisligi bo‘yicha zamonaviy magistrlik dasturini ishlab chiqish va barqaror rivojlanishga hissa qo‘shish.

Mehnat bozori, sanoat va Yevropa Ittifoqi hamkor universitetlari tajribasini inobatga olgan holda barqaror rivojlanishga mos o‘quv dasturini ishlab chiqish.

🌿 Kick-off Meeting of the Erasmus+ GREENDT Project 💬

On February 18-19, 2025, Kimyo International University in Tashkent hosted the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project "GREENDT: Implementing Master Degrees in Environmental Engineering".

The project, led by the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC), Portugal, aims to boost Environmental Engineering education in Uzbekistan by connecting local universities with European expertise.

🤔 What's coming?
🔹 A new Master’s programme in Environmental Engineering (1 ECTS-accredited degree)
🔹 5 modern labs at KIUT, JizPI, FerPI, ASTI, and CAGU
🔹 12 new courses and updated teaching materials
🔹 E-learning & project platforms for open access and updates
🔹 An E-society platform to tackle environmental challenges
🔹 Student mobility between Uzbekistan and the EU

The meeting brought together representatives from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Higher Education, the Ministry of Ecology, H.E. Mr. Toivo Klaar, Ambassador of the EU to Uzbekistan, and project partners from Uzbekistan and Europe.

👏 Congrats to the whole GREENDT team! We’re excited to see the positive impact on environmental education and sustainability in Uzbekistan.

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Her Power, Our Future

What happens when passion meets purpose? When resilience fuels change? At TEDxCAU,speakers took the stage to share their journeys—raw, real, and revolutionary. From breaking barriers to shaping the future, their wisdom is a beacon for all who dare to dream big
Thanks to all the speakers at this event:

Zulfiyaxon Obidova
Aziza Umarova
Nigora Karimova
Muxabbat Raximova
Nazira Inoyatova
Madinabonu Mirsaidova
Shohida Ibragimova
Nodira Bositkhonova
Olga Ibragimova

There are many more memorable stories to come, stay tuned.

🇺🇿 O'zbek tilida o'qish uchun

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🌟 Empowering Women, Shaping the Future! 🕊

The EMPOWER project (1.12.2023 - 30.11.2026) under Erasmus+ CBHE is paving the way for gender equality and female employability in Uzbekistan. By enhancing entrepreneurial skills among women, this project supports independent careers and breaks gender stereotypes.

🎯 Key Objectives:
🔘Promote gender equality by empowering women through entrepreneurship.
🔘Provide online training to mothers on maternity leave, housewives, and women in remote areas.
🔘Inspire participants with success stories from 6 Uzbek female entrepreneurs.
🔘Increase female employability by fostering new businesses and leadership roles.

📍 Uzbekistan’s Partner Universities:
🔹Central Asian University
🔹Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages named after Iskhokhon Ibrat
🔹Pedagogical Institute of Bukhara State University
🔹Tashkent Kimyo International University

🔍 What is EMPOWER About?
The EMPOWER project aims to equip women with essential entrepreneurial skills, providing the tools they need to succeed in business and beyond. Through inspirational stories and practical training, women from diverse backgrounds will gain the confidence and knowledge to start their entrepreneurial journeys.

The EMPOWER project is not just about skills - it's about transforming lives and building a future where every woman in Uzbekistan can achieve her potential.

🔗 Learn more:

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#CBHE #OnGoing

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Репост из: EU in Uzbekistan
🇪🇺📚 Erasmus+ ekologik muhandislik ta’limini rivojlantiradi!

Bugun Kimyo xalqaro universitetida yangi Erasmus+ loyihasi ishga tushirildi! 🌱🎓 Loyiha orqali Portugaliya va Ispaniya universitetlarining tajribasi O‘zbekistonga yetkazilib, Andijon, Jizzax, Farg‘ona va Toshkent universitetlari hamda vazirliklar ko‘magida amalga oshiriladi.

🎤 Elchimiz Toyvo Klaar ushbu tashabbus O‘zbekistonda ekologik muhandislikni rivojlantirishga xizmat qilishini ta’kidladi.

🌍 Yevropa Ittifoqi iqlim bo‘yicha hamkorlikni mustahkamlashga va atrof-muhitga ijobiy ta’sir ko‘rsatishga sodiq!

🇪🇺📚 Erasmus+ укрепляет экологическое образование!

Сегодня в Международном университете Кимё запущен новый проект Erasmus+! 🌱🎓 Он передаст опыт университетов Португалии и Испании Узбекистану при поддержке ВУЗов Андижана, Джизака, Ферганы и Ташкента, а также министерств Узбекистана.

🎤 Наш Посол Тойво Клаар отметил, что проект способствует развитию экологического инжиниринга в стране.

🌍 ЕС укрепляет сотрудничество и поддерживает экологическую устойчивость в регионе!

🌟 Erasmus+ CBHE Grantholders Meeting 2025

On January 29-30, 2025, the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Grantholders Meeting took place, bringing together grant recipients to discuss project progress and implementation.

Representatives from 5 CBHE projects involving higher education institutions in Uzbekistan participated, focusing on activities that benefit non-programme third- countries, their educational institutions, and systems. The meeting highlighted key regional priorities, practical implementation issues, and provided essential guidance for the next phases.

🔗 Missed the meeting? You can now access the presentations and session replays online: Watch here - Click "Watch the replay" on the session page.

📌 More resources: CBHE Grantholders Meeting 2025
📖 For local coordinators: Reference materials

Stay informed and keep building a brighter future in higher education!

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🌟 Great news for Uzbekistan’s academic community! 🌟

Huge congratulations to Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology for joining the Erasmus+ KA220 Project - "Master Degree in Integrating Innovative STEM Strategies in Higher Education." 🎉🎓

This initiative, led by South-West University Neofit Rilski (Bulgaria), aims to develop a cutting-edge Master’s program that integrates innovative STEM teaching methods into higher education. As a key partner, TICT will contribute its expertise to shaping future-oriented curricula and strengthening international cooperation.

This is a remarkable achievement for Uzbekistan’s academic community, and we are confident that this collaboration will open new doors for students, researchers, and educators! 🚀✨

Once again, congratulations to TICT! We look forward to seeing the impact of this exciting project! 👏

Project details:

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Репост из: I2-PLEDGE

Показано 10 последних публикаций.